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Apr 2020 · 147
Anna Fox Apr 2020
I heard you carry ships
on your way to the sand
I heard you carry souls
who hope to escape land

I heard your body curls
under the pressure of your spine
trapping the air in a swirl
till you break in a line

I heard you come and go
with the moon by your side
I heard your best angles
are with the sun as your bride

I heard  you carry tranquility
with the music in your sigh
And if I listen closely
I think I can hear you cry
Jun 2019 · 771
Anna Fox Jun 2019
I am a kite
lightly floating in the gentle breeze
I am a cloud
dancing in the skies delicacies

I feel only wind
I see only light
carried only by the sky's currents
I am almost out of sight

As I dance the winds settle
the clouds and sky are now more
brutal than they are gentle

I am no longer a kite being carried
fooled by the skies shifting
by the dying breeze
I am wearied

— The End —