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Sep 2020 · 151
Brewing sounds and feelings
Nix W Sep 2020
Wind rustles a light tumble of leaves dance across the stones ebbed within the dirt under my feet.

I’ve come to see the birds. They sing a song of laughter and sun. I’ve also come to see the plants. They’ve grown so glistening with orange hues and drops of diamond water.

I stop just beyond the fern fronds. Closing my eyes and hearing the woods. If I could. I’d manifest these sounds into feelings, nameless and brewed into a delicate concoction of oak fermented sounds, consumed and nourished. The soul is at peace.
Nix W Jun 2020
Like a  tugging feeing down
Yanking tight within my soul
It darkens my insides
And suddenly  I feel cold
My head fills with sadness
And my mind sees only lows
My eyes begin to water
And my breathing heaves in slows
How absurd my feelings gather
Unfold and gush in times
It bottles up, my doing
As I steer away from lies
I just want to sleep
Sleep away all my tears
Sleep away all my woes
And sleep away all my fears
I hate this feeling (I say I wanna die)
It’s stupid yes I know and would I try?
It’s just this **** keeps getting thicker
Fumigating from within
Dense ash crumbling my light
Till I am weak and bent
Cradling my sorrow
Harbouring my woes
Sinking deeper in the abyss
A place where few people go
How do you ask for help when your not even sure what your needing help with????? Silence conjures up the most peculiar morbid thoughts.
Jun 2020 · 132
Doodle dee song
Nix W Jun 2020
Lookie lookie lookie
Somethings written in my ******
It’s distaste for you will surely
Turn you into one real sookie
So don’t you lookie lookie lookie
In my private truthful ******
Cos I ain’t about to say no sorries
All because you want to nosey
And now your eyes have gone all sookie
All because you read my ******!
Doodling words in my book I made up this silly song.
May 2020 · 123
Tea break misery
Nix W May 2020
As the cries of laughter echo and consume
My ears are still burning by those who have strewn. Such lies. These women prance around with idiocy grace, a shady snark of deceit and words coated with sincerity, meekly designed to hide the words, in between the lines, are glares and stares, mutters and whispers, laughing at’s and inside jokes. This I see and this I hear as I sit here drinking my tea.
It matters who you work with.
May 2020 · 148
Aquatic noose
Nix W May 2020
Brace yourself. The tides come in. Let down your noose. No threats here. Water deliver. The remedy’s due. Kindly takeover. This one’s new. Oh sanctuary within this tide. Wrap me in waves. Smother my cries. Engulf my sorrows with salt, a million. I’ve let go. Welcome thee. This tides high and in I go. Welcome me, welcome me. My new found home.
A concoction of mixed feelings and this spills out.
May 2020 · 126
Thoughts for the night
Nix W May 2020
Painted eyes. Do you see right? A mimic. A fake. A clone. A mistake. Tainted ears. Do you hear right? A muffle. A sound. A thing at night. Do I frighten you? Least of all. I am weak. No need to fear. This is not real. You aren’t either. But I still see you. And hear you. Now can I feel you?
May you manifest yourself by my dire need of seeking solace in you.
May 2020 · 106
The Giver
Nix W May 2020
Is this enough?

Exposing skin
Peeled back flesh
Inner workings
At its best
Laid out raw
As you inspect
This bodies worn
Blood infest
You take more
As you did before
Scraps of me
Shoved back in
Stapled shut
By the lies of him
Now walking
Empty vessel
Taking always taking

Will this be enough?

Glass solemn eyes
Blank and absent
Stare off to the sky
A tear
A single tear
Rolls down to her lip
Apr 2020 · 165
My friend named insomnia
Nix W Apr 2020
This friend of mine is obsessive
He burdens me every night
By his constant arrogant desire
To keep me up all ****** night
He appears completely uninvited
and declares his space in me
By sitting directly on my head
To defecate profanity
Its completely obscene and alarming
The thoughts he implants you see
I’ve never known such disturbance
Until he embarks on tainting me
It keeps me up for nights on end
Wires tinkering away
I can’t seem to shut them off
A frozen cognitive display
I’ve focused on ignoring him
And pretended to be asleep
But he’s never easily fooled you see
So I imagine counting sheep
I heard it was suppose to work
But lies he won again
This pesty fiend is staying put
So i geuss there is no end
We make a deal
A deal where we both win
Where he resumes his nightly dues
And I can get some rest
I tell him he is welcomed
But only on one condition
That he only soils my shrivelled brain
When it is completely in transgression
This rodent stares and wonders
The meaning of this word
It baffles him completely
For this he’s never heard
As he thinks I smirk and wiggle
An inch away from him
To happily caress my pillow
And proudly announce “I win”

In the end your only battling yourself.
Apr 2020 · 293
Nix W Apr 2020
When your up late at night because you think someone has let you down,
when all you ever did was drive them to their limits,
asking for a reaction but never believing that they'd actually commit.

When your up late at night,
thoughts sinking deeper in,
of how a lonely night feels like a thousand when your apart.
From someone you've spent almost every minute with and slept with so that their scent, their breath and their sounds become your own.
Now without those things, you aren't completely here, in the present, you don't know where you are,
your lost.
But you could never admit that, no, you want to inflict the same amount of tortuous pain that you had to go through just to gain some sickening satisfaction , but... it never lasts.
You eventually succumb to the emotional strings that pull you to your other half,
the half that you can't stand!
but the half that you can't live without.
I love you, please come back.
Apr 2020 · 117
Nix W Apr 2020
I have this song
And it makes me sad
I think of you
And I know your dead
But still
I think of you
A faded image of
Straight black hair
Piercing brown eyes
A mischievous smile
Dark blue slippers
Pen marks on your hand
And a handmade satchel strewn across your shoulder
But it’s your smile
Your gorgeous heart pounding
It was so unbelievably infectious
**** you

(Tear drops aren’t much use
When the boy who stole your heart is only but a memory, fading into lose
Forgotten parts. Which is why I write of you. Its the least I can do.)
🎵Pretend - Hovvdy
Apr 2020 · 123
Nighttime visitor
Nix W Apr 2020
You haven't visited of late. Not once.
You use to appear so unexpectedly and catch me by surprise, awaking with a flush of hot paralysis and then sinking into the abyss of reality.
Your there and I'm here
I'm stuck and your free,
while I linger within my clustered mind hoping that you'd find me and hold me in your gaze.
No matter how absurd the image may be, its the feeling of a possibility and chance that could never be but could have been, had I been with you.
I wish you could see me tonight and assure me that I was right.
You felt the hunger within me and the light that beamed when you were of reach,
but both of us were unsure of ourselves and our wisdom.
Well now I say to you, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for being safe and scared and young.
Whatever I did do that made you think that we could be, it'll always be, because you were mine and I was yours. Until our end.
To my high school crush who died and visited my dreams for so many years. Where have you gone? I miss you
Apr 2020 · 144
Nix W Apr 2020
A whiff tickles my nostril hairs and dances down into my throat. A taste. Tinge or so of ash and fume, cloudy remnants, grainy shards. I listen. Deep heavy air. Colours encircled. I watch. It’s beautiful. Hazy glares clustered hues dispersing slowly piercing air. It’s a mass. Now no more. There’s smoke in the air. I feel it taste it and watch it dance. Strangely dense yet so light rising stretching flowing and floating. It’s paralysing. This smoke in the air. Now dancing in my throat.
Not sure what to make of this.
Apr 2020 · 185
Nix W Apr 2020
When he covers me with love
and plants himself whole,
a chance to grow and make life,
but he just says thats no.
I can’t  make him feel the urge, to grow and be so much more...
to love the lives you make and see them grow and grow.
No I can only respect his wants and move on with hopes of more,
until then i will wait and time will pass and i can no longer expect the same thing.
Why is he such an ***?
Apr 2020 · 119
A Darkness
Nix W Apr 2020
A darkness looms over me
Penetrating my soul
It reaches for the deepest parts
And smothers them all whole
No matter where I go
Or how I think
the people I'm with
Or the songs I sing
the darkness is there
consuming me
wringing me dry of all the good in me
But, I've come to realise
something true
the darkness harbours in all of you
Not just me and not just them
not just some but everyone
how do we rid of it?
How have they?
Do they not feel it in the same way?
I'm unsure and I'm scared to ask
What would you do? Had you this task?
Would you fight it? or would you pry?
to so many others who have dreadfully tried?
Or would you concede and declare yourself done?
Allowing the darkness to know it has won?
Your unsure? Great! that makes two
I guess I'll just take the latter
And be one with this thing
Empty and full
With it, it has replaced
My soul and my 'good'
Now a dark empty space
Its all in your head
Apr 2020 · 123
Nix W Apr 2020
Black milky skies
Coloured crimson nights
Risen above
Shimmered below
Suns aglow in heat and flow
It dies again to feel the sin
Of a human disgrace
Ignoring this grace
Such pity such regret
People are cruel and people forget
How it is to live how it is to be
Everything in feeling in body, in mind
to be alive to come alive and give a life
Who will ever know such loss?
When everyone just follows
Written a few years ago, my thoughts at the time.

— The End —