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May 2023 · 762
UnfoundYet May 2023
This morning I woke up
missing how things used to be.
I miss the warm and the comfort that my family used to bring.

Belonging, that’s what I miss
for now I’m only a stranger with nowhere else to be.

I have these memories,
and I wonder if that is all they’ll ever going to be.
The happiness and the calm,
they feel so distant from me.

There is this aching pain here in my chest,
it makes me uneasy,
it doesn’t allow me to rest.

I used to be known to anyone
but myself.
Now I’m trying to get
to who I really am,

but every step I take leads me
from everybody else.

But that little girl is all alone,
in the dark she’s screaming for my attention.
For too long I’ve ignored her cries,
too focused on the people around me
and on not creating any tension.

All this energy I’ve used,
all the dedication I gave,
it all feels like a waste of time.

For if those people knew who I was,
then why I still felt so utterly

maybe it’s because of my Lou
of the magic she creates.
She’s quite capable you see,
with her in two places I can be,
whereas before only in one I used to be.

I can be on the surface,
grounded in the present,
but holding the hand of that little girl all together.

maybe that was enough,
it had been for a long time.
But now I want more.

Yes I am greedy, and I don’t want to deny it.

I want to be in those two places all the time.
I want to hold that girl’s hand and tell her
that it is all right.

I want to do it while sitting at dinner,
when my dad makes his jokes.
I want to do it when my mom asks me if I like
the new shirt she just bought.

I want to do it when I play cards with my grandma,
and when I’m around my other friends.
Because while I comfort that little girl,
it is her who gives me strength.

So here I am,
trying so hard to walk towards her.
I’m trying to keep her with me,
near the surface,
grounded in my present.

She’s scared,
and so am I.
Sometimes she slips away,
sometimes I still ignore her cries.

It’s just so difficult
and I struggle to understand why.

How can they know me, if that girl
was never by my side
when I shook their hand, or when I made them smile?

They knew a stranger, an imposter,
that’s what they knew.

But why am I so distant from them now,
when all I’m trying to do is
presenting them the truth?

Are they angry because I lied?
I didn’t mean to do so.
I just couldn’t hear her voice for so long.

It pains me that the road towards the light,
towards that girl,

it’s such a lonely road.

It saddens me,
when the reason I only moved is because
I didn’t want to feel alone at all.

I felt not whole around the ones that
loved me.
I wanted to be whole
for them.
Now I am not whole yet,
but each day a little closer I get.

But why is it that always a stranger is all I am?
A stranger to myself in the start,
a stranger to them in the end.

Perhaps there is another road,
another path that I’ll take
once I’ll have conquered the present
with the little girl here in my presence.

Perhaps only then I’ll be able to see
how to make those memories real
how to live them again
as a new me.
Mar 2022 · 632
what it should feel like
UnfoundYet Mar 2022
I’ve been loving you
for quite some time,

feels like I’ve been running for
all my life.

Floating in this huge,
immense crowd,

with so much noise
no one hears my shouts.

I didn’t know, at first
what I was looking for,

until I spotted you
in you shiny glow.

I knew I wanted
to be found,

I didn’t think someone
would lift me from the ground.

I was so scared
to be crushed,

so scared that
they’d turn me into ash.

I’ve surrounded myself
with so many one-way mirror,

so that I could see them,
but no one could see the tears on that pillow.

Just a reflection,
this is all I’ve ever been,

running wildly,
having no where to be.

Pleasing everyone with what
they wanted to see,

feeling lonely with
no one next to me.

But then you surprisingly
came along,

stopping me abruptly, noticing
something was off.

Your light was too brilliant
and your glow too strong,

you had to squint your eyes around me
all along.

And I couldn’t stay away
I couldn’t go,

I felt so warm
around your glow.

But I didn’t want to keep
hurting your eyes,

I wanted to shine with you,
to free my light.

But I was trapped, I didn’t know
how to escape,

how to leave those mirrors that had
always kept me safe.

You reached for me,
you pulled me out,

you took me away from that
suffocating crowd.

And as the mirrors were shuttering
on the spot I was before,

all I could hear was you telling me
“you’re home”.

Now my home is warm,
it shines so bright,

but the light comes from within,
not from someone standing on the outside.

So I’ve been loving you
for quite some time,

since I saw you standing
with your now familiar light.

I didn’t know what
I was looking for,

until I found your love,
a love that always felt like hope.
Feb 2020 · 137
When you leave
UnfoundYet Feb 2020
I always get sad when you leave,
Doesn't matter what we just did.
We could have discussed all day,
studied our brains out,
watched a movie or laughing out loud.
We could have been kissing all afternoon,
or sleeping side by side,
or eating as much as we did when we were high.
We could have been fighting a lot,
then sit in silence inside my room,
I could have even got offended too,
but that wouldn’t make me less in love with you.
As soon as you close the door and leave,
I feel the emptiness filling the house and I find it difficult to breathe.
I feel the tears asking me to fall,
I feel stupid and silly,
I just beg for it to stop.
And I think about all the things I wanted to tell you,
all the things I never say,
and I promise myself to tell you on the following day.
But there’s always something that gets stuck on my tongue,
I try to push it out but it never does.
It is stupid because I can write it with no problems at all,
just like I did in a verse a few lines before.
I know why I’m waiting but I wish I was not,
maybe one day I’ll find the courage without freezing on my spot.
But even when I’ll finally tell you
what I wrote in that verse a few lines before,
I really doubt that when you leave, I’ll feel less alone.
Nov 2019 · 140
UnfoundYet Nov 2019
Why is it so scary
To tell to someone how you feel?
I read all the signals, there’s no way I could be wrong
Yet I’ve been able to keep it secret for so long
Why can’t I just say it?
Why do I want him to say it first,
When I perfectly know that it won’t change how he makes me feel.
I’ve fallen hard, there’s no way back.
so why can’t I just say it out loud, without risking an heart attack?
Nov 2019 · 116
UnfoundYet Nov 2019
He held her arm
during their journey
She taught him
and how to love it.
They were one
and two
At the same time.
But now, here I write
about his loss.
Weird, I guess
I can hear a distant laugh
while looking at a soul who went from being one,
to two,
to half.
May 2019 · 266
UnfoundYet May 2019
I’ve thought about this for quite a long time.
      new beginnings are always difficult to crack.

Laughing and kissing, playing and drinking,
      studying and sleeping. Time has flown so
      quickly. And I’m still feeling so dizzy.

Or is this just a dream? I’ve asked myself more
      than once. There’s nothing as scaring as this
      thought. And you know all the things I fear.

Variables that I cannot control. That is what my
      emotions turn into when you’re around me.
      there are so many of them. Maybe this is
      why it took me so long to figure it out.
      because, you see,

Every moment I spend with you, I wish would
      never end. We may fight and argue, and
      even get upset sometimes. But no matter the
      circumstances, as soon as

You leave, I miss you so **** much. So much I
      feel like an idiot because I know I’ll see you
      on the following day. Even if you won’t be
      away too long, I wish you could always stay.

Oh boy, I do sound cheesy. But really I don’t
      care. You make me feel so alive, so powerful
      and happy, why shouldn’t I say it in every
      way? Why is it so simple to write it, but not
      to pronounce it?
      though I know I will say it to you very soon.
      can’t keep everything inside much longer.  
      but in the main time, I’ll keep
      thinking about the same thing. Because
      now that I have

Understood it, I wonder, did you manage to do  
      the same?
Nov 2018 · 190
Thinking about loss
UnfoundYet Nov 2018
And I’m still trying to cope
with everything that
has just happened
but I’m not so sure how
to do so.

And I’m still trying to breath
‘cause after that call
it feels like I
haven’t put some air in.

And I think
I still can’t move
‘cause my life is not going
in the direction I had first choose.

And I’m here trying to fly
even if I have no longer
those wings
you took away with you.

And I’m still trying to find
the meaning of this
now empty garbage
we all like to call life.

Because I’m feeling so exposed
so broken, and shattered
like I just got stabbed
and this con-stan-t pain
I don’t know how to feel
anything else ever again.

You were my rock, my calm, my light
my love, my heart, my mind
And I just don’t know
how to be
the person I admired the most
the person you made me be

But I know, deep inside
that you’d never want me
to waste like this my whole life

And I guess, at some point I’ll realize
how to be happy, soft, and fine
how to laugh at my own jokes
how to love someone once more
how to once again smile
but right now, I’m sorry I can’t,

I need more time.
Nov 2018 · 243
UnfoundYet Nov 2018
Today I feel it’s weight again.
A month has passed
Many things have happened
But finally I managed to find my way

Back home.

I thought I’d learned how to deal with it
How to heal
From every wound that each departure creates
I thought I could react
I thought I was fine

I am fine, or at least I should be

You see, there’s someone waiting for me,
far from home
It shouldn’t bother me this much
Leaving I mean

I thought it had become easier

But if I think about how long I won’t be back
About my friends here
Panic occurs.

It feels like far from home
Is just a projection
Not my true reality
Just something that happens between
The visits I make

And yet
I spend more time making those visits
Rather than living home

That’s how it works
That’s how it should be

I thought I understood
But turns out I didn’t
Because here I am crying
Thinking that another month has to pass
Before I’ll come back again.

I’d better start looking for the right way
Oct 2018 · 192
The blogger's story
UnfoundYet Oct 2018
Today I


for you

a little bit more.

Those words were magic,
and giving them to me
has made me feel so


That's all I wanted to say
that's actually all I can say since

if I think about it

This is the first time I've


at all.
Oct 2018 · 265
UnfoundYet Oct 2018
I still feel lost sometimes
even if it's just for short, even if after it I'm fine.
I steel get lost
and look around but see nothing except dark
I wonder
where was my last path?
So I cry and lay down,
waiting for the demons to pass by
waiting for the end of the deepest night.

Then I wake up and try to remember
where I came from?
was it from South, East, West or North?
My feet move before I find an answer,
I can't help it, but I know why:
I'm scared I'll get paralyzed otherwise.

So I keep walking,
I am still walking,
but I don't think I know where I'm going.

Perhaps, is this the reason why I still get lost?
Should I maybe simply stop?
Sep 2018 · 201
UnfoundYet Sep 2018
You've got two stormy eyes
Like those I read in that book
Who would have thought
that I would have found them in you

I know it sounds cheesy
Nothing has even started
but the dizziness and the heat
and the accelerated heartbeat
Are something I can't ignore

For you, it might be nothing
I'm probably playing a movie
right inside my head
But those eyes, I promise
I don't know how to forget about them

I know you never read it
the book that contains your eyes
But it is one of my favorite
for it makes me believe in magic

It makes me feel special
It makes me believe in hope
It makes me look at the world and think
there's so much I have to explore

It makes me think about beauty
about innocence
about life
about friendship and love

it makes me feel alive.

I love feeling that way.

Many people don't realize it
they say it's just a book
but for me it's more
more than simple ink,
more than simple pages,
more than simple prose.

It's been a while since I held it in my hands,
since I looked into it
and felt powerful and brave

But when I see your stormy eyes,
and I swear this has been driving me insane,
I feel like I'm reading it once again.
UnfoundYet Sep 2018
I don’t know if this's poetry
Or just a simple thought
I just felt the need of pulling it into words

I watched some movies
Some talked about actions, some about music
Some talked about shootings
In short very different kinds
But they produced the same effect to my mind

They all made me think about love.
I wonder
If I’ll ever get lost
Will I find someone who will wait for 8 years
For me to come home?

Will there be someone for me
Who will keep loving me even after I stop being?

I want that love which makes you build your life
Which gives you strength
Even after you die
I want to be the strength of someone

I want to be home for someone

I want that kind of love

I think I deserve it
Am not going to accept anything less than this

Not only butterflies, not only moonwalks
Not only the fairytale
I want more
I want complicity, I want to feel safe
I want someone who thinks I’m his best
Even if I’m not, even if he’s more than me
I want to feel that special to someone
I just hope I’ll be.
Sep 2018 · 192
UnfoundYet Sep 2018
Sometimes I think about death
Not because I’m not happy with my existence
I love my life and all of its systems
But still there are times when I think about my final breath

I feel scared
But not of being dead.

I’m scared for the ones that I’ll leave behind
Will my family be alright?

I’m scared for A, because she will be cut out
She will feel guilty and she will have no one to talk this about

And my cousin, he’s so sensitive
I don’t want anything bad happening to him

My sister, we got so much close
What happens if I shut the final door?

I’m afraid that G will get lost
She’s so fragile, without me she won’t get enough support
I’m so scared for you, you can’t even imagine
I want a guarantee that your life will be magic

If I could be certain about their future, I would be in peace
I’d accept everything that life wants to give to me

I am not afraid of the other side
But this life frightens me so much
Please don’t let the people I love give up
Or just let me even then being their guide.
Sep 2018 · 181
UnfoundYet Sep 2018
Another summer is ending
We are all leaving this land
And I wonder when will we be togheter again.

Each end brings a new start
But this one bring a dangerous tension
which could destroy our past
I hoped it would have faded away by now
But it’s getting stronger, and I don’t know how

How can I stop it
How can I save us
We have always been united,
Four people who looked as one.
now there’s only a huge split
That drives you miles away
From what we were, from what we became.
I hate that you can’t realise it
I hate the way you did this

But I can’t hate you,
I swear I can’t.
I just don’t know how to bring you back.

The more the time passes,
The less you’ll hear from them
I will be the only connection
To a friendship which wasn’t supposed to end.

And I hate being the middle
The bridge to your past life
I hate watching you argue
With nothing left to try.

I feel stupid and uncertain
That’s something I can’t stand
I think we’ve reached the end
But no one seems to care.

But what I hate the most
Regards my stupid self
Because here I’m able to write all of this
But I can’t say this to your face.
Aug 2018 · 190
UnfoundYet Aug 2018
First time I was afraid,
I was walking home when a man came to sight
"Why is a pretty girl like you, all alone, in such a cold night?"
I walked faster and arrived home safe,
but my heart was pounding like in a crazy race.

Second time I was afraid,
I was in an island with my friends,
we were having a good time until four men asked us to dance.
What scared me was not the gesture,
but the way they looked us,
as if we were some sort of prize.
They were all married and they all had a child.

Third time I was afraid,
I was listening my sister talking to my parents,
she didn't manage to get the job she so much craved.
The reason behind this was her fresh and lovely marriage
Her future boss thought she would have soon bought a baby carriage.

What scares me the most is that there are going to be more of these times,
and I do not know how they are going to end up like.
We live in a world where we don't feel protected
Where people who have power like to rest on the throne they created.
Our world is fighting, our world is collapsing
and all I hear saying is 'we can't do anything about it'
Many people like to say that we are all the same,
they use words as gender equality,
but only few of them actually take the effort to make it a reality.

Sometimes I wonder if it is all worth it
The things I do, have they any meaning?

But then I look around and see all the beauty this world has
My heart beats faster, and I take a big breath

And then I know, for sure, that I'll never stop fighting
that I'll never let my life get ruined by this stupid society.
Aug 2018 · 1.3k
UnfoundYet Aug 2018
If I told you my surname, you would start to laugh
It's silly, but it's mine, and it's meant to last.
It's a noun, not a verb,
it's a little bug which lives everywhere.

I am a fly but I can't explore the sky,
"I don't have any wings" I repeated as a child.
But when were are together,
no chain can forbid me to reach the heavens.
You are to me
something that no one else could be.
I feel more like that bug when I'm with you
than when I'm on my own,
How you manage to do so, it's something I'll never know.

I am a fly but I can't explore the sky,
"I don't have any wings" I repeated as a child.

But touching this light blu sky
I finally realize
That that was not the truth.
My wings?
It's you.
Aug 2018 · 194
Not yet
UnfoundYet Aug 2018
I tell myself I hate that you started this
While I’m waiting for you to ask about it
“You write poetry?”
“I just write”
“Maybe someday you’ll let me read them”
That is the moment
I started to fall
That is the moment
I will always regret
Or at least this is what I say to myself.
I want to find that door
But I’m afraid that even then I won’t open it
Tell me
When will I let you go

Actually, don’t answer.
Aug 2018 · 481
No End
UnfoundYet Aug 2018
There are two people
who I love the most
Fire and Water
this is how they are going to be called.
They are so similar
in many different ways
Both stubborn, powerful and strong
They do not like to be wrong.
They bring life,
and joy,
to every event we attend
Fire with its stormy energy,
Water with a smile which never ends.
They taught me the difference
between good and bad
The things that matters,
things that I can never forget.
I loved the way it felt,
when it was just the three of us
I loved that it felt as the whole world could be ours.
They have been so close for such a long time,
connected with a never ending line.
If Fire thought something, Water spoke it out loud
If Water felt anything, Fire already knew what it was about.
I wanted to be like you, and I tried for so long
But it's useless, even now that I've managed to do so.
Useless because you left,
you decided to take different paths
I got distracted for a second,
I didn't think it would have been enough.
It feels as you have just reached
two opposite sides of the road
And you both think it is too late to go home.
Now I have to stay still, in silent
As your fights break my heart
I have to be quiet, while my life falls apart.
I thouhgt I could do something,
I thought I knew how to act
but right now,
all I have left,
is a huge panic attack.
Aug 2018 · 263
UnfoundYet Aug 2018
Free fall
No end
Right choice
Wrong place
I can't move
I feel the oxygen
but it can't get through
Those barricades that I built
where's the exit
I can't see
stop everything
even just an hour
show me that I still have power
What happens if I change?
And why are you still there for God's sake?

— The End —