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wichitarick Mar 2018

Popping of tulips ,daffodils dancing, so many things waiting to be green

Rustle of branches or bushes caught in the hustle,warming winds grow louder

Ice cracking, snow mashing, unfolding the last of winters rigid freeze

Silence broken with voices of mens machinery needed to keep it all  pristine

Mower growling,tiller rattling, street sweepers swooshing, necessary noises for the devotees

Howling of hail is mother nature's scowl, Lightning in flashes & crashes,thunder belches to undo the serene

Finally familiar slamming of screen doors brings noisy neighbors  out like escapees

Poets & singers seem to unite on the bounty of springs delight,Popular muse for them to ignite ,coming  together in a green scene  

Migrations have begun, early bird has more fun,doing their best to build a  nest soon their new families tweets will fill the trees

When the air warms brings the restless out in swarms, whooping it up as they play or buzzing for their new queen

The proud sounds of birds making their rounds,flying surrounded by chirps or cackles once again as she offers her new delight we are appointed as trustees .R.C.
A few thoughts or sounds of the upcoming spring .
Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2018

Started out alright but as it formed failed to make a connection losing all perception

Thought  formed so quickly, easily, then just as simple floated away

Felt so great ready to celebrate then slips away as pen is put to pad,trying to recall its inception

Playing through phrases, floundering about just dallying with words of the day

Short term loss  becomes normal ,but failing of the inner soul brings on another dimension

Lifetimes of grasping for answers slowly slips away,holding on becomes futile much to our dismay

Wit like a razor brought down to flat dull and rusted,past time to rethink prevention

Sifting through remnants is always distorted will the whole story be reported,viewing past in a disarray  

Wait what if it is happening and we just don't know,abandoned functions will not know they needed correction

Daily ritual takes it's toll but life passes on ,we make the way whether it is for today,tomorrow or yesterday .R.C.
Memory & our mind is about all we have so if it slips can be a true life changing experience, maybe lost original thought of can we simply forget our moral compass?  I appreciate your thoughts, thanks for reading. Rick
wichitarick Feb 2018

Beauty came to my ears as she sang about the hours before the dawn

Blinded by the darkness awaiting our fate ,her supreme light to make us bright

Harshness of the frost  numbing,  waiting  for the strength to be shown

Thirsty needing quenched, life to be restored with the new light

Sunset succumbed into the dark ,reflections in the twilight are being drawn

Fluttering of their wings, hackles of the grackles raised,their chirps will soon bring new delight

Making of a day with pitch black in the way,patience in place, brightness soon to make all strong

Each cycle leaves a separate passion on the planet,with the  warmth all living things have come to rely

Wasting away longing  for luminescence,smiling all the while knowing the new brilliance will leave me warm

Broken twilight,misty moonglow love the lingering and feeling the flow but the overwhelming genesis, her rise will bring strength in large supply. R.C.
Maybe a few thoughts from being iced in recently .  Thanks for reading . Your thoughts are helpful. Rick
  Feb 2018 wichitarick
Paul Butters
My “Daffies” and Bluebells are budding now.
Maybe my Crocuses too.
Roll on Summer is what I say,
Clichéd though that may be.

No more dark dreary “days”,
With biting icy winds.
No more freezing fog
Or fretful snow.

Let’s have glorious sunshine
Bathing all our land.
Ice cream and holidays,
Leisure and luxurious slumbers.

Those Daffodils will be history by “Flaming June”
And with that “roll” will come the “rock”
Of sugar seaside sticks
With dancing music.

Oh to bring back Rock and Roll,
So we can do it again
Down on the beach
Where children ride on donkeys
While dogs frolic on the sands.
To play football again,
Jumpers for goal posts
On lush green grass.

Sunny summer.
Bring it on.

Paul Butters

© PB 9\2\2018.
Yes, Roll on Summer!!!!!!
wichitarick Feb 2018

Will some ever find what it is like to be kind ,lost with black blocking their own true mind

What if they come to me and I disagree isn't my own contempt simply helping their cause

Blindness shielded through kindness isn't deeply true to oneself,opaque is not clearly defined

Happening with hatred is so easy to see,always quick to show the others flaws

Happiness has left us looking for hidden liberation,always  seeing good will be revised

To remain neutral is emotionally futile, one is just part of a whole ,finding a future or grasping at straws

To service our own sovereignty should we learn to feel at all levels,will we be compromised

Breathing in Dissention breeds a virus bringing bitterness to deep within us,can we perceive the waiting storms

With life comes light felt from within as dull,bright,elation,euphoria seem natural but has the alienation become galvanized

Following paths brings changing news illustrations laid out for our views

Choosing between friction or jubilation will design the life and it's rewards.R.C.
Not sure how to explain the original thought,although not a new one
Not really whether we are good or bad,is kind of "blaisse" :)
but how ingrained certain things are in us ,how many hide something with their  happiness?  Thanks for reading, your thoughts are helpful.  Rick
wichitarick Feb 2018

What will it be that makes itself clear ,exposed by removing it's veneer

Constantly flowing mind seeking ways to grow, hoping for something new to find

Much is on display calling us in many ways,visions are quick for what may appear

Drawing us in to begin our next whim,varies widely a frown or a grin,many ways something can be aligned

Constant concern,pick or choose, left for us to discern,finding true focus still unclear

Malignant mind set on unwind ,flashing fancy ideas like flashcards,so fast they become entwined

Past motioning into present, moments creating their own moods,what chord will finally adhere

Flailing about with mind's eye looking on, they stay neutral outside while the steady illustrious stream flows in our mind

Letting on with a glimpse or even a gasp,caught a true thought instead of it slipping by holding on tight can we be sincere.

Rapid conclusions almost like rabid confusion,adding weight on an already heavy brain  flow ,newest synapses still unclear

So another moment in life ,set free or held back, what will be the part we grasp holding on long enough to be kept inside. R.C.
A few thoughts on  a "floaty" mind. or that rapid rise and fall of thoughts of an insomniac trying to force sleep and not lose a thought. . Maybe hold on to a thought for today,Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. Rick
  Feb 2018 wichitarick
Paul Butters
I wish I could say something good
About growing old and dying.
For sixty years I had a great relationship
With Mum,
But then that demon Dementia brought her
Living Death.

She thought in the end I’d
Betrayed her,
“Allowing her to be put in a home”.
And then, to rub it in,
She was allegedly abused and badly bruised
By evil members of staff.
Mum passed away
Two months later.
The last time I saw her
She was waiting to be taken to the loo
As I was ushered out.

We all grow old,
Gradually fading away,
Tormented by Diabetes, hypertension
And strokes.
Full of arthritis
And gammy knees.

The list of ills goes on,
No proverbial light at the end
Of the tunnel.

So all I can say is live for

Make the most of our Share of Time.
Take comfort in passing on the baton
To the likes of Jacob
My great nephew.
Teach him and his peers
As well as we can
To take care of The Earth
A **** sight better
Than we have.

Try to Improve ourselves,
Keep growing
Every single day.
Keep learning
As long as we can.

Paul Butters

© PB 8\1\2018.
Trying. Mum actually died on the 12th December 2013 but it still hurts. I've waited a long time to mention it. Last time I saw her alive she was waiting to be escorted to the loo of all things. Indeed I have now added these details to the actual poem.
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