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I never got to meet my father...
He died when I was nine months old,
But his presence, I always felt
While I was growing up,
Even up to this day...

He would often visit me in my dreams,
Told me not to worry or despair,
Took my hand,
Told me I could go with him..
Which I almost did...

A few times, in high school
I felt a light push on my back
When my Home Economics teacher
Almost caught me nodding...I was
Too bored, to focus on her sewing lessons...

I was always saved from falling
Each time I climbed the guava tree...
I feel some kind of force stopping me,
Standing ahead of me,
Whenever I cross the street, even now...

My late aunt said she found me
Looking up and giggling
When at three or five years old,
I played by myself beside
My father's tall and sturdy book case...

I see his face when I go through
His dwindling collection of
Edgar Allan Poe books, including his
Law books, and a few western pocketbooks left,
All, with mottled pages now...

The matrimonial bed he shared
With my late mother is still in use...
His portrait is hung on our wall...
Today, the fifteenth of June, his birthday,
I look through his eyes, and-----

In silence, I greet him,
"Happy birthday, papa,
Happy Father's Day, as well."
In my mind, my father lives,
And my own stories of him therein dwells...


Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***Happy Father's Day to all fathers here on HP! ***
You may have died young,
        but as long as
        my words live,

*You will never grow old.
yes i smoke

i smoke to put something in my hand

to replace the same place your hand used to rest

so maybe its a force of habit

yes i smoke

just to keep something warm near me

because most things are painfully cold lately.
 Apr 2014 Vice D Krashdif
A Girl
Do you see that light?
It's straight ahead,
Do you see it?

Can you feel that breeze?
It all around.
Do you feel it?

Do you smell the salty air?
It’s from the escaping sea.
Do you smell it?

If not, you aren't alone.
I only know what I've been told.
But it sounds beautiful doesn't it?
It sounds like a world of hopes.
A world I couldn't even dream.
 Apr 2014 Vice D Krashdif
A Girl
I don't know how to say what I feel.
I don't know how to express the words I want to say to you.
You make me angry, crazy, and wanting to scream.
You keep these secrets yet, you expect me to trust you enough to tell you mine.
You tell me everything's okay but you won't speak to me, even look at me.
Have I done something wrong? Did I hurt you in some way?

I don't know how to say what I feel.
I don't know how to express the words I want to say to you.
I love you like crazy, happy, and completely giddy.
I can't get you out of my head. I'm up late at night smiling about your texts.
You tell me the sweetest things that leave a warm feeling in my chest.
What is it about you? What have you done with the hateful girl inside me?

I don't know how to say what I feel.
I don't know how to express the words I want to say to you.
You leave me confused, and torn. Completely contradicted.
One minute you are happy as can be and the next you are silent and brooding.
You won't let me help. You won't let me listen. Everything changes drastically.
Why won't you tell me what to say? How can I help?
at night
when everything of me is exposed
I fumble with my hands,
not sure where to
misplace them
and as it comes to bother me
in a real sort of way-
I slip them on the underside of my pillow
leasing the heavy weight my cheek has to bear
onto the clasped binds of my
mis-script prayers.
 Apr 2014 Vice D Krashdif
 Apr 2014 Vice D Krashdif
I keep thinking you'll change your mind
And drop me like he did
You'll meet someone beautiful and kind
I have no chance, who am I to kid
always worried

— The End —