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 Nov 2015 Victoria McShane
Tonight, the monument's lights are darkened.
Tonight, the celebrations are put off.
Tonight, we gather together to mourn the lost.
Those we've lost are not ever forgotten.

Tonight, we stand with our oldest ally.
One world, one love, one night.
Some, who would use violence, try to tear us apart.
They fail to realize that only brings us together.
For tonight, we are not citizens of separate countries,
we are people.

The night may be dark
The shots have echoed through the streets
The explosions forever changing a city we all know so well.
But, that will not take our humanity.
That will not tear us apart.

Tonight we stand together as one people.
For those who have spent the night in fear,
We stand ready to fight for you at all costs.
For you, Paris, tonight we stand together.
I'd like to thank eveybody for their time,
as we conduct this interview in rhyme.
If you have a disability such as mine,
Everybody wants to pry into your mind.
So in this piece im going to address,
all the questions im asked, i intend to put that to rest.
But i can't do this alone, i require some help
Bluestar , thank you so much for providing assistance
Yes thanks, ladies and gentleman, here we go,
What we have here is a fine young specimen,
A young age male with a disability no one knows,
And what is it, you ask?
Why, I don't mind if I do begin to explain him
Epilepsy, that's what it is,
It's what he's got inside
And before you start to ask, no it's not a mental disorder
Do you want to hear the facts or think the fiction, you have to decide
Shall i dispense with the facts?
Hmm with the mighty sword of knowledge ignorance i shall attack!
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder,
It causes me to be prone to seizures.
Not the kind that causes the removal of property,
But occasionally my brain will fry, and my body go crazy,
Like a vampire exposed to holy ether
But don't worry, he's not going to die,
If you're with him when it happens you cannot run and hide
He'll need you to support him, to make sure he's okay
Make sure things are out of his reach and do not force him to obey
In conclusion dear friends, im just like you,
I may have neruological quirks, but im still Neroamee Alucard,
Not some show at the zoo,
So if you know somebody, with any form of fault or disability,
Dont patronize or be overbearing,
Just make allowances for their need
Thanks For the Help Pirate!
 Apr 2015 Victoria McShane
 Apr 2015 Victoria McShane
"911 what's your emergency?"


"I'm going to need you to slow down ma'm. Now tell me, who is it that's dead?"*


(hangs up the phone)

*"Ma'm. Ma'm, is anybody there?"
 Apr 2015 Victoria McShane
i'm telling you.
the clouds were meant for the ground.
but they hung themselves.
Every time I utter your name
It scares me

Because I think about you every day

The days you talk to me are my best days

And the days you ignore me are my worst

That’s the kind of power that toppled Rome 

That’s the kind of weight that sunk the Titanic.
I'm okay
but i'm not.
i'm not happy.
i'm not sad.
most of the time.
i don't even know
i feel confused.
i guess i'm living but i'm not.
The Secret is that UFO's.....
Are disguised as Weather Balloons
they are incognito
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