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What if two souls of symphonic stanza
With hearts full of haikus' hope
Met right here on Hello Poetry
By reading what the other wrote.

They'd send messages of meter
With affectionate allusions
This couldn't get any sweeter
Free verses with no conclusion

A poem crafted with emotions true
Was sent to one of the two last night.
It wants to say, "I love you more than words."
But instead reads, "I love the way you write."

They'll figure out in time that they're meant to be together
And I am sure that they'll make the cutest couple(t) ever!
Two poets are almost always meant to be
Especially if they meet on Hello Poetry!
Not every road
is paved or clear
some crack
like old beliefs—
two lanes splitting
in an argument
neither wants to take—
or win

Go left
the ground gives way.

Go right
the sky burns.

There is no
best answer
only what breaks least
beneath your feet—
but chin up
even broken roads
lead home.
Katelyn Tarver—You Don't Know (lyrics)
I stand at a familiar cliff,
the wind pushing—
palms hard against my back,
hands stuffed in my pockets—
palms restless, unsure—
tired of running on empty.
The sea below rises and falls,
a slow inhale, an exhale—

Beside me, the suitcase,
scuffed leather and burnt umber moods—
the handle worn smooth
from all the times I carried it,
the lock rusted, clenched tight—
its mouth full of words
I never had the courage to say.

I think of jumping—
the thought comes at a cost,
between the gusts
and the fact
that I’ve been here before.

I shift my body—
feel the solid earth beneath me,
and turn my hands toward the case instead.
I kneel, trace its seams one last time—
inside, the same letters,
the same ghosts—
pages creased from second-guessing,
a name stitched into the lining,
one I never learned to erase—

I grip the handle—
tight, then tighter.
The wind howls, impatient—
one deep breath.

And then—I let go.

The suitcase tumbles forward,
flipping midair,
spilling silence into the wind.
For a moment there,
it almost seems as if it can fly—
then it drops, plunges,
disappears into the deep.

I wait—just in case.

The sea swallows.
The wind dies down.
My hands feel open.

I turn—walk away,
and leave nothing behind
It feels nice
to set fire to everything I’ve been.
Don't say a word
just come over and lie here with me
cause I'm just about to set fire to everything I see
Relaxing on my bed,
Listening to the music,
Suddenly, my cheeks felt some tears shed.
A watery shed out from my eyes,
Feeling the moisture and finding themselves red.

My cheeks asked my eyes, "What's the matter?
Why the mess?"

Then eyes said, "Ears are the culprit, they keep listening to something gloomy on repeat, that's why the shed."

Then ears replied in annoyance,
Stating its innocence, "It's the brain which is the problem."

Brain interrupted the ears' say and said, "It's not me, it's the heart which is on the loose.
For he is deep in grief, for he misses someone close. he is out of control and confused.
It is his longings which are causing you trouble.
Unapologetic heart keeps up the rubble."
are not afraid
to get wet—
tears will find
another way

Like rain cutting
new roads
through rock

Like rivers tricking
land to let go

Even the smallest
drop knows—
water moves
what won’t
If you want -
you can find them here
all those out of shape
poets and writers,
stooping to ungodly
behaviour, drinking
with demons, wrestling
with angels, scrounging
for words on broken tables
trying to make them fit,
words like - honesty - beauty,
- *** - hunger - words that hold
you for a while then let you
slip - unsatisfied. There is a
sickness in this line of work
an inexcusable existence,
a drowning madness,
a longing that leaves you
feeling unqualified. If you
want - you can find them
here, within these hours that
never sleep. Now I know
why Hemingway wrote
standing up …
Approches-toi des reflets sourds de l’océan
Approches-toi et regarde ses réverbérations réfractaires
Reflets liquides sur chaînes de récifs
Brassages déchainés d’affleurements d’arêtes
Des hauts-fonds
Des bas-fonds
Des tréfonds

Aucune métamorphose sans morts
Aucune mésaventure sans amas de cohortes
Aucune ménagerie débordante sans espèces
Aucune métropole perméable sans abris

Carpe sans carnassières
Carapace sans caractères
Carnage sans carcasses
Carène sans cargaisons
Carnation sans carences

Aucune incarnation possible
Sans réincarnation
Sans carne
Sans cadavre

Aucun miroitement blasé de l’océan
Aucune vague discordante sans frénésie
Aucune fange sans masse fluide

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