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Michael C Crowder
70/M/Ipswich UK    Proud father of a wonderful family @scorsby
75/M/South Florida    Rough draft for a masterpiece -old songs for new
17/Transmasculine/Nowhere    A system of chaotic queers writing from the heart about their pain and their lovers <3
Jeremy Betts
42/M/Washington State   
Sarah Kruger
Los Angeles    I am an entertainment attorney heading a 9 person firm in Beverly Hills, CA. I am also the recording artist and songwriter, Trevor McShane, and …
Sean Fitzpatrick
But nature is a stranger yet; The ones that cite her most Have never passed her haunted house, Nor simplified her ghost. To pity those …
28/F/Trapped in a body.    /eh-nai-lee/ since the beginning ~ a never ending time
24/M    I'm a youngish person with dreams and stuff, but needs to write. I stay anonymous because I just want to. I hope I never get …
Anais Vionet
21/F/U.S.    "a-NA vE-onA." a Yale university senior with a horrible pizza addiction.
24/M/everywhere, all at once    hi
Michael Marchese
30/M/California    “Cogitation. A distant fragment. Separate me from the whole. My thoughts...are now unchained.” -A Wolf Amongst Ravens
Bus Poet Stop
on a bus near you...    eye am a recording devicespecial filters of my own prejudice. eye live in various bus stops where punctuation of life moments need not be, are …
JoJo Nguyen
Baltimore    It's just me, JoJo pushing the JoJoBrand.
54/M    I am a van driver from Essex, where I live with my wife and three grown up children. I write and take photographs for my …
32/M/Kerry, Ireland    If you like the words, schemes and how they twist and tangle and create imagery in your mind, follow me.
30/M/Lusikisiki, South Africa    New born Artist who appreciates Art
Druzzayne Rika
24/F/Living inside the poetry    A small plant growing in a garden of beautiful flowers.
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