I don't think AI Is as good as they say it is yet Or it would have deciphered All those uncracked alphabets Or writing systems Or codes Or whatever you call them Cross reading data Dragged from A far cast mellenium Every possible notion Gets feed through the mill Processed Deconstructed Then done again until An answer pops out Not known since that time And it still won't jive With our reason and rhyme.
Acceptance, humility—they whisper truths in the silence of the night, Of a life lived with grace in the softest light. In their constant presence, we find a steady ground, A sanctuary of the spirit where our true selves are found.
Though your sins may fulfill you in this life They serve no purpose upon you in the next Prepare yourself for what will be Seek mercy for yourself and others In preparation for what is to come And in peace you shall reside For time here is fleeting and ambiguous at best Though innocence is not needed Repentance is required In these moments acceptance shall serve you Cast judgement aside In him with him in unity with God the creator you shall remain