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Gorba Apr 2020
I cannot stand if you want me to sit because it stresses you
I cannot be frustrated because you will be frustrated too
I cannot say that a movie is bad because that will ruin it for you
Does that mean I should not be honest with you?
I cannot be realistic about a situation because that’s being negative, according to you
I cannot slap your behind because obviously that’s just what old men do
I cannot have my face close to yours and contemplate it
Because it spurs an uncomfortable feeling, and you therefore don’t like it
I cannot ever have pants on, whenever I’m in bed, which I can understand
But that’s not a rule I ever had to sustain,
Which means that sometimes I only realize I made a mistake afterhand.
I came upon a reasonable solution, given the circumstances, but you still complain
You don’t want to try and play tennis because you don’t like it
But I have to pretend enjoying some quiz just because you’d appreciate it!
We each have our own towel, I’d be ****** if I used the wrong one, you know?
Wouldn’t it be more efficient to give me a comprehensive list of dos and don’ts that I would meticulously learn and follow?

I have to watch the movies you want to watch
Mine are too demanding
I have to listen to the music you want
What do I even listen to?
I should read the books that you like
Mine are not interesting.
I want to share what I’m passionate about
But restrain myself because I don’t want to force you, (I care about you)
I should wake up when you do
Get up and have breakfast when you decide to
You like to get out of bed at the very last minute and then I’m slow
When I come up with a plan, there is some place else you have to go
Do I actually exist in this relationship?
Do what I think, what I feel, and what I like actually matter to you?
Am I just a human-shaped hollow shell locked in a state of spectatorship?
Is it all, at the end, just about you?

I want to make you happy but not at my own expense
If nothing changes, we, as a couple, don’t stand a chance
I guess that sometimes feelings, while crucial, are not enough
When times are hard, we also need to be tough
I still want to try but will it be enough?

I have written this but I don’t know whether I should ever mention any of it
I wouldn’t want to ruin your day
The question then would be whether this would be a merit
Or just a stupid idea that would only be present in a bad screenplay.
This piece reflects the fact that it is dangerous to look at things from one's own perspective without considering the other side. In a relationship, because we are all humans, we make mistakes. For it to work, both people need to acknowledge them and figure out a way to manage them.
Carmelita Jun 2020
I don’t know when it first stated,
When our friendship parted,
I never thought this would happen between you and me,
I don’t know if you hate me,
But I guess this is our star crossed fate,
On that podium only one could it accommodate.

I have known you for eleven years,
We’ve been best friends for seven,
I always thought that our lives were a reflection,
Because we were of the same collection.

Both of our families weren’t rich,
But that never diminish the lives we cherished,
The hope for a brighter future and so we ventured,
We strived hard to achieve our dreams
And we both came out supreme.

But I don’t understand the afterhand,
One minute we were happy graduates,
The next we were no longer teammates,
You never returned my text,
You never tried to call.
I couldn’t tell if it was my fault.

Have I ever wronged you?
I don’t remember ever hurting you,
But if I did I ask of you to forgive,
I want you to know you were my closest friend,
And it did hurt when our friendship came to an end,
I want you to know, I wish you the best,
Because it is what you deserve, I pray that you will always preserve.

In times like these, my heart bleeds,
These are the words that forever would be left unsaid,
These are the answers that forever lay beset,
I don’t blame you, I don’t blame me,
From now on, our hearts flame will never walk the same lane.

— The End —