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wichitarick Jan 2018

Facing forward still rocking to and fro,I am solid but the ground moves beneath me

Staying in place will not win a race, without exploration the view will never be new

Takes a lot of gravity to move a flat rock ,it remains while the waves carry the sands out to sea

Hard to feel wild while so idle, reins pulling at the bit and the bridle,what continues to connect me to this lonely avenue

Highest high quietly slipping onto the edge of purgatory,if growing blind are we the best to be our own trustee

Guided into this new place slowly but surely being edged from the race,should I simply accept the lesser *****

When does the climbing stop,regulate inhibitions to grow to the top,predetermination of seeing the edge is no guarantee

Able to remain mobile or ability to go global not to be taken for granted to many simple or fine things to pursue

Drawing a blank sitting solid on the planks ,memory lost at what cost are we becoming life's next detainee

Chair takes it's place as we stand aside, what may place us there so easily without a care ,are we ready to set into something we can not undo. R.C.
Am sure some might understand this, often hard to sit and watch the world go by,but also a constant reminder to be grateful for what I have , "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading. Your thoughts are welcome. Rick
wichitarick Jan 2018

Bland days brought out from long stays,serenity of sunlight our best friend

Hours took forever ,over and over we must find something that makes us clever

Frozen in our mind last winter thinking we would remember something to make time be more kind

Rain,Rain it's o.k. we can go and play anyway, with boots and umbrellas it can go on forever

Climb a tree but can't get down will leave the others laughing like a clown,definitions for disasters has yet to be defined

Ring around the ....WHAT has left us in a rut,we must remain robust finding inner power for the next endeavor

Off to the water leaves even more to find ,public pool to be a fool , a pond or lake fishing or frolicking anything to not be confined

Old days older ways,stick ,rock & a can, just simple diversion,bats & *****,hoops & loops making it work to bring us together

Run,run around off we go ,share a bike makes better time,patience seems a crime elders always aghast with the fact we survived

Aging takes a little more staging,games a little more profound,putting more work into the act of leisure

New age brings more pay to play or an app. to fill the gap ,but please don't forget the joy we had with hula hoops or flying discs that broke our boredom or we might not have survived . R..C.
Little fun and a flashback of how easy it can be to just have fun.
not sure if there is an App. for a stick a rock & a can YET but now that google has read it it will be out soon:) old enough to be a grandpa and have old war wounds from throwing snowballs and frisbees:; Thanks for reading your comments are welcome. Rick
wichitarick Jan 2018

Playing out daily life, seemingly simple shouldn't cause much doubt

Finest thread ,narrow as silk brought together brings much strength

Telling one a line might be fine, but when it includes many, truth is left without clout

Thoughts turned into voices,string brought together to form yarn adjoining stories with some length

Moment by moment,strand by strand, actions played out in fractions leaving emotions divided ,each taking it's own route

Contemplation starting as a small ball adding colors is like minds images,rolling along as it grows in size we grow in depth

We represent life's simple sample ,knitted together to form a chain ,many patterns to add, for each there is no substitute

Why ask a question if there is no one to answer,seeking declaration, bring new warmth made like a blanket for our bed

After seeking guidance many thoughts left in blindness,still strung along, left with mysteries but what we seek is absolute

Always waiting by the gate are you the fool to wait, rolled up in it,entwined, like thread on a spool,viewed through an eye of a needle only shows a silhouette. R.C.
Originally simple thought of a reply from some telling me I was stringing them along? :) so liked that as a title, trying to interweave ,the literal thread,yarn etc. with balance . But a bit of fun. thanks for reading, appreciate your response . Rick
wichitarick Jan 2018

Frozen breath holding back weight, against the chest seems great stacked like stones

Starting softly to see from the third door down the row,reclusive, damage is waiting to show

Others in red alert our mind coming on slow, their fear no reflection on our unknowns

Peace while in waiting,thoughts flow slow into a reflecting pool,echos beginning to grow

Time blown backwards when clocks stopped ticking , simple assessments our only goals

Mental evaporation senses left wide open,trying to find the song but only get static from the radio

Held back by grogginess looking out from fogginess ,bits of life as viewed through those holes

Oh MY I made it,escaped , BUT when will blackness call again,laying low not quite thinking of that other plateau

Bolted ,jolted rousing frequently followed by drowsing,hearing as a low hum ,sounds soon forming new tones

Nonexistentance now part of the ritual ,for the witness memories are visual,slowly waiting to say hello

Perspective has changed, await for thoughts to be rearranged ,senses in collusion with massive confusion,new beginning like waiting for future episodes . R.C.
Is a simple perspective on what many go through daily , normally would not say this but defining "Postictal" would help. it is a unique perspective and can be ever changing so we are never quite able to prepare for "it" ,kept it in the scope of just the perspective of the small window not the whole experience I may try to expand on it. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Jan 2018

Possibly providing early pleasure, roaming in the moment,soaking in perceived passion

Unforeseen future,risking random rendezvous,what is not known is never seen

Few intentionally defile, no goal to pursue anything vile,yet a path is laid by their action

Safely sampling simple treasure without a true measure,so much just becomes routine

Much to our dismay quickly caught up in a fast array,simple pleasure no longer part of the attraction

What will it be that makes that early plea? slow pace to a full blown race,starts with caffeine maybe ending with amphetamine

Youths candy is indeed dandy,sipping slurpees slipping into sugar diabetes silent diseases forming from recreation

Mellow urge before the surge ,avid appetites flowing ,mild appetites growing to affinity

Beliefs are blind to habits formed,  fantasy world forms from infatuation

New age of games bring new pains  stayed clear of beer now a new hurdle to clear

Each taste a test ,with skills learned from pain we face each day with veracity .R.C.
Just a few thoughts of the game we all play with involvement maybe carried to over involvement , a bit light? but even with my own long term sobriety drug free ,not thought of in that light ,more the sense of a new age and so MUCH more available ,but do we learn to live with things BEFORE they take A LOT of us out? :) keeping IT simple isn't quite as simple:) surviving our own stupidity still seems to be the basic thought ,Thanks for reading I appreciate you thoughts Rick
wichitarick Jan 2018

Seed waiting on first moisture to begin to sprout ,simple survival still in doubt

Shell a strong barrier to hold off the world,once broken exposing generations yet to be seen

Destination always unsure ,left with the wind or alignment and warmth of seasons ,blowing along the right route

Opening leaflets emerge like searching opinions or sympathies now progressing ,yet green  

Lost in a sea of sprouts each one caught in doubt,warmth from around makes us reach out

Small we respond to the call, testing each whim ,met with a frown or grin,still flowing unsure which way to lean

Harsh to tender good judgement waits ,compassion or sentiment dependent on atmosphere ,experience bring more clout

Branching out waiting to blossom, learned lessons taking on more light,lacking refinement brings on the obscene

Awash in life's waters,tested like the rest, which grows taller shows the beauty or is the best, hindsight shows it all is lost in a drought

Annual is fleeting fast ,perennial solid secure, unsure of purebred or which way we are lead, hope for the good before it is all routine

Maturity often arrives lost in a grove never taught love ,another tries their time at trimming ,we accept  reshaping with little discount

Did we learn from the growth take in the most,was our color simply for the others, whether perfectly preened or left in the brambles did we get what it takes to be serene
Tried to stay with the original idea of how we learn our emotions and plant growth or simple life cycle, changed the title which I don't think I have ever done or rarely. but tried to keep the flow to watch it grow:) so to speak:)
Knowing now how much is really dependent on what we learned THE FIRST TIME ,is harder to make that impression twice:) thanks for reading. Your thoughts are helpful. Happy NEW yr. Rick
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