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In the vastness of my space
I write messages in the bathroom mirror
I adress them to myself
Hoping the next day
There will be something
To comfort me
in the warm mist,in the breath
but the next day there is no message for me
like my finger never touched the mirror
I strech my mind
in my houses square metres
living room,kitchen,bedroom
searching the least lonely one
I sit at the couch
thinking of people who could sit there
but the hot tea in my mug
Cant warm  my heart
as it exits my eyes transformed in tears
******* loneliness?
moving out
from the noise
and the drama
and the control
and the good and the bad
loneliness is freedom
but how far is so far away?
is a blank page empty
or just white?
time in the form of a pen will tell
THE LONER Dec 2024
For me inspiration
does not come from adoration
It comes from depression,
or even regression.
And when im in session
is my doctors question
What did you write?
why do you write?
Like surgeons we cut people open
in search of their  faults
we pinpoint and extract them
for us to examine
only to find
the most repulsive of them
are our own
THE LONER Nov 2024
My beginning was nothing
from nothing I come
to a journey to everything
I search for a home.
Like Ulysees I m a wanderer
but his wisdom I lack
as I seek for a compass
myself eludes me in the dark.
Night after night I question
yet  nothing in this world comes for free
As the blood in my veins
screams of violence and rage.
Still I walk the line,
my soul half a bird
Set the other half to find
in this wide wicked world.
THE LONER Dec 2024
A clown in a circus
is only a clown
when the curtain falls
he looks at himself in the mirror
and sees a clown
a caricature
no sadder thing than a clown
especially to himself
THE LONER Oct 2024
Your eyes like twin moons eclipsing

your mouth the door to paradise

your tongue deepens in to me

and from my mouth truth tempts

to my words depths fall and i will make you fly

come to me sweetly like the mist covets the forest

and i ll make you a moon in my darkness

no other in my sky

cascade into me like a storm

dark water all at once

so i cannot escape

you are the prisoner now

in my fantasy

you are my willing slave

my puppet

leather,lace,iron my choice

you surrender to me and me to you
in an endless circle like serpent biting eachother

with the venom of desire
THE LONER Dec 2024
I am my weakness
My weakness is me
Yearning  to trust,to seek ,to find to love.
Love is weakness
Total release of power
Vulnerability to the other,the lover
like a dog showing his belly
to get petted
but knowing you can  end up kicked
will I still look with love and wonder?
What does it think I wonder that dog?
Will he think again of showing his weakness?
Will he be more rabid or subdued?
And what about that ****** leg?
Where is a surgeon when you need one..
THE LONER Nov 2024
In the arena of my chest
a batlle rages fierce and wild
tenderness clashes with raw energy
each blow an echo of your name
My heart like the raging crowd
wants them both to win
Ding!Gloves up!The match is on!
Before  I know,your words ground me
your hips  pound me
****!whats happening to me?
The bell tolls and I am undone
Its unfair!Your side always wins!!
I see the beauty in defeat
my barbed heart in your hands
a battered prize, torn between desire and pride
brimming with warriors blood
careful now,dont hurt yourself.
I want to pour myself on page
But I come across a cold landscape
the spark of electricity from me
attunes with that of the pc
In this digital world ,romance is lost
ink and paper relics to a insta post
Information overload cataclysm me
And I dont know how am I supposed to be
In the fringe of my consciousness my thougts reside
elusive,fleeting and hard to abide.
The cursor blinking mocks me
And in anger inspiration evokes me.
Maybe I ll make him my muse
And get inspiration whenever I choose.
This is how my poem is made
Like an emotional grenade.
sunday s dissapointment
six days far
dear oh dear
make me dissapear
I play a game of chess
and go and make a mess
pawn  not a queen
remains to be seen
In front of prying eyes
shredding your disguise
the toughest thing of all
is sunday is gonna come
when you are alone
and you ve got more time
in your hands
minute stretches to hour
Dreaded weekends
time enhances loneliness
and you face infinity
on your own
when the Sunday sun sets
from loneliness
in your house you hide
but it creeps in with the dark
it setlles on your bed
a silent partner
who connects us all
THE LONER Nov 2024
Ah such sweet smell in the night
Wait!I can t tell,is it mine?
So much warm  blood on the floor
I crave for it as I reach for the door
I know now this house that God with clay built
I ground it out with my sharp,new teeth
All this rage in my head  is it mine?
Or its the shadow of the curse of Caine?
Wherever I look around with my eyes
Behind them the Beast quietly hides
But wait no there are other corpses here!
Allas they cannot walk or talk I fear....
So I am left here cold and alone
Thinking the terible things I ve done
Knowing I will never again see the sun
As my first night as a fledgeling begun...
we have inside us
lives we havent lived
they demand existence from us
to be birthed
to be unveiled
and we do it in form of words
as a parent we bring them to page
never as perfect as we wanted
and when we look back at them after a time
is like they gave another meaning to their selves
seing in them secrets we wanted to hide
and unveil at the same time
genesis of worlds in themself
lyrical,stoic ,secret
our minds generates worlds,
a need to express our inner rythm
a child of our soul
taken life forever
THE LONER Dec 2024
How can you conceal a flaw?
What you lack
is it seen?
You are judged
by the highest court
and sentenced
to remain
as you are
an acolyte to your own shadow
in its darkness
your chipped self you hide.
Do you ever judge your self harhly?

— The End —