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LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Think of the word unify for a moment.
It is the unification of fusing both emotion and belief that brings forth self-selected power.

You are consistently revealing this in all you share and do.

However, Faith and Inaction is the essence of result.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Your work is to learn how to be mindful of  the inharmonious balance that equates to a mismatch between words and actions.

Your inner and outer life is developed through a skill set of curiosity, creative altitude, and intentional integrity.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
I am one of the greats because I have finally aligned with my truth.
The faith of my destiny has come to me through the shards of worth and Assertion for the vision and the goals I set forth.
This is the fate I celebrate everyday.
Live it.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
I am only rich because I embrace the opulence of nature in all its beauty, as it lends me mine in all that is possible for me through God's choice manifestations. 😊
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
<3 Before you find your soulmate, you must first reach your own soul <3

Art is the deepest dwelling place to discover it with both intent of chance and spontaneous action on your side.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
To feel better automatically you have to live like you are at your best in your body.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Learn from what you live in relationship to others.
Every person brings a unique gifted value to your life even when you can’t see it.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Painting is the silence of thought.
Color becomes the freedom of its vision.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
“What is discord at one point of your multidimensional being is harmony at its highest level.”
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Writing are the thoughts of a playful insightful vision, big or small, stored inside the secrets of its Universe made to effect, swayed to absorb, felt to come alive.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
I physically feel my imagination expanding upon my creativity today the more I tap into my unconscious explore and allow myself to make clear and subconscious choices.
I feel my own intention literally taking place in my brain. I invite you to love it.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Learning about more than just your craft is your craft. It can never die. Therefore, Be committed to your own growth and internal well being.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Acting is about intelligence. It is knowing more than your work. For you are the job and that is to be intelligent without relying on your rational brain to save you.
Your mind will always have an answer, but remember, the spirit led connection you create with your partner contain the wanted or the unwanted result.
Only the responses you have for yourself hold the power to change it.
Keep them light, intentional, and free.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Make sure to be happy for your work no matter how you feel about it some days.  
Remind yourself to Be grateful for your ability to be in the moment and take away their greatest teachings.
For that is all days are, reflections of ourselves within them pieces, not yet finished, carving themselves out of the tasks we stage together, and not yet pinned.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Our moments are the reflections of ourselves not yet pinned against the creations that we seek to create in life and in the worlds we experience every day with those whom we know and do not yet know but are soon to meet.

I would not change my experiences or my destiny for anything as this has been the very thing that has allowed me to create and manifest the best for me.
See this as a truth for you and not once doubt it and it too will come to cross your path.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Let what is within you make you and then set you free. In love. In life.
That is your art speaking to you in cascades of clear water. Perfectly paced.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Dance movement is the felt ****** expression of frosted foam gliding through any corner of a room with its heart wide open and its strength grounded in the planting of each step in solid critique.
This is being in motion of the soul.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Music is harmony’s way of expressing both its gratitude and its pain.
It never allows you to suffer without a listening ear.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Creativity is more than a modality of use, it is your entire personality diving deep into a new world that you yourself are making to improve, to change, to renew, and to reveal first to yourself and then to others when you so choose.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
“All falsely perceived power can do is make the hand bleed that uses it”.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Flowing movements, striking poses, loving thoughts.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
“Know that this Universe has outcomes in store that, you too, are now prepared to give.”
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
“There is more to supporting someone than "praying they fix something" to make yourself feel better. You must stand firm to your convictions and accept nothing less than meeting your self-standards. This is the ultimate in creation and it works for you in all you do. Not just through events or acts, but in people, which is much more meaningful.”
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
“Life is about turning your Pain into Power.
Take your pain and use it as fuel and turn it into Power.”
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
“Every word, every action can be manipulated and distilled down to its essence.
That is how you differentiate between fascination and creating an intentional relationship based on meaning.
It is a practice of will.
Like acting or any art in its natural form:
pure pressed.”
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
The artist finds whatever they need to spark their survival and then live it fully:

Speak your Affirmations with coherence and clarity. Then you’ll have confidence.

🦋  I control my state of mind
🦋  I speak my felt convictions into
affirmative authentic beliefs and pour them back out into the Universe on a consistent basis
🦋  I communicate my wants and needs with firm boundaries so that I am purposefully loved, respected, and trusted by others consciously
LannaEvolved May 2021
Artistic Enlightenment:
The knowing that we can be spontaneous beings in a world of uncertainty.
More now than ever before.
As artistic creators we can envision the truth of a moment in a dream, but still understand the causality that time moves on without us always being present to it.
Like molecules of human consciousness, our beingness moves through and through until they stand still.
We have to stand still sometimes too and allow all the noise that comes with the effort pass at the same time.

Loyal to who you are is what you have the power to create.
Ambition can be paced.
Your desire to produce and provide value will be fulfilled when you begin to share gratitude for the “I am” that you hold yourself to be in the back of your vision. That vision is a part of you.
That grand vision is your mind.

This is what God or the Universe has chosen for you to put back into the world for yourself, this is all you, so that can feel that come forth and be all that are for others.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
When you deeply feel the gratitude in what you have created, you remain unconditional in your thinking of what you can achieve through your art and within your life.

“I am learning everyday how to be able to keep the peace within me and disallow noise from the outside world to seep through as a barrier to my inner knowingness and emotional freedom.

I know what's meant for me, and so it sis strong enough to avoid illusory beliefs that aren't real or people who attempt to harm my emotional and mental vibrancy or my safe space within.”

We are creating each of these moments every single day and so it is up to you to work towards their development.
Happy fluttering 🦋. You got it.
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
I am where I can take it in  

Relaxing my senses into ease

Our eyes see far greater than what our minds command

Listen to the scent of roots uplifting from their bodies

And you will understand

Your fate

Caressing fresh mint leaf and lavender
Growth together is so much of everything. You cannot drift apart if you are consistently in sync with love and your lover of course :)
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
What are we?

There is so much confusion
Even when one stares
Into a field
But yet that much clarity
As what is seen above us
Performs a dance
And clouds move as holograms
That curate themselves
Colored icing emerges from mixed figures

They are the hope
In a faith that is not always visible
The breadth in my heart without words to brace
Or images to pray to
Kneels behind shadows of ineffable affliction
These feelings are not to be explored
But they must be observed
They must be heard in the midst of pain and horror for what we go through as human beings...

It emerges in my mind
And hits my body in bursts
As I dream past my days
And try to breathe… that is justified
When I interact with others
It doesn’t always hurt
But it causes the unknown to bring
With it an
Ease when I hear what they say
If they mean it
Less anxious.. That is.. and I believe them
I want to trust in people
I want to love, want to understand
But often don't know
The avenue that leads to
The desire to connect
Is but a passage in time
That only the images above can be content with
The color of cells
On a body of skin
Akin to a body of water
Melts over  
Me like a flaming candlestick in the dim

The flame uplifts with a strength stronger than the desire to know how.. or why...
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
In the spring of
Freedom took the butterflies and tried to extinct them from my world

Took their wings and split them into inharmonious melodies
Inside of hidden sapphire

Through the Holy Sparkle of these promises gliding onto spirit paper.
Linoleum marble

Glass mirrors

The Majestic creates
The manifested
Unfolding silk curtains
In the rippling
fields of magnetic supreme
Dipping in and out
of the dabbling

A screen that presents itself through transmission televised
Masks both pleasure and pain

Did you ever think “what does the unseen mean”? Did you ever think about its capacity to heal the unrelenting wounds of days gone by and give way to newness?

The movement towards your cause and Shift?
Such is in the live vision of an idealistic pursuit to be loved that measures up to how we wish we could be in our able bodies
But not all express their will
Like eucalyptus trees growing behind a fourth wall
Whispering to one another in vein

Show me how others see me.

We are made in the image of stardust
An ethereality
of a naively romantic quality
Made for God's knowing

Do you ever think about if the sun and the sunset ever met?

The power is not in the oppressor
It is in the light of your own inner wisdom
The current drawn from your internal knowledge
Electrified in your personal power to change
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
For all I’ve come across who chose to share their stories with me.

Thank you for giving me a window to transform into a powerful creator who shifts lives for all people experiencing and struggling with life’s challenges.
The act and the art of performance, poetry, and artistic expression has become the motivator and the catalyst for me to create this Shift, as a means for healing through the expressive arts and as a way to understand both humanity and the journey towards resilience in my own life.

I am grateful for the opportunity to channel circumstances and expand my knowledge in the cross section between the arts and mental health.

To the mentors (those whom I’ve spoken to and listened to their guidance and to the ones I haven’t met who are no longer with us) thank you for inspiring my consciousness and empowering me to claim my hidden power as a source for healing and creative action, so that I may live this way and pass it onto others.

To Emotional Well-being and exploring all the parts of who you are.
Such is like a beautiful butterfly
coming out of its disguise
from out of its cocoon
Finally free from the glass that has tried to keep itself hidden from its true self.
Become that.

With gratitude and much healing your way,

❤️ LannaEvolved
LannaEvolved May 2021
The dream was real

Felt by the drops of a summer moon resting in its orbit
I remember when your arms would coddle me at under silky sky mornings; gravity taking shape

Let the patterns listen to themselves
see what they see
through their window eyes

Let the numbers stand there
be what they are

in their bodies
when it equals soup and salad
without a price for bread

Let the silverware be tarnished
and cups clinch
only quiet figures hear

When we gazed into eyes on cut up streets
midnights in July
thinking about our untold stories
lightening August set off days apart

I began with love, hoping to stay there
I don’t want to leave another note

I don’t want to leave another note
I want a feather-bed to rest our heads on and make love

You have no idea how much the burgeoning of reminiscence relieves me when it costs not one molecule to love
to make us whole again and again
It’s free because it’s there

Feel the motions electric breeze like the wind
sometimes it places us on the pane
to watch us move

holds us in between the spaces
I am now in the scene of a precious transition inside and outside bream breathing in pink noise
washing away all that was left that came before restarting the scene

Once more
is an opportunity for the bird to saddle back on its wings
perch on the top of its one and only  
and try again  
saving what’s left of its oxygen
a single tree
meaning is without nothing  

There is something there
something there
these feelings pared
in our chemical reaction
evolving in our evolution  

Let’s agree that
1+1= 3 years
and two turns into one squared

Memories stay
when they’re still there
there is no erasing
what has not been left undone
in the kind of ink
that makes a white board look
splayed out
and painted  
in the image of our golden chair
leaving its imprint scintillating  
unscarred; unerased

leaving their mark
underneath the lindens in the back and to the right  

We used to taste the warmth of ripeness
in avocado green and lime juice press
no more pitted seeds

We’re standing there
standing; looking
from its new location
coming from an alternative universe
understanding ourselves
from a different place

Let the numbers stand there
be what they are

Let the math not add up
in their bodies
of matter
gravity taking shape

Will always
equal where we are
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Every single person has something to overcome to become
who they truly they are.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Let my guard down
Then you pulled it around

Close my eyes

I move
And you’re not there
This cage is deep and endless
Makes you insane
Going through the slide
Wake up on the silver lining

A dream maze
Slips through fairy dust
Powdered rain drops
and Power plays
Just when I’m unprepared
Why couldn’t I see your actions defused?
This was psychological warfare

I was getting used to it
Someone you love
Is a more than trying on a feeling

It’s a commitment to the truth
Without the repetition of indecision
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
It’s not about playing the game of:
“I’ve bared my heart, now you bare yours”
What matters is not how much you Expose about yourself in conversation
but that your soul is Engaged.

Words may feel like they relieve the hurt
As conversation soothes
From the pressures
Of everyday
Activity and decision making
Opening us up to the undisclosed levels of experiences
Vulnerability saves
It can’t be undone
Sickness can be made into such an excuse
But evil can’t
It is aborted
The body requires it and it will
It knows what it needs to do
Just listen to it.
And your Spirit will thank you in love

That is all that is just.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Internal strength is power.
Your convictions are the truth.
Don’t forget to find them
when needed.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Sparks never go unnoticed by
2 distinctive souls

Their idiosyncrasies are irreplaceable forms of matter that continue to live on
no matter the distance imposed

We finally have
what we’ve known
And it’s all we
When we laid next to our souls

Do you ever wonder how it knows?

Body on body
Heart on soul
Soul on soul

It flows.
Lie your body down
to rest
on the pillow that is our

You and me bleed the same life

There’s no way to know
But we feel how it knows
To be the jewel in the stone
Hugging the dream
Even in its throes

It’s called touching souls

Body on body
Heart on soul
Soul on soul
It took me decades to find my soul and my soulmate, even though I’ve always known that it  was possible to find such a thing, it wasn’t expressed until now.
Grateful it all turned out the way it has.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Asking questions
Serves simple reflections
on a platter that was never meant to
be gambled

But what does that mean?

When nothing changes

It is not meant to feel like we know what we're doing

“When I stand before you at the day's end, you shall see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing”.

"The longing for our perfect mate is a need engraved in our DNA…
We harbor a desire for
restoration and unity, in our search for the piece that is always missing… In our journey through life the search continues for something that can’t be readily found

It is a quest for wholeness… We search for ourselves in others in a quest for healing and integration in the constant pursuit of the final point of balance… Love is the only reality & it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation.”

The one is meant to be in all ways that suit.
A long lost love but in shapes that renew and renew.

~Influenced by Rabindranath Tagore
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
You’ve accomplished more than I ever imagined to believe

It is all possible.

And yet “just believing” never helps

I was in a phantasy plane

You knew the landing
page would shift

And bring me back to my life

Take me away

Alive and Glowing

Alive and Ready

This is brain fate
taking action
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Knowing you was like holding smoke in my hands.
The canvas dried, the brush hand choked.

And now I have met my match
Never wanted you
In reality it was the illusion
Of all the tactics you did
The boyish suffering you thrived upon
I was gone.
I got my freedom back.

Like an anchor on my soul
You always felt death running through your bones and
I holding onto something new
I'm loving my life since you.

You can’t tell me I’m wrong
Your guilt and your shame wouldn’t allow you to
I was left to my own devices
Thought I found a friend
Smoking mirrors just made me crave a connection
It's all on me
Healing is all I ever wanted to do
And I wouldn't change a thing
Because all this smoke glazed over
brought me to.. now
And I could not be more grateful.

I love the reality of my life more and more each day.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Moving into a velar glide metamorphosis
Vicariously springing forth
Transforming out of cocoons

They were borne from the melting mounds
of powdered flakes
resting on the golden face
of my Trojan balcony
suffocating each window in utter fog
blocked in their finite prisms

I lie crisp and awake
trapped inside them
Yet still, I am free.
LannaEvolved May 2021
Savour your scent nectar
Stay with me and the wisdom  

I thought my aura left you
my eyes, my voice, my face,
caught between cracks of silent speech
You continue to recall me
Since we first met
I was not once taken
out of your memory
for a moment you became stronger
more defined in my absence
the temporary cannot make a sacrifice
it will not later claim  

We dropped the knife
The bond already came

A Butterfly’s Eternity is born out of the source of all inner fulfillment
It cares not what the flower speaks, but what the vision states
in the back of its wings
mid flight
In a state away from its side of the garden
It keeps on

Reminded of love
for what it does everyday
to find the flower
Remembering its why

The stillness of its knowing brings in the creative resilience
Even on rose’s alien stem

We dropped the knife. Remember?  
You can move mountains with the greatest thorn.
You can do this.
I am in low power when I need to research, plan, and take charge then in high power when I need to be on the world's stage execute but also stay silent.  
Both shifts are a balance between them that enables one to achieve a purposeful journey of love and life.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Different Souls: Once Dark and Lonely

Turning the inside out:
Inside out
Caring beyond what is shown
Inside out
The words were my freedom
Inside out

Love, like art is a form of language, and art just as in love dances with the idea of it, as they become one in the same.

My experiences through time spent with men and women and people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds has made love or finding it stressful, and at times, it has felt almost unachievable.

I wanted recognition more than anything else. Hearing the words made me feel like we fit even though I was shaping our interactions and various conversations to fit my own wants for what I thought could have been.
I learned this is held in what I can only be fostered in a solid trusting relationship.

I also learned that love is not held in questioning or asked in questions themselves, am I the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen?, Aren't we perfect for each other in every way?

These questions weigh down the value of your worth and evaporate the truth of what could be an extraordinary beautiful and unique experience in moving through the journey of exploring love with someone who is also worthy of you too. And as I have learned as with love and friendship, they combine to create the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you and being ok with that.

I have found discovering and rediscovering yourself over and over again is so important in finding a person who truly knows how to love and  wants to understand how to love with you.
It is a journey in loving ourselves through loving another, more refilling and fulfilling ourselves.

This makes us better as human beings in what is such a colored process, both friendship and love, of creating and recreating again.
LannaEvolved Apr 2021
The Light always bars the shadows.
God is a guide to what is for you not to change your circumstances in place of You. Only you do that.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
As I revel
like a star
A revelation in the star
falls down
into my palm
It knows
the truth

My life is... wholesome bleeding creative
sharpening the corners
printing color
poignantly defining every
formulating layer
to help me grow

Acrylic paints
On the surface
What’s inside?

Learning to lead with my heart my intuition
Creating my truth

Embracing the flow
of empathy
For the unknown

I will Lead.

An unbroken home:
Flourishing everything over and under the moon.
Life is.. what you I make it.
What I make it.
And that is something I can own.
My life. I can make it.

“Growth is paramount to life and love“.

These are our lives.
So let’s protect them.

Let’s empower them
To be bold and to live
Extraordinary open windows


And well-being.

Let us work on and towards
This is Reflective healing.

For this is (our) collective healing.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
You are the choice and the choice is your will. Will equals choice.
So there is no one
but I and no one else
Bend your desire to your will.
And you’ll always have your choice.
LannaEvolved Apr 2021
White poppies
(Resilience, purity, promise, power) Surprising eyes peering through their nectar filled muse
their core uplifting, the angel whispering blanc blooming
Strength, purposefully persistent and yet calm
water and rain
clears all debris away
across its ****** petals

Infinite potential.

Standing Proud in delicate ivory cream
that feels the truth
and embraces
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