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destiney dawn
Jasinia Alfaro
Buddy Alan
Shibu Varkey
india    Eye surgeon by day and scribbler by night. I believe, being poetic, is just that uncontrollable urge to put on paper the simmering words that …
I wrote 2301 verses here. Moved to my own website since then. Adios!
Rickie Louis
41/M/Milkyway    Just another daydreaming simpleton. I like it best here, because none of you know me, but could end up knowing me, better than those that …
Tokyo, Japan   
Ellie Sora
Bulgaria    “Journal” is not the word that can descibe the books in which I write. There are parts that you could call sheer diary, there are …
ajit peter
chennai    Poet a dreamer dreaming of a peacefull happy caring world who hopes his words can cause a change
Aarushi Vijay
19/F/United States    "There are no ideas but in things"
Cecil Miller
Louisiana    I paint, including the profile picture; make leisurely use of many musical instruments, and I write poems and stories. I don't censor myself in my …
Philippines/ Jubail, KSA    Hi! I am back again here in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for work. © Pax 2013 - present...
Irfan bin Yusuf Qadri
41/M/Amsterdam    ..damnant quod non inteligunt... ..the truth may hurt.., the lies they kill... always... © License under Creative Commons 4.0, BY-NC-ND
Poetic T
On Oblivions Doorstep    I am that which was once many stars but faded reborn under a different name Darkness is my tether enjoy my many shades.. Once the …
Canada    Been writing for about three years. I write a lot of emotion real life situations. I love writing and the challenges to improve. I was …
34/M/Los Angeles    I enjoy history, documentaries, and golf.

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