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Shamai Dec 2018
Today is a day
Like any other
I don’t want to clean
Or cook
Or do anything
I normally do

So, today
I choose
To do
Shamai May 2020
It’s over
They took me away
Ever to be never
Longing to return
To the pain
Pain is better
Shamai Apr 2019
One never knows
Where life is going to take them
On a journey
Of unknown origin
Walking a path
That no one
Has ever tread before
And it feels
Like I’ve been here
And yet
I don’t know
Where I am
So come with me
On a journey
Of no origin
And bitter end
Walk with me
Shamai May 2020
Kale my lovely friend
I hold you in my hands
Feeling the strength of your commitment to life
Knowing that your life energy
Will heal
My ailments
I place you in my blender
With the flax of health
And the water
That sustains life
And I allow the blades
To create the pulp
That sustains
My be ing
Kale, my beautiful green friend
Only those who have tried
Will understand how you
Have touched my ailing heart
And given it life
Only those who are conscious
The true meaning
Shamai Oct 2018
The chocolate is calling
I’ve covered up my ears
I feel the salivation
And I try to call my peers

I know I should  not want it
And to eat it would be dumb
But it calls to me from the other room
Beckoning, calling me to come

I try to eat a carrot
I try to eat a pear
It doesn’t quench my cravings
And my longing is still there

Sweet, juicy, dribbling down my chin
Maybe celery will do it
I lick my lips, anticipating
Maybe just a little bit

A corner, maybe a quarter
Of the bar is not so bad
Ok, just a small bite more
Half the bar I have now had

Before I know it, I am done
There is nothing left to eat
There is nothing in this world
That chocolate can not beat

So now I sit with guilt in tow
Wondering how to stop the call
Loving chocolate is not so bad
Think I’ll get some at the mall
Shamai Mar 2019
Cleaning, scrubbing, putting things away
Have to get things clean before end of day
Flushing and washing and folding things up
Have to get food ready before time for sup
Washing the walls and folding the clothes
Have to finish before I start to doze
Hanging and watering and putting things right
Keeping to a schedule and holding it tight
Before you know it, the time will come
The trumpets will blast, and the drum will just drum
And I have to be finished, I’m all in a tisit
Because my mother is coming and staying for a visit
Shamai May 2022
I want it
I need it
I know it is good
And yet all the time
I know that I should
Eat healthy eat properly
Take care of my ***
Do all that I can
I know that I  ‘ought
And the chocolate is calling
A burger or two
My clothes no longer fit
And neither does my shoe
Spinach and kale
Are the foods I adore
But fries and onion rings
Are the foods that I store
When will I change over
Let go of the past
When will the food change
Take hold now and last
Green smoothies I want
I need I adore
But somehow the calories
Are all that I store
So body please forgive me
If I lose motive and drive
For being healthy is what
I hope now to strive
Let go of bad habits
Throw junk in the garb
Whole foods are so healthy
I know I won’t starve
Forgive myself
For all of my sins
And throw all the crap
Right into the bins
Shamai May 2019
Once upon a time
There was a world
That was as pure and innocent
As the people that lived there
There was no crime, no pain
No one taking advantage
Or lying
To others
And then
The big change
And lying became the norm
And power over others
Overpowered all
And no one cared
About others
And they killed
And *****
And ravaged
And had no remorse
And God looked down
And he said
This isn’t good
He created children
To watch over the future
To bring back innocence
And truth
And love
And he said
This is good
Only the children
Picked up
The bad habits of their parents
And so an ugliness
Over the world
And darkness was all around
And the innocent
The ugly
And they forgot
That love was all they needed
And God, sent down love
In the form of animals
And wildlife
And plants
And the people ate the plants
And played with the animals
And remembered
That they were made of love
And all was good
Love is all there is
Shamai Apr 2022
I follow a path of freedom
I follow a path of truth
I follow a path of love
And I follow a path of youth
The Creator has given us
Much that we can do
He asks of us to all be one
And to ourselves be true
We’ve come to earth to find out
Who we are and from where we’ve come
What our role is in this lifetime
And where we’ve all come from
Some say that God created us
In six days and on the seventh day he rested
They tell us that we must keep laws
And on this world we’re tested
Some welcome child with ritual
Welcome them to this kind place
Some say we come from Earth
And some say we come from space
Some say our heart beats just as one
Some like to do a dance
Some sit in quiet and meditate
Some groups are steeped in romance
Whatever way you choose to walk
Do it softly or speak it loud
Remember that you’re the unique one
With gifts you are endowed
Use your life wisely remember that
Our breaths are numbered and soon
You’ll find that all things come to an end
With nature you must attune
Say hello then say goodbye
You’re days on Earth are done
You’ve done all you can to make amends
I hope you’ve become some One
Shamai Mar 2019
Computer’s not working, my phone’s out of order
Repair man is here, he’s crossed over the border
Into no man’s land, where the power is weak
And in order to run he must give it a tweak
And here I am sitting just twiddling my thumbs
Needing to talk on the phone and jabber my gums
And still there’s no action, no way to call home
No wifi or signals or even Google Chrome
So I have to wait with patience, until he is done
I’m jumping up and down and that is no fun
Repair man please save me and make things just right
Put things back in place and the screws, make them tight
Give me back my TV, my WiFi and phone
I’ll find some more dollars, and even take a loan
So things can go back to normal, and work as before
Or you may find me passed out right here on the floor
Shamai Nov 2018
What is death
But a time for repose
An in between moment
In our journey of life
Taking us by the hand
Leading us to our future
Our destiny of sorts
If we can just let go
Of our attachments
Our need to own
To have power
To be human
Death takes us through a doorway
Where thoughts become more potent
And bodies not as important
Emotions are thwarted for deeds
And discernment
We become
And our bodies
Turn to ash
And we
Shamai Mar 2022
A favorable combination of time and place
If we don’t take a chance then we’ll never reach grace
There are times in our lives when things go well
There are times in our lives when things are swell
They go the way we wish they would
We take a chance as well we should
And then sometimes things go away
No matter what we do they do not stay
And frustration sets in and we give up
We don’t know what to do with the big flare up
And we forget how much fun we used to have
And how people helped on our behalf
We give up all and hide inside
And wait for the coming of a helpful tide
Sometimes we wait sometimes we gain
An understanding we need to obtain
Opportunity knocks and we should respond
Take a chance on choosing what is beyond
Jump into the opportunity that comes to us
Allow and choose without a fuss
For when opportunity knocks we should be home
Consider it luck like a honey comb
And embrace the chance for life to guide
Our way to home in love abide
Shamai May 2019
Isn’t it strange
That in order
To live our lives
We need to
Become a witness
To our actions
We need to weigh
What we are doing
With our
Ethical compass
We need to understand
What to expect of ourselves
On a
Daily basis
And to filter out
Our excesses
And keep
Our Good
Shamai Jun 2020
I am not the only one
Who has gone through
Extreme abuse
I write
For us all
So all who have lived this
Can know
That there is life
Shamai Nov 2018
Our life
Is about stories
The ones we make
As we are living
Our lives

The stories that take us
From childhood
To maturity
And back
Into childhood

The stories that define
Who we are
And who we think
We should be

Our stories
Our lives
Our downfall
We believe them
Shamai Nov 2018
Overwhelming nausea
Of same old, same old
Spookiness of unknowing
People rat racing
Never questioning
Never conscious
And I get lost
In the garbage
Created by
Their inattentiveness
To life


In the spookiness
They never care for others
So totally lost
Shamai Apr 2021
Playing hide and seek in my body
Sometimes here
Sometimes there
Always present
A reminder
I am
Shamai Jul 2019
Heaviness in the pit of my stomach
Tears coming to my eyes
I don’t know what it’s about
And I think I’m going to cry
Dirges of sentiment
That I encounter
Take away my ability
To scream
And I am one
With the Universe
And I cry
For all those
Who are in pain
And I wonder
If it will ever end
I cringe
At the sentiment
My being
And I want
And love
To be
At the center
All I feel
Shamai Nov 2018
Expressing my love
And life
And experience

On which to grow
And be
And love

To notice The I
In the hurricane of life
Shamai May 2019
When I was a child
I used to dream
Of ice cream and candy
Or so it would seem

I would wake up each morning
With thoughts in my mind
Of how to behave
To be loving and kind

And sometimes I couldn’t
And got into trouble
Was sent to my room
Only there it would double

Because quiet and calm
Aren’t the norm for a child
I had so much energy
I couldn’t be mild

And eventually I grew up
And became an adult
And had kids of my own
Tried for a different result

I allowed them to scream
And to have lots of fun
Quiet only came when
The whole day was done

And I learnt to allow
To not stifle a child
To accept without judgment
Allowing them to run wild

With love and firm limits
A child can learn
They are loved, they are cared for
Once doesn’t have to be stern

So if I’ve learnt anything
Things don’t have to be strange
Don’t have to be like our parents
Can have loving exchange
Shamai Mar 2022
Peace is that which comes into  
The body and the soul
It sits in heart awaiting
And it helps us reach our goal
Peace can be  elusive
And helps us reach out and hold on tight
Peace can be the calming presence
That keeps us feeling right
Peace can be a harmony
Of beautiful dimension
Peace can be a holding
And a space for true ascension
When peace is reached
We feel a sense
Of beauty
And ideation
Peace can be delusion
Or creative imagination
When peace is reached
We know a sense
Of beauty and detachment
Peace can be a letting go
Of old thoughts a dispatchment
Peace is not a common place
It takes work to reach its space
Peace takes time to germinate
Can’t reach it as a race
It takes quiet and perseverance
It takes will and solid grit
It takes Sat Chit Ananda
And the ability to sit
For it’s in the silence
That the magic can take place
It’s in the inner world that we find peace
With silence and with Grace
Shamai Mar 2022
Peace is a place deep inside
A place where you can go to hide
It’s warm and fuzzy and helps you feel strong
When in that place nothing can go wrong
When you feel vulnerable and in some pain
A place of peace will be your plane
Let go of fear, let go of foretelling
Living in the future is not a place for dwelling
Live in the present and feel the peace
Of letting go stress to release
For peace is a dwelling that you can feel
It gives you strength when life you deal
It helps you move past feelings of woe
It helps you be happy, it helps you to grow
For peace is a longing to be more than that
A place of silence in which to chat
And then to quiet your inner thoughts
Will remove your blemishes and all your dots
So you come out more than you came in
And you become more than you have been
Shamai Dec 2018
Pain brings me sorrow
And I so want to find peace
May this be the year
Shamai Dec 2018
Tears in my eyes
For the pain
That humanity has suffered
By the hands
Of its own

May this coming year
Be one where
We learn to
Love one another
Feel for one another
Be one with others
And find peace
Within ourselves
Shamai Jan 2019
I tend to be
So ******* myself
Expecting so much more
Than any one person
Can achieve
I push myself
And Will myself
To do more
And be more
And accomplish more
So, when will perfect
Be enough
Shamai May 2019
I tend to be
So *******  my self
Thinking that perfection
Is what I need
When in fact
It is
The perfection
That is
My ruination
Shamai Dec 2018
Life is all in
It’s just that we see it
Through a shattered lens
Shamai Nov 2018
Juice dripping down my face
Sweetness in my mouth
Who could have known the delicacy
Of the flesh
Knife cutting through skin
Waste in bag
Eager anticipation
Shamai Nov 2018
I always thought
That love was like
A safe place to be
And I thought that love
Would always stay
Inside of me
And life felt like it would never
Go away or leave me
And I had to  spend time cleaning up
Before I could leave
And I spent some time
Working on a rhyme
Used lots of space
And I used that time well
To speak and be heard
Though aimlessly
Shamai Jul 2020
Don’t worry about my health
I can
Take care of my self
Been around the block many times
And am
Still here
The last thing I need
Is a mother
Please don’t worry about me
I don’t
Shamai Jun 2020
Is a collection of words
That make sense
In the context
In  which it is written
And sometimes
The words
Shamai Jul 2020
A way to express
All our longings
And misunderstandings
All our fate
And all our lost opportunities
The voice
Shamai Jun 2022
Is such a necessary
Of communication
It reaches out
And catches my spirit
In an attempt
To describe
Shamai Apr 2021
Poetry is
A way to find meaning
A way
To look into the soul
And find
Our true essence
When we look into our soul
We find the
Light of  
The formula
To find
Our way
Back Home
Is just one way
Of expressing
Shamai Nov 2018
Poetry expresses
Our journey
Of life
And life’s longing
For the intricate details
Of reaching out
And belonging
We express our joy
And our pain
Interactions of the heart
And joyous seduction
Gives us the tool
Shamai Mar 2019
How do you write them
I just don’t know
The words come on forward
And soon there’s a show
My poetry seems to write itself
I don’t give it much thought
The words flow so freely
And they come out a lot
So I found this here website
Where I can just write
And share all my thoughts
In clear spirit and sight
Shamai Mar 2019
Sometimes it’s just fun
To let the thoughts flow
And type them up quickly
And watch my thoughts grow
Poetry is a fun way
To learn and to teach
Putting thought words together
From a comfortable niche
Shamai Mar 2019
Writing poetry
Expressing thoughts through words
Blank canvas grows
Shamai Feb 2022
Children have magical thinking
They think they can create
Anything can happen
If they just take the time to wait
For adults it is different
Life has thrown them quite a few
So things that have happened
They have to take time to chew
In workplaces people
Think that they are more
They forget about others
And become quite the bore
Power is something
That goes to the head
It makes people think
That they are in charge instead
They forget that we all are
Brothers and sisters of sorts
They forget to work together
And instead they exhort
Putting power over others
Is only a sign
Of people out of balance
They should quickly resign
And look at their actions
And what they do mean
They should wipe out their past
Become pristine and clean
For its only when we take
The time to reflect
That we realize that life
Should really be checked
When we understand that power
Is for making things better
We will start to make changes
And become a trend setter
Power is a gift
That helps us navigate this world
It helps us to prepare
For the afterworld
So pick up your britches
And head the call
The onus is on you
Use your power and stand tall
Shamai Mar 2022
I pray to God for loving
And I pray to God for food
My every wish I wish for
Becomes prayer and that is good
Prayer is just a wishing game
A time to ask for stuff
Yet isn’t it time to realize
That what I have is quite enough
When I pray to God I recognize
His presence and his Grace
When I pray to God I hope
That I don’t fall flat on my face
Prayer is communication
And what I could be saying is ‘thanks’
Thanks for all you give me
And thanks for all your yanks
That bring me back to where I am
And where I hope to be
Thank you for your loving
And thanks for holding me
Shamai Dec 2019
I live in a land where French is King
And English is not stable
We’re supposed to know our oui from  non
Our table from our table
We can’t say hi, bonjour together
Or wear a pretty hijab
English schools are closing up their doors
High taxes are on our tab
I don’t find speaking French a problem
Even though I wasn’t taught
I picked  up words on streets, when young
Marde, colisse,   and tabarnak
My children are bilingual, my grandchildren are so too
I try to speak and others laugh
My French is like a stew
I’m glad I’m getting older
And getting shorter on my days
For watching hatred and prejudice
Is just never going to be my way
Shamai Oct 2018
Is today a poetry day?
Or a day of prose?
Will my words be long?
Or short?
And how will I express
My wisdom
And learned thoughts?
Or maybe
I should
A day of
Shamai Mar 2021
Sleep just doesn’t come
And I lie awake
Unable to quiet my mind
Or body
And even tossing and turning
Doesn’t seem to help
To bring a stillness
Tea is my go to friend
And quiet and solitude
Seem to bring forward
A tranquility
Of spirit
Life can be tough
Quiet and solitude
Shamai Nov 2018
Dripping down my face
Waiting for the moment
To catch the lashes
That protect my eyes

Sounds of movement
Water ripples
On the pavement
And large splashes
As cars go by

My face lights up
At the thought
Of clean air
And moist ground
And happy
Shamai Feb 2022
Red and yellow blue and green
A rainbow passing by
A message filled with hope and love
We may be asking why
Some things happen that make us sad
Some things we don’t know
We think that we can change it
And learn to  go with the flow
It’s not about the good and bad
It’s not about the dark
But maybe about how we can
Just light a little spark
Things happen in this world of ours
Feels like we’re passing through
It’s about how we react to life
And use the things we knew
You can accept you can fight
You can sit and cry
You can react with all your might
Or just let things pass by
If you can just accept your fate
And grow with faith and love
Then happiness will follow
All that you are dreaming of
Shamai Jan 2022
You know we’re not the only ones
Who have a need today
There are some who go days hungry
And have no place to stay
There are some who wander across the land
Looking for food and space
There are some who don’t know where to live
Who look for aid and Grace
There are some who don’t know what to do
To make the hurt go away
There are some who reach out with empty hands
Who have never had a chance to pray
So those of you who know their place
Who’s bellies are full and  hearts embrace
Reach out to those who know not what
Reach out and help from heart and gut
Remember that in this Earth of ours
One shouldn’t be alone or left to starve
Reach out and help reach out with heart
Reach out and give right from the start
And know that you were never alone
In giving you have now reached out and grown
Shamai Nov 2020
Why is it
That nothing feels
I am in such a quandary
The illusion
Is stronger
Than the
Shamai Nov 2023
Does it ever end
The dreary lifeless sense
Of no tomorrow
Gone are the days
Of laughter and joy
And placed behind the screen
Is reality
Shamai May 2022
I was walking along the water
And decided to take a seat
Because my rhythm I was losing
And I couldn’t keep the beat
I looked into the water
I was not far from the street
And what I saw surprised me
And it really was a treat
I saw an old lady smiling
And it truly was so sweet
She was happy with her life
And other people she liked to greet
The day was beautiful
A rising heat
Didn’t bother her
As she raised her feet
She looked into the water
Just passed the concrete
And what she saw
Was quite offbeat
She saw a woman
Who was quite complete
She’d lived her life
Without conceit
Gave love to all
At every retreat
She remembered others
Who could lie and cheat
They took advantage
And were not upbeat
It’s important to remember
It’s not the athlete
But the one who takes care
And has no cheat sheet
Remember the other
That is on your street
Remember to step forward
And not take a backseat
For love is the answer
If you feel incomplete
Step forward with love
And be discreet
Shamai Nov 2019
You know
It’s not so bad
To always have to find
Something to do
I wish
Sometimes I really wish
That I had someone
To share my life with
And then
I remember
How hard it is to be in a relationship
And I think again
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