We have the same sky
But different timezone
We have the same burning orbit that spreads light
But revolves in different phase
We stare at the same star
But burns differently
For the path we take will never cross at all
Because you and me
Will be forever lost
You have your day and i have my night
Your garden flourish with abudant of love
And mine wither and died
We long for each other’s arms
Wishing to be together again
But distance keeping us apart
Time is not on our side
For it will never be
Because you and me
Will be forever
Chasing one goal
Our pride kills us
You won’t back down
So do i
We end up losing grasp to want we wanted
Two hearts become one
One heart full of love
Ended living in separate world
this is what happen when pride takes over. You can overcome distance but doubts and pride will end your relationship.