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 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
I saw you the other day
by the bus stop,
on that rainy saturday, hey!
I have you stuck in my mind
and when you smiled
I saw the entire universe
right in front of my eye,
a spell you did on me.

It was magical,
In a trance,
dazed and lyrical,
I made plans of you and I
but, wait,
let me catch my breath!

I have sailed to the next shore
why do I weave hope from you
To do something I never could do
Love me so
so unconditional
how do I know,
You'd treat me better than I treat me?
The mind, determines, who is me.
       The heart, determines, how long I'll be.
Destiny and eternity are
chiseled in seconds.
Flecks of snow become
Drops of rain make
Thoughts tumble into
decisions, and actions,
overtime, leave a
To be without a reason
to be.

To be a worn inside out
kind of being.  To miss you mostly
your absence, like
falling water,


You make the tears
want to fall.  You slant from the
pictures .
Grant me Oh Lord a minute.

I am trimmed in half.  Your
consecrated remains on
the bookshelf.

Tomorrow is the Blessing
that holds the map of
living without you.

You walked in the Garden.
You never said that kissing
was underrated.  It's how

you left in your bed in a
May afternoon.  The
last time to say I loved

you turned away.  Was
life with me so hard?

You ran to God to save
your demented soul.

I watched from my window


Flew away.

Caroline Shank
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
My Dear Poet
For every drip that drops
theres a kiss on your lip
we can’t stop
the tick proceeds the tock,
on every clock

Little bits of bitterness
makes a mess of emptiness
The pleases of teases
satisfy our happiness
And all that it will leave us
is pure **** of nothingness

Other than that soft
sweet scent of sweetness
Where only you can meet this
going back to our first kiss
that I myself so miss
I'm a drunken man
  with a fragile heart
  could be an ending
  could be a start
  I'm fun full of laughs
  but too many years
  I have drowned
  beneath my tears.
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