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Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
You burned me
For even in the darkness
She shines
Demanding to be her own flame
Soft caressing warnings
"Next time I'll set you on fire."
Vinnie Brown May 2019
It’s funny
I use to find the most creative ways
To destroy myself
I use to be able to do it better
Oh, magnificently tearing down
Than anyone else
The smell of gasoline fumes
Surprised when I light myself on fire
Till you came a long
And grabbed my hand
Never looked right past me
Doused me in heavenly water
Nursed me back to health
Holding all I have over open flames
Two-stepping with Hades
As he beckons my broken parts
Oh, come on he says
I can not undo what I have done
But, it’s easier to accept with you
He can’t get to me with you
Yesterday was my birthday.
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
She’s the kind of girl
Who makes you
Want to chase fireflies
In the dead of winter.
Vinnie Brown Jun 2017
I'll be the first to admit, I am not fireproof
I feel it burning me
Oh, and darling isn't it just scorching you?
I really hope I don't ****** me
If only being sent to heaven wasn't such a burden too
If only we say oh, we do, we do
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
Do you think years from now
This old town will still call us family?
Cause’ I remember what you said
Let’s not lose our heads
And I’m moving fast
You’re holding slow
Leading the way
Learning to swing and sway
Every move is so dramatic and erratic
The gleam in your eyes has me fanatic
Always there and never giving up on me
My own personal therapy
Dancing under her starlit canopy
It’s so hard to see
The future is blinding me
How will this end for me? I can only imagine quite tremendously
Could I convince you?
Let’s do all the things we’re were not suppose too
Let me see a different view of all the carnal sides of you
Meet me at the twenty-fourth floor somewhere on the roof
Whisper pretty fictitious truths
Let our first dance a top the world be for the world to see
It’s just you and me
Vinnie Brown Aug 2018
Imaginations and creation are a trait of mine it seems
I wonder of all the moments I could create
When in reality I would choose to recreate
I'd choose the moment
Where the sun was set real low
Orange and red with scattered pinks
And emerald gems stared right through me
Speckled hazel from a sunset coast
***** blonde hair and sun kissed skin
Calf deep in the deep blue
You tasted of apples
Sour and sweet
Couldn't resist and the second time around
Was a little hint of caramel
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
She has no idea, begging for help as I bleed her dry
She doesn't know the transfusion comes from my mind
Body and Soul giving her life, some trick for a trickster
Lately our communications been off
Both deemed unworthy in the eyes of lovers
The depths of hell calling our names
Let's breathe out and breathe in
Fill our forgotten lungs
With timeless seams of winter
You just couldn’t help drifting
Like the love the leaf craves the cracked cement
Asked me to let go, and my stress seem to let go
It’s a hard feeling knowing the truth will hurt and the regret will sting
So, we’ll just let it float
Vinnie Brown May 2018
Turn your dreams into realities
**** hate and negativity
Believe in your own creativity

And when the sun comes up
Somewhere in the morning
I hope you’re all here
Wandering inside your heads
There’s a storm on the forecast
It’s coming our way
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
I'm struggling with mortality
Oh, Honey this world is mine
****, I just want to live forever
Feet don't fail me now, I just want to go
Sticks and stones, a couple broken bones
I've just been wanting to be scared
The beatings over now
Still I'll have my crown
Free to be free is pain
I'll incite the riot
I just don't know any better
I just want to ******* live forever
Vinnie Brown Mar 2015
We're young
We've made a lot of mistakes
Heartbreaks is the norm
We're always looking for a crutch just a need for human touch
Just brief romance
We let ourselves go and when we let ourselves down we just shrug it out
what's wrong with that we're young live fast die legends
Forgive us for what we have done
We were young.
Vinnie Brown Aug 2018
I do this for my father
Who I’ve only ever seen from time to time
In my dreams

I do this for my mother
Who’s finally clean
No longer a fiend

I do this for my sister and my brothers
The few that I unknowingly need

I do this for you
To understand
That these things are me
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
How frustrating that I can’t align the stars
Such fragile moments
Locked in lovers lips
With lost words to say
Beg you to take my forgiveness
While you cry from happiness
How long must we lay
Side by side
Just to say you’re not mine
And I’ll never be yours
It’s the way that you are
And the way I’ll only ever be
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
This world
Isn't quite
What my heart expected
Except you and I, two hearts
Refusing not to be connected
If the church knew were weren't believers
Living stupidly free just lost dreamers
Oh, how badly I crave to be free
Just, trying to find my home sweet home
Maybe, something's just wrong with me?
It doesn't matter cause, it's not just me, but it just so happens to be we
Thanks for helping me feel so lively
Just trying to find my way back home, oh sweet home
Vinnie Brown Mar 2019
Fun fact
The girl I’m dating uses this site as a poet
And we don’t follow each other
Yet, I know sneakingly
We read one another's work
It’s quite interesting
Being able to view her words
For topics that are relevant to our lives
As I’m sure she would agree
Having the roles reversed
It gives a depth and understanding
To the colorful words of black and white
Where we’re saving one another
Last breaths and truths out loud
Grasping one another closer
Than any fantasy
And sometimes it’s hard
To breath in and breath out
And we’re giving all we have left
To you
Vinnie Brown Dec 2017
Sometimes you find yourself
In the cold December clutches
Going 90 in a 54
With the windows down
As the frost clings to all the life
And for an inkling of a moment
You start to feel alive
For if you love them in the morning
You might just never feel the pain
Of falling in love with the wrong person
That’s the one good thing about frostbite
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
I turned the heat up
Till I thought I was burning
To notice I was as cold as ever
Shivering in hundreds of degrees
Thirty minutes to realize it was my heart
And even tonight
It can’t be thawed by pretty words
Vinnie Brown Jan 2017
She had high voltage in her lips
Shot me in my chest
lost my breath
Going into cardiac arrest

My thoughts are a hurricane
At the maelstrom lies my heart
Although I know no one is listening
I nervously rehearse for when you're around

On the way down screaming
If I could just get more time we'll be alright
There's tonight, and I know it's not much
But it's better than nothing

We're running on fumes and we'll make it through the night
It's not a perfect love, but it's better than dreaming
As Shakespeare said "Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs."
Sometimes love is stronger than a man's convictions.
Vinnie Brown Dec 2017
I’ve always been a gambling man
Especially when it comes to love
So, I bet her that we’d end up together
She laughed that angelic tone
I so crave to hear
Asking how ever shall we know?
Ah, love we’ll flip a coin
She demanded heads
The weight is heavier
Tails it is my dear
What she didn’t know
I had a double sided coin
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
Some will hate these words
They’ll draw their axes
To cut down one another
In the garden of life


I hope these words
Nurture something inside
For all of you
To grow into what and who
You desire to be
Vinnie Brown Jun 2019
I am a tradesman
I work a 6 till 3
Perfectly suited to normality
Yet, drawn to melody
Planting trees to treat apathy
For, when the speckled snows come
With death and blasphemy
What a natural causality
Yet, I’ll be here planting trees
For you and I
Just to be able to breathe
Vinnie Brown Mar 2019
I’ve made my mistakes
There’s so much love that I’m blind too
And I laid them to rest right beside you
Never thought I’d lose my way
Looking for the right way
Where heavy hearts can’t decide
If they’ve had enough
I suppose we just got carried away
It’s almost prophetic like you said
“We’ll just learn from our mistakes.”
And I’ve seen miracle love
She’s a dark haired blue eyed angel
Performing love work with gentle hands
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
I think I have a ghost that follows me
They’re a shape shifting trickster devil
Playing tricks on me
Cause’ I see you everywhere I go
Hear my name called
Lost in the seas of people
Echoing with sweet delicacies
I thought I found a lover at twenty three
Almost was the death of me
For I tripped and fell
Found myself in the depths of hell
Can’t remember where we’ve been
Traveled on the wind
I met your ghost
It whispered in sweet delicacies
Lathered in sins
Let you go
Just seems the words
Got stuck in my throat
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
It's about that time
Let's gather round the fire and tell some ghost stories
There goes some spooky noise
Engulf the night in some horror smoke
To keep your mind at ease
Don't forget to breathe
Looking around to all our friends
Blacked out eyes calling to all dead ends
And when you get home
Don't forget you can't hold a ghost at night
It's alright, cause the dark is here just for your fright
When the strobe light starts to stutter
Causing your heart to flutter
And all your dead memories come out to play
Cause every day we're living in some ghost stories
Vinnie Brown May 2018
There she was
The pretty girl at the party
In line at the bathroom
I said let’s talk
But, my liquid confidence is wearing off
Something so sweet, it’s tragic
I bet devils love ya, but I’m not sure
With a laugh that pure
Flames in your eyes I’d love to meet
I miss the look on your face
Lost in a summer haze
Feeling like it’s Coachella
Every weekend
With free spirits
Bound to the flowers on your head
And I loved the way you danced and sang
Oh, I miss the way we danced and sang
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
I’ve never been good with religion
It’s a damning personal decision
Even then I find myself on my knees
Begging you please
This world has glimmers of hope
They’re all that allow me to cope
To be honest, I shouldn’t be here today
It’s a moment I’ve learned to replay
Every day, in my mind it’s the only way
For I am a sinner and you’re a saint
Lost for words and only images to paint
I wanted to dance in the chemical rains
But, they never came
You were dancing with the sun
I guess I’m just not that fun
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
To the girls
With a heart that’s churning
To the one that’s heart is in a million pieces
To the one who’s torn on loving herself
Whatever ails you
Give it a year
You’ll have your glow back
I promise you
I’ve seen in it once and I’ll see it again
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
The heart has died a time or two
Yet, the courage still remains
A new narrative
A fiction rooted in truths
In a world in flames
With a villain called Love
As the story goes
The sun loved the moon
As the waves kiss the shore
And the hero is death
Pitted to lose
For love and life are but the great devils
Descended the gods from the heavens
For in our back story we were lovers
Chasing inspiration
Weaving the old into the new
Treating the pestilence
With simple kisses
Consumed by hope
Seeing something that isn't there
Careful not to bite
We don't forget, what is always there
And sometimes it's so unreal
There will always be some mornings that we will forget where we are and we'll reach for one another across the endless scapes of the mattress we call home
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
All a little lost when it's over
You're reciting heartbreak philosophies in the shower
Alone I'm walking through the beautiful flowers
I think I might just take off for a while
Cause' tonight we're freezing
Everything that you wanted, was everything I needed
I'm sorry for last weekend
It'll be quite the shock realizing you don't need me
You'll be wondering how you're losing sleep
No matter where your soul is
I hope you won't try to fight these feelings every night
You still have every right
To breathe
I didn't know you were golden
Till I tore your heart open
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
She told me I had golden eyes
Except lately they just don’t get her high
That must be the reason why
When I look into my own eyes
Love seems to die
It’s a really long process learning to fly
Vinnie Brown Dec 2016
I'm not dead, I'm MIA
Cruising down the coast
Bag's were packed you don't even know I'm already gone
Lately life has been cool and chill
Except I hate when people front
I was told they loved me from the start
I always knew this would happen before I was a cool cat
Still that elementary loser just turned into that guy
Turning to my writing just pass time
I'm a savage yeah I know, but lately I'm just skippin'
My hands always movin', grindin' out these words
Never satisfied till they're ******' perfect
I told them they're going to talk about me when I'm gone
So I packed my bags and moved away like I'm gone
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
I’m here in California
And the thousand miles away
Still my minds calling for ya
Running away from Hollywood and the valley
Cause’ there’s the winter snows and northern winds
So, give it a week and I’ll be saying goodbye to Cali
I just can’t seem to leave you alone
So, here soon I’ll be heading home
Vinnie Brown Dec 2022
Working with my demon
I swear I have good intentions
Promise it’s all based in decency
But, am I good person when I need to be?
Always putting myself above you
To feel important
I’ll always need your love to feel supported
When we die I hope they bury us in a forest
That’s if any are left, this life’s torment
If I get stuck in purgatory
I’ll consider it lucky
To spend more time with you
For my love.
Vinnie Brown Sep 2016
I could've been a tradesmen
I'd work a six till three
Follow my fathers footsteps
To work and spend and sleep
But I couldn't stray from embracing melodies

-In the darkest times we often crave normality.
Vinnie Brown Oct 2018
Self inflicted gunshot wounds
The suicide weapon were words
Driven straight into my brain matter
Derived of pretty lies
For I **** myself a little
Just so you can read
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
I’m looking to you for guidance
All I can hear is silence
It’s radiating such violence
Is it the end?
The dawn?
The kick back
Into reality
Is often
Too hard to ignore
I guess let’s wait
See what the second act has in store
Vinnie Brown Mar 2017
A vicious game
Now a days they say love and hate is one in the same
I really wonder what it is that I offer you
I mean, at least you feel my touch whenever I walk on you

I should've known from the start
I'm still a little lost and don't understand how I feel so alone with your hands on my heart
Yet, were still so far a part

Our generation is taking love out of ***
So, only to question is left
Its alright together it's always better it seems
It's funny, if you have feelings you're weak
So, we'll just say less than what we mean
Song inspired
Vinnie Brown Apr 2019
The offset pattering off my heart
Makes for some of the greatest music
Her ears have ever heard
Or so she tells me
Vinnie Brown Feb 2014
We got lost
In abstract sounds
Of one another's hearts.
Vinnie Brown Jan 2019
Let my knees sink into ocean blues
Where the sea’s grasp at my heavens
When the skies overcast tells blackened truths
With my swimless sinless desires pooling
Call her pretty in this dying city
Oh, heart break city, how I’m packing my bags
And, I just feel so alive
That’s the only time we ever feel anything but, sad wanting to die
So, turn down the Sinatra
Hear the scratch of the record player
As we dance at 3 in the morning
Oh, heart break city, we’re packing our bags, cause we’re stressed out
And we’re taking the first flight out
Just to find ourselves driving back
Oh, heart break city, heart throbs and heart stops
Full of fragile hearts, but we’re just not that broken
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
We need it, we chase it
Face it, you want it, you crave it
Believe when I say that you'll know once you taste it
Look what we've done
Before you gave me your words, take mine and run
Before long, you'll move on, and I'll be too far gone
Cause' I ain't got patience to slow down the chase
We'll need some space
To realize I'm not quite like other guys
Heart on your sleeve like you've never been loved
Your friends are in the back waiting for us to move on
Guess you could say we've been here to long
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
Let's write a confession
Nothing fancy, no rhyme scheme or pretty words
Truthful insights that a corroded mind calls home
What's home?
Down wishing wells
Lost in ocean swells
Cause' the truth is hell
Drowning minds
Overcome with grief, sadness, without an ounce of hope
Lost and bitter, feeling like you could die
It's like a dream that you can't wake up from
No matter how hard you scream
Like, darkness calling you home
To the deep unknown
Where light and time cease to exist
They say secrets make you sick and you should all know
The problem is you can't tell anyone for the fear that they'll go
Imagine you were a kid running and stumbled
Scraped elbows and knees
Just to find yourself years later still stuck with apathy
And you get a moment where life's just a bit different
It shined briefly and you hadn't eaten for weeks
So, you stuffed yourself to the extreme
Just to see that you'd go hungry again
And I like words, they give something I can't seem to find
Knowing that my health isn't good and I hate myself
Stoking the fire, complaining you're still cold as hell
Overwhelmed and empty knowing you aren't well
I just won't keep running in circles ending where I began
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
Dreams and dreams of a man
The only one who can do what you do is you
Taken paths of decadence
To the moralities of an heart not yet corrupt
Lie two picture frames
The legacy of a man

1. The family and kingdom adored by all
2. A man of twenty-four atop the world, of snow capped states and stars, yet a lone for the glory

Heavy Lies The Crown.
To choose what to be is the greatest quest of man, especially the aspirations of a king.
Vinnie Brown Feb 2017
Fitting in with the crowd
Like a puzzle piece
Forgotten glories
Delusional goals
I'm tired of getting all the answers
By mimicking others
Even if the stars that connect us
Could sing a gleaming song
Morning would still be broken
This life that we're living might haunt us forever
We're burning in hell if we're dying tonight
All of this changed and messed up and I still find myself addicted to You
I'm in love, I'm an addict I know.
Vinnie Brown Sep 2013
I'd like to meet her
The girl that's completely obsessive about me
Loyal to no end
Crazy even
Girlish when I need her to be
With a name that even in the most difficult times
Will shout throughout my body
That would in dire times do what I could not
Who can be brutal...deadly even
If it came to protecting me
Who will make my heart sear with pain when she isn't around
Days aren't as sunny when she stays in doors
Who can understand my love for her when other's cannot
Who knows my love from just a simple calling of the name
I promise you Love...We'll be together someday
Whatever the cost.
Mirai Nikki inspired.
Vinnie Brown Mar 2022
Well you know what they say
It’s a stitch in your DNA
Must run in the family
It’s just hereditary
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
I wish to break the mold
A bend, a snap, a break in the fold
Raise my children to be better than me
Let them know there’s no limit to what they can be
Show them that there’s more than one doorway
That these things aren’t just hereditary
The seeds from the apple can float away
The older I get, the more I wish to do better.
For my wife and children, I love you.
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
She had irrational fear
That no one would love her again
Like you did
It was quite some time later
She woke before the sun
Snuggled up in a sweater
Sipping on coffee
Gazing out into the peaceful morning
As the faint greys came to light
She began to realize
She could
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
For she is my queen
Goddess of all my personal hells
Ruler of this heart
Torment and sweetness
Depths of madness only achieved
In craving kisses and unjustified bites
For the lands of my soul
Feel a despairing drought
When your love rains cease
So, please pour
Let your inner storm
Rage down upon
These fires within my heart
So, that you can begin to heal the charring remains
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
I got to cussin’
And I got to a screamin’
And I got to losin’ my cool

And I got to smokin’
And I got to drinkin’
And I got to takin’ my **** out on you.

Girl we still got somethin here, I stay believin’
I’m not goin’ no where till I’m done breathin’
Ladies, even romanticized...don’t fall for this ****.
Vinnie Brown Jul 2018
I don’t really know when it happened
Or even how it happened
I suppose I just woke up one day
And didn’t really feel the same way
I was different
I knew it, I could feel it
I wanted to start over
Except sorry’s can’t change time
And it was hard for me to be mad at you
I don’t want to be
There’s a part of me
That loves you still
Always will
You know, I just want to be your friend again
It’s really hard that you look exactly like me
And, we’re taking turns in my mind
It happens all the time
Just give me some time
I’m sure I’ll change my mind
This is a really base story of the development and relationship with my depression and anxiety.
Vinnie Brown Jan 2018
Tonight, I’ve had my heart broken and so I’m just going to take a break from all forms of communication and such is this. I truly appreciate all of you who admire my work and you’re all fantastic writers, I purely just need some time to re-evaluate myself as an individual. I want to personally thank you all for your support and wish you nothing, but the best in your adventures with beautiful words and emotional delicacies.

With all my heart, I hope to find your words caressing my thoughts in a endless sea one of these days.

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