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118 · Jun 2020
HOPE Jun 2020
Birthed me,
nursed me,
trained me,
And most of all you loved me

to the womb that became my home for 9 months,
to the arms that never grew weary for years,
to the chest that turned my pillow for decade,
to the back that forever bended for me to find a comfort place of sleep,
and to the lap I'll never outgrow for,
I raise my fist up there in the sky to say,
Thank you
117 · Feb 2021
HOPE Feb 2021
Love is a dangerous affair yet powerful
And it drowns you till you are left breathless
Yet you still desire to fall in love anyway
117 · Oct 2023
HOPE Oct 2023
It's not goodbye,
It's see you later,
For I know even if we don't make it to each other on time,
In heaven I'll still get to keep the promise...
117 · Mar 2021
HOPE Mar 2021
Till our eyes were ocean deep in the red sea
God knows we prayed
Till our bodies could no longer race against our heartbeat
God knows we prayed
Stood in the gap for the life of an amicable soul
As if we had the supernaturals to stop the universe
But still you said, "her day is done"

In the middle of the night
You strolled down the garden of Eden
With the angels singing holy holy
And picked up the most blossoming lilly
Of all the roses that were fading
Hand in hand shining like a piece of diamond
"Well done, well done" He said,
As He took her home, her eternal home
Today we lost an angel, She went home to be with the Lord😭
113 · Dec 2022
HOPE Dec 2022
Trying to make calculations of it all,
Nothing seems to make sense
Everything is just shackles of glasses,
Where it is forever new,
Feels like there is nothing to look forward to

Others grieve their loved ones,
Others have no meal to share amongst each other,
But others have, Yet with no one to share it with,
Others tries to keep it together,
Yet it feels like it doesn't wanna be kept

Lord, we are so empty,
So is this Christmas...
113 · Sep 2023
HOPE Sep 2023
"How are you?"
Cannot be the question,
The answer lies within my eyes.
111 · Dec 2021
HOPE Dec 2021
It is aesthetic when you smile,
You become a blooming flower,
That is nourishing hope.
111 · Jun 2022
HOPE Jun 2022
There is this sadness,
I haven't felt in a minute,
It feels as though blood is dripping,
out of my heart
And my eyes are drowning,
in the deepest ocean
Once again today,
I'm not strong,
I found weakness within my sadness...
109 · Aug 2021
HOPE Aug 2021
You vowed lifetime
Yet you gave half of the time

You strategized our alleviation
Within the face of the universe
If I could stroll the heaven with you
Yet you vanished, all alone
And captured half of my heart

Split second on the clock
Ticking and ticking soundlessly
To forecast we are running against time
Maybe I would have mastered to let go

But look, the enemy of mankind,
Like a rushing mighty wind came
And grab you within a blink of an eye
And left my heart bleeding
Oh let this God see through this pain,
That I feel entitled to ask "why"
As He effectuated a cryptic pierce within thine heart,
Yet you are stronger up there than you could ever be in here
Shona Ferguson Tribute
108 · Apr 2021
HOPE Apr 2021
Freedom declared
From hands of Pharaoh
But art have been mastered
Painted ourselves with colour of hatred

Blue rising against another blue
Self taught of being not good enough
Envying another instead of congratulations
Convincing one self that wealth is not a friend

Propaganda has anything to do with blue
Prison cells full of broken African souls
As convinced that we are worthy of conviction
Even persuaded of guilty of a fellow before proven otherwise
107 · Dec 2020
HOPE Dec 2020
To harmonize thyself
For sense of inclusion
Within thy brokenness
She tried

To take off this laprosy
Hanging around her
Producing rejection
She tried

To drown on thy vast
Of scented cologne of hers
To attract the attention of theirs
She tried

To overdose on pharmaceutical
At least they will besiege for life
Neither miracle to keep her alive
She tried

Of all that could come up to her mind
To end the misery deep within her spirit
She tried tried tried and tried million times
Yet she still felt like a loveless soul
106 · Feb 2021
HOPE Feb 2021
Eyes wide open like a bulb
Shining through the night
Yet love makes us blind
106 · Feb 2022
HOPE Feb 2022
With fists on air ready to fight,
I came into this world
Separated with a home I only knew,
I let out a soft moan then fell asleep
With a touch of her hand,
I gazed into the world full of uncertainty
And I was attached,
attached to a home that isn't my home
Creating rooms where hatch are forever terminal

I wish we do not have to follow the pattern,
But humans were created to love and be loved,
Love which comes with greater agony
I believe when creation took place,
"Forever" should have form part,
Then we would be together for a lifetime

Yet it begins with one,
Then two becoming one,
And swivel into a family
"Till we meet again in heaven"
Then again, On my own
With my universe turned upside down!
105 · Feb 2021
HOPE Feb 2021
We all have days
Full of smiles
Where we stare through the rising of the sun
And lazing around through the warmth of the sunset
As we dance through the movement of the blue moon
And count the stars as they appear

We all have days
Full of uncertainty
Where the sun no longer shines through our windows
And we just stare through the walls full of darkness
Wishing if those walls could talk just once
And listen to the dance of thunders within thy heart
105 · Mar 2023
HOPE Mar 2023
Faith, Hope, love,
Laughter, smile,
Even ray of sunshine,
I had it all

Until the clouds beat the drums,
And uncertainty arose,
I lost it all
Yet I once had it all
105 · Sep 2020
HOPE Sep 2020
Wasted moment
Over collection of stones
Turning them lime
More like chrome

Older I'm getting
Feeling all weary
Deeper with regrets
Just allowing it to rain

Maybe I should have
Tried to confuse fate
Causing this heaviness
Dwelling on this pale page
104 · Jul 2022
HOPE Jul 2022
is when the pain within my wounds
yet I choose nor death neither life,

I just aspire to be OKAY!
#hope #healing #newdawn
104 · Mar 2021
HOPE Mar 2021
Life is not complicated, we just have a tendency of complicating it.
103 · Aug 2023
HOPE Aug 2023
My heart desires
had always been to grow old with you,
Little did I know that life had already chosen my fate

That I'll remain alone as a motherless child,
And learn to find wings to fly out of my brokenness,
As I stand tall as the stick

My heart desires is no longer out of  choice,
It's either I stay and be consumed or I rise and conquer
103 · May 2021
HOPE May 2021
Put on her shield
Raise the double-edged sword
Placed within the palm of her hand
Just like Moses she will lead

Clothed with piety
Take on the sling, put on stones
Mouth full of praises
Like David she will subdue

A warrior of exactitude
Rising against the Amorite
Full of dispute
To authenticate

Possessing like Joshua
Dominating like Judah
And birthing new creation like Mary
For she is of Jesus Nation
102 · Apr 2021
HOPE Apr 2021
Till our eyes were ocean deep in the red sea
God knows we prayed
Till our bodies could no longer race against our heartbeat
God knows we prayed for you
Stood in the gap for the life of an amicable soul
As if we had the supernaturals to stop the universe
But still you said, "I wanna go home"

Courageous Ella
Full of cheeky laugh
Unexplainable aurora
I watched you ride beneath a new born sun
Just like horses embarking on a rote of new Jerusalem
That we are all set to paddle upon one of the good days
When time begin to run against the clock

One beautiful morning
God called you to stroll the heaven with him
Held your hand to let you smell the roses full of life
And danced through the melodies only played in heaven
I can picture you looking at your mommy and your daddy
Whispering "I love you but I wanna go home,
Tell Raphaella she'll never be alone, I'm now her angel"
Basking into the arms of the Father wearing crown of victory
In loving memory of Israella Bushiri.. Fly little angel
101 · Jul 2021
HOPE Jul 2021
Lying there helpless
Heart beating against the clock
Drowning on the pool of his blood

A lighter in their hands
Burning sensation within them
Blink of an eye, already inhaling smoke
Its flame, flame and flame after flame

Laboratory, hospitals in flames
Coffins in the middle of the roads
Corpses decomposing in houses
"Brown is brainless" they say

I close my ears
To the sound of each trigger
As I say a silent prayer
"God, preservation of life"

Smell peace for the last time
As white swivel to red
Then red to ashes
Back to before 1994, I long to see freedom

Because our nation is burning
Pray for South Africa. All feels like a horror
HOPE Jan 2021
He took my hand
Lead me to his bed
And I trusted him

Gave me sweets
Let me sit on his lap
And I smiled

He started to unbuttoned my dress
Touching my small rounded babies
Stroking my lips
While my smile faded

I tried holding on to my dress
Tears threatening my eyes
While looking through his eyes
As he turned into a monster

He continued to tore it into pieces
Rushing to take the underwear off
And finally I'm naked before him
As he bite his lip off now and then

Pushing me to the bed
Thrushing his ****
In and out of my well
Breathing heavily on top of me
Busy satisfying his quench

While I bled and bled
Staining his sheets
While he stained my heart
And took away my innocence
Maybe I didn't tell him to stop
98 · Jan 2022
HOPE Jan 2022
No life came with a manual in this universe,
Maybe the ability of pausing oxygen to nasal cavity, yes!

But we keep parading,
On peak and melancholic,
Sometimes with a turtle ramble

Like sand through the hour glass,
So are the days of our lives.
98 · Aug 2023
HOPE Aug 2023
I met someone the other day,
Turns out to be a long lost piece of the puzzle
How I know? the heart always knows

Must be in the way his heart beats out of tune,
whenever I lay my head on his chest,
As he wrap his arms around me
That I know I found the one

It's in the way he get lost within my eyes
And I suddenly feel butterflies in my tummy
The way he hold my hand
And I instantly desire to dive right in

My heart has found its home
How I know? the heart always knows
97 · Jan 2021
HOPE Jan 2021
As I dine here
In this lonely nights
beside my shadow
All alone full of thoughts

Fixing these eyes
through the sunset
that keeps deeming
and deeming deep to the west
overshadowing this tiny light
Shining through thee hour glass

I dine here
drowned from this rain
of this thunder, this storm
Feeling weary and worn-out
While the sunrise lies
within the locked palm of thyne hand
Sometimes you just have to look within you and you'll realize that for the the sun to rise on your favor, it lies within you
97 · Jan 2021
HOPE Jan 2021
Just two imperfect mates
Breeding perfection
through each other's imperfections

The pertinacious hearts
Breeding immortal devotion
through incredulous twinkies
97 · Nov 2020
HOPE Nov 2020
The antiquity of thy beam
Slowly swinging into gloom
Like the ancientness of thy giggle
That rotated into bunch of sniffle

Seventh heaven into blaze
Paradise meeting flame
Conveyed by chariot of fire
It's life full of adventures
Our lives came already patterned. Like a mountain high and a mountain low
95 · Feb 2021
HOPE Feb 2021
I'm still gonna see you
In the midnight dreams

Your eyes full of sparkle
Ocean blue in the Mediterranean
In the middle of summer

I will be holding you
Through pocket sized necklace
You gave me while dancing under the stars

The photo album
We created the other night
While promising each other infinity

While dancing like old times
When they play our song on the Radio
And our feet just twitching to every beat

I'm still gonna see you
Because this is not goodbye
94 · Nov 2020
HOPE Nov 2020
Whether it proceeded
A day before
An hour after
A minute ahead off
Or even a second prior to
Still its considered the chronicle

Even if memories were pioneered
To never fade away
It all becomes blurry
Transformed into past
93 · Jun 2020
HOPE Jun 2020
I was never ready,
ready to give him my heart
I was never ready,
ready for the lost keys of my heart to be found
I buried them, too deep

But thyne heart decided to betray thee,
and open doors which faith was lost upon
With tremble and fear she fell,
and to the hands like strong tower she landed
Just like a fairytale romance, so was her love story
93 · Mar 2021
HOPE Mar 2021
Families turn into strangers and strangers becomes family.
93 · Feb 2021
HOPE Feb 2021
If time was on our hand
Like the sand in an hour glass
Why would we still break when we band?
Or be in precipitousness in case it lapse?
I'll be moving like a tortoise till I land
While detaining power of beauty that surpass
The possessive nature which place us in demand
92 · Dec 2021
HOPE Dec 2021
I am switched back to the factory restore
From fully charged,
to connect your device
Smile within our faces,
to Sunday morning blues
Holy night under the stars,
Christmas carols with burning candles,
and I look at yours with no one to hold it

Our song on the radio "Oh holy night, the son of Mary"
I sing my part, look over my shoulder,
close my eyes, to think I'll hear your voice,
as you sing your part,
yet nothing but breezes of trees

Everything is new even life where you are not on it, it's new
Even this Christmas without you,
is filled with fresh water from the moon
Like Mary, I have embarked on a journey,
I never prepared myself for
Oh! I'm Engraved forever...
92 · Jun 2021
Mama, Happy birthday
HOPE Jun 2021
Many years ago
On this very day
God allowed you
To share your loudest cry
Turning into a contagious smile

A visionary
A lover
A mother
Who even lost one of her breed
I call you a general with scars

Here I am
With the pen in my palm
Strolling smoothly like a silk cloth
Yet I thought the ink would be dry
But how will it dry on a special day,
When the poet only release what is buried deep inside?
It is my mother birthday, and I told myself I will not write long caption as words are never enough.
90 · Sep 2022
HOPE Sep 2022
I acknowledge you,
I feel your presence,

Just one request,
Please, don't stay forever.
90 · Feb 2021
HOPE Feb 2021
This morning he gave me the longest hug of them all
Looked me in the eyes with his shining blue eyes
Tears escaping before he could utter these three words
"I love you" while handing me this box
Beautifully wrapped a million times with colour of love

You should have seen me overwhelmed
Kissing his cheeks with the box in my hands
Smile widely spread eagerly rushing to see what is inside
Could it be chocolate, a card, a teddy bear maybe
I kept on guessing while my hands kept digging

There was nothing huge inside but a piece of a paper
I looked confused while going through it
But the paper read "My heart couldn't fit
On that box, that's where I carry you with me each day.
Be my valentine once more and let me love you for eternity"
Love is a beautiful thing. When you find it cherish it and hold on to each other. Let valentine be Everyday ❤️
90 · Aug 2021
HOPE Aug 2021
Worthless and rejected
As your servant Joseph
Yet you carried me through

Discouraged and weary
As your beloved David
Yet you held me close

While the world convinced me
I wasn't meant to be loved
Unconditional love you showed me

I came with nothing
As empty as the sky
Dispirited like a sheep without a shepherd
Yet I became your everything, Daddy!!
God loves me that much
89 · Jul 2021
HOPE Jul 2021
Migration of stars and the moon
Dancing around in circle like lovers do
Doesn't look titillating without you
89 · Jan 2021
HOPE Jan 2021
What if...
Life is never complicated
Only specimens are just sophisticated
Making life becomes complicated?
89 · Dec 2020
HOPE Dec 2020
This sensation
Deep within thee
Enclosed beyond the margin

The perceive of agony
Concealed in a vast
Silently within thee
Like a bird lured on a trap

Its these phrases
These tales
Apprehended within the mind
Like a conviction of an unblemished soul
Yammering with excruciation
88 · Oct 2020
HOPE Oct 2020
I wish to marry a poet
Who will pen me down
In such a magnificent way
And make me drown
In the ocean of his words all day

I wish to marry a poet
Whom the theory of his ink
Will channel him to find inspiration in me
As I turn him on through each wink
Like the universe belong to him and his rhyme

I wish to marry a poet
Who will turn our love story
Into a fairytale triangle
Like a startling light of the glory
Shining bright like a candle
Imagine having to read one of the piece about you so sweet and fascinating that you even shed a tear because the things written down just overwhelms you.
88 · Feb 2021
HOPE Feb 2021
I miss her
The one who used to smile
Blush over tiny things over and over again
And chuckle over the sound of her laughter

I miss her
The one who used to own happiness
Roaming around the colourful butterflies
Until she could feel butterflies in her tummy

I miss her
Young girl full of impossible dreams
That kept her day dreaming throughout the day
Whereas they were just fairytale that kept her faith

I miss her
Who didn't think of tomorrow
Just taking the day as it came
Allowing herself to breath

I miss me
Not this one full of endless thoughts
Which are drying up her bones
Who carry the universe on her shoulders
87 · May 2021
HOPE May 2021
Yes, life is worth more than dollars
A piece of diamond treasured
A sweet aroma through bunch of lillies
Even a kiss in the sunset in the middle of nowhere

Death, Life,
Still beyond human control
But I'd choose none today
Yet I choose "thank you"
If I choose gratitude, I'll still be given life because a grateful heart attract more right?
87 · Sep 2020
HOPE Sep 2020
You should have given me a guarantee,
For me to never end up in quarantine,
All alone yearning of your affection,
While securing more detention...
87 · Jan 2021
HOPE Jan 2021
Behind every smile of hers
Lies invisible bleed
Bleeding through internally
Yet it is covered with a smirk

Of every echo of her enchanting
Chuckle that abscond
Through her lips
Lies a fractured psyche
And there is a tear everytime that she blink

There lies a lifeless soul
with fractured pieces
Like a decrypted case
That keeps her mourning
Throughout the evening dawn
Yet too occupied to survey
86 · Sep 2021
HOPE Sep 2021
Once upon a time
She found a companion
Who permitted her to sail
Within the pool of his heart,
Became the beats on his lips
Forever and a lifetime
Yet he made her parade
On fractured glasses
As she pick the share of her scars
86 · Nov 2021
HOPE Nov 2021
I took the photo album out today
Of what we call our frozen memories,
I hold dear to my heart
How I wish I got to hold you forever,
not just these pieces of papers in my hand

Sometimes I hide behind my smile
Sometimes I find a corner and just let it rain
Yet you taught me that every that I misses you,
I must look up in the sky
But there is a tear everytime that I blink
And sometimes I go insane,
neither lose myself when the emotions weighs up

I realized I'm not strong enough when I miss you,
Oh I'm engraved forever...
85 · Jan 2021
HOPE Jan 2021
When the oceans runs dry between us
We will still glide through memories we created together
84 · Jan 2021
HOPE Jan 2021
I wish I can take out my journal
And read out sweet words I've written about you
But till now your piece in my journal is still blank

I wish I can stand on top of the highest tunnel
And tell the universe how you've been there
but the world would end up helping in shedding a tear
because my story is almost the same as a broken soul

I wish I can boast about your presence
As much as I boast about my soccer team
But wouldn't I be labeled as a qualified liar
Since you don't even know the colour my tears?

I wish I can say you taught me to tap
Through the rain like a fearless cub
But you kept dragging your your feet
To reach out to me as if I had a contagious illness

And I wish you were there to teach me about self worth
But unfortunately you taught me the opposite instead
To rather find comfort on the thighs of strangers
Who later rejected me as well
Because I lost myself in the process

Oh dear daddy
You should have been there
To cheer me on when I was giving up
Instead of watching from a distance
While breaking my heart not once or twice
But million times again and again
#ToAllAbsentFathers #DaddysPresenceMatters #ItIsOkay
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