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Shamai Mar 2021
I lie awake at night
And listen to him
Snoring softly beside me
And wonder
What my role is
As friend
As partner
As a life couple
Nothing is ever
As easy as it looks
And performance
Is not the same
As action
From love
I ponder
And feel
And react
And wonder
Relationship is not
Shamai Jan 2022
It’s time to let go of
Resentment and vengeance
It’s time to make intention of change
We need to voluntarily let go of our thoughts
And stop thinking that things are so strange
We think we are victims of other people’s thoughts
And we allow ourselves to let go
Of who we are truly and not what others see
And these changes can be very slow
As long as we believe that we are in the right
And others are truly at fault
We can’t see the whole, need to change what we think
In order to create a gestalt
When we’re feeling offended or locked in our guilt
When our anger becomes all we are
We need to let go of our weird expectations
We need to let go of the bar
For life flashes by in the blink of an eye
And before you know it, we are gone
We need to let bygones be bygones at last
In order to bring in a new dawn
So let go of negative thoughts which keep us at bay
And let your true light shine right through
If you want to live a truly happy life
You need to be true, to you

SC  1/4/22
Shamai Feb 2021
Catching my thoughts
My experiences
My everything
On paper
And paper no longer
And time
Doesn’t stand still
And I
Am all
I’m meant to be
in this time
why am I
Shamai Nov 2022
Slaughtering an animal, sacrificing the self
This is the kind of life we should want for our self
We give up that which no longer suits us
We try to let go without any fuss
We sacrifice to spirit we sacrifice to self
We try to remain humble in spite of our wealth
We offer to G_d what we’d like to become
We hope in the end we will become just as one
We consecrate and present our weaknesses and flaws
We go down to our core and become very raw
And come right back up in strength and in truth
And come back as empty as when we were youth
We open let go wholeheartedly being
We become as we should our soul we are freeing
We live our ideal, belief and our end
As a message to self we are trying to send
Be pure and live truth be righteous and whole
Going back to creator should be our true goal
Offer and sacrifice be present in mind
And the truest gift of life you will surely find
Be grateful for all for which you are given
And for that which is human you will surely be forgiven
Korban means to draw near as surely we’re meant
As we reach our true goal which will be our ascent
Shamai Dec 2018
Today is a sad day
Ever have one of those
When the tears roll down your face
And you don’t really know
Where they are coming from
Perhaps it is
The rainy day outside
Or life’s longing for itself
Or perhaps
Just perhaps
It is a reminder
That joy
Is just around the corner
Shamai Jan 2020
There is so much
Sadness in my heart
I don’t know
Where it comes from
And it feels
So real
Tears almost in my eyes
Dripping down my cheeks
Almost there
And the sadness stops
Creating dis ease
And I want to cry
I can’t
Shamai Feb 2019
Weeding out imperfections
Finding the faults
That make us
Less than Godly
Is the way
To cleanse
And prepare
For our true
Shamai Nov 2018
Santa, Oh Santa
Where do you come from
Is the North Pole too cold
Do the elves like to hum

Are the toys almost ready
Is your sleigh shiny bright
Have you  put on more weight
Will the seat be too tight

Santa, Oh Santa
Will you be able to steer
A sled filled with toys
And your eight tiny reindeer

Please take some time to ponder
And do take some rest
For Xmas is coming
You’ll be put to the test
Shamai Nov 2018
I look in the mirror and what do I see?
Just another face looking out at me
Do you have something to tell me, do I have a right to know?
Is it something I remember, say it isn’t so?!
I want to remember and I want to forget
I want to pretend it is all in my head
And I have to take things one step at a time
And I have to remember that the thoughts intertwine
Some of the memories belong to the past
And some are the products of life ever last
I want to pretend and make it go far away
The memories come back and insist that I stay
So I cover my ears and my eyes and my face
And the sounds continue from a distant place
I see the horror of times long forgotten
And I wash it away like I’m stuffed up with cotton
With a smile like it never happened although I know it is so
I prefer the hidden tunnel, so far away I now go.
Written years ago during my inner healing days from deep abuse
Shamai Oct 2018
Each morning
I do the same thing
I follow a pattern
And that makes me
Feel safe
When I don’t know
What my day holds
I get nervous
And question
My life
And feel empty
Like I have no goal
And life purpose
As long as
I keep on schedule
I know
Where I’m going
Maybe I am truly lost
Shamai Jan 2022
Isn’t it amazing how much attention we give to body
We dress and clean and groom it and explode when we look shoddy
We think that our appearance is how other's tend to judge us
Can we take some time here to justify and talk, so let us now discuss this
Our body is just a part of us, a part and not a whole
Take time to look a little deeper then you’ll find a better goal
For our bodies are just a fraction of what we should be looking for
If we look a little deeper then for sure we will then score
We are more than just our bodies, our minds and feelings, oh
We are so much more than what we know, let’s take this all in tow
We have a body to take us places where we’ve never been before
We have a mind to guide that trip and feelings can be a chore
So body, mind and feelings are just a part of who we be
And what is it that steers the ship? Let’s look and we will see
We have a body, mind, and emotions and we are so much more
We need to find our true, real self, we need to find our core
The Self that guides who we are now and who we’re meant to be
Is something more than our tri self, take time to look and see
Our self is a flow of mind-stream and ****** conditions
Our self is taken care of by our family physicians
Our Transpersonal Self is able to stand in itself
Received, absorbed and utilized by the self
When we look beyond body, mind and emotions
We find that we’re much more
Than who we thought we might find
Our true Self at the core
Our driving force is Self which is a truly focal point
An enduring reality, stable center with a very simple viewpoint
The Self is what is left when we take away the parts
The Self can stand alone, it’s the power from where life starts
The self is not a working force, in a sense it just can be
For the Self is not the electric cord, it’s the power which we can’t see
The self and Self in unison can be a beautiful dance
It comes from knowing who we are, it’s experience not happenchance
So if we take just minute to know we’re more than just our body
We’ll find that we are so much more, a soul that we embody
Materialism is believing that our body is all we are
Yet when we look much deeper we’ll find our soul is the true star
Shamai Mar 2022
The shopping the cleaning the cooking and more
All of these things should not be a chore
They’re done with the love that we have for another
A mother a father a sister a brother
We take our time and do things right
We clean everything we see in sight
And when it’s done and we’re all alone
We smile with joy and set the tone
Our gift to other is really our self
And who we are puts us on the shelf
Of honour and praise for who we are
When you give from the heart you are a true star
Shamai Jul 2020
A boy walked by my window
And I liked him
And he was cute
I looked away

A girl walked by my window
And I liked her
And she was cute
I looked away

We’re in a world where ****** orientation
Brings confusion
And we don’t know
Who we are
Or who we’re supposed to be
Or act
In this world
Of chaos
Shamai Sep 2019
Writing poetry
Can be so much fun
Words on a page
Expressing unknown
Deep within us
Many times
I don’t even know
Where the words are coming from
Like, they just are
Set deep within me
Rising to the surface
To share
Shamai Dec 2019
Sparkling white
In a world
Too busy to notice

Out my window
A wonderland
Of clean
Not yet marred
By the
Of life

I sit inside
Looking out at a world
That is
Always changing
Once green
It is now
Covered in a blanket
Of sparkling white
Shamai Mar 2020
These times are so dreadful
I want to cry
Men hurting one another
I say with a sigh

Why can’t we imagine
A world without fear
A place to grow up in
That becomes very dear

But instead we move forward
With daggers in hand
We close up our hearts
And take a firm stand

When instead we could think
Of ourselves as a flow
Of loving pure kindness
And wisdom in tow

Perhaps then we
As a world could evolve
And all of life’s problems
We then surely could solve
Shamai Dec 2020
How ridiculous this is
I mean who cares
And why worry
And what does it matter
Crazy thoughts
Race through my head
Non stop accusations and reminders
To be better
Running without stop
I put up my stop sign
And I close down the game
I enter
The silence
Shamai Jun 2020
Can be so beautiful
When it comes
After a long time
Shamai Oct 2018
In the silence
Is a whirling of energy
An eddy of colour
And silence in which
I can rest
And just
That  longed for
Peaceful state
Where it takes effort
To be
Shamai May 2022
Today is a day
Like any other
I have arrived
A little wiser
And a lot more humble
Life has taught me
That I know very little
The more I learn
The more I know
I don’t know
So I will humbly
Take a step forward
On the road
To learning
I will be more aware
Of all
That is meant for me
In this
I will keep
Eyes and ears open
I will move consciously
On the Earth
I will speak humbly
And know
When it’s time
To be still
When it’s best
To be
Shamai Feb 2022
Do you ever feel like people talk
They do their blah blah blah
They really don’t know how to stop
They wear me ‘till I’m raw
I block my ears I close my eyes
I try to make them go
But they never even notice
And they make me feel so low
If I could only make them see
That non stop is so crude
They would understand that what they do
Is really kind of rude
I like to talk to people
And hear what they have to say
But non stop blah blah blah
Just has to go away
If they would take a breath or two
It would be kind of nice
The silence in that moment
Would really then suffice
So when you have some things to say
I hope you will hold in
The thoughts that run inside your head
Because silence is truly golden
Shamai Dec 2020
I have only poetry
To express my thoughts
And my experiences
My hopes and my dreams
Get expressed
Through poems
What would I do
If there were no poems
Or poetry
With which
To express
Shamai Jun 2020
And waiting
For life to happen
Shamai Aug 2021
Oh whoa to he
Who shocks the system
And does what is
Against his better knowing
He who tests the limits
And gets gobsmacked
By the Universe
For trying out
And acting on
His limited senses
Mind takes us under its wing
And tries to
Steer us away
From our Higher Knowing
Until we befriend the mind
We will get
No where
Our destiny is
To know ourselves
And to know God
And we only get there
Sitting in Silence
Shamai Dec 2020
Sleep eludes me
I toss and turn
And close my eyes
And still
Doesn’t come
I throw away
The pain of yesterday
And calm the nerves
That prepare me
For tomorrow
And still
Doesn’t come
I lay
Shamai Feb 2020
Running running
So hard to keep  up
With life
Ever going
Always doing
This way and that
Filling in gaps
Busy schedule
Have to go
Have to do
Have to
And smell
The roses
Shamai Oct 2018
The snow should come
I feel it in the air
Cooling wind that grips
The essence in my bones
And I cuddle into
A new sweatshirt
Bought online
In anticipation
Of the snow
And the cold
Shamai Feb 2022
Crystalline structures that resemble God
Each one so different, some slim and some broad
They fall down in flurries some fast and some slow
They each catch the sunshine and some start to glow
As you walk on the crystals they sure make a sound
They take over the landscape and become the background
When you lift them up high they’re light as a feather
But they only come out when it’s really cold weather
If you taste them the cold on your tongue can be felt
If you wait for a while they surely will melt
What else in this world can be so many things
From liquid to solid then to gas it does bring
Some people say it’s just some atmospheric vapor
Frozen ice crystals or flakes you remove with a scraper
White flakes that lie on the ground in a layer
Which you watch over as it falls like a real surveyor
What would it be like if snow didn’t fall
If we never had winter or a good snow squall
Then we wouldn’t understand nature and its beauty
Or the shoveling of snow and our natural duty
Shamai Apr 2022
Do you ever feel
Like no matter what  you do
You can’t overcome the hurdle
Like life
Is pushing against you
And you don’t know which way to turn
Always remember that
Life is here for us
To experience
For us to gather our
Inner resources
And find a way
To create joy
From misery
Shamai Jan 2020
There’s a word that’s come
Into my head
Have to learn the meaning
Have to put it to bed
It takes over my thoughts
Has me concerned
Don’t know what to make of it
Don’t know if I’ve learned
I’m certainly concerned
That I’ll use it wrong
Maybe put it on paper
Make it into a song
It’s mindful, considerate
And caring too
Use it wrong and I’ll find that I’m
Inside  a zoo
So thinking so carefully
Eager with fear
Not sure what to do
And feeling quite queer

I’ll repeat the dear word
Again and again
Solicitous, Solicitous
And now I am sane
Shamai Jan 2022
Some days
When I sit in the silence
And wonder what life is about
I stop
And reconnect
With who I am
And who
I want to be
All is never lost
When we know who we are
And where we are going
The path is clear
And direct
We feel lost
And unsure
Of who we may be
In the future
As long as you hold onto
Who you are
Can do
Shamai Jun 2020
I wonder
And then
I give
Shamai Aug 2020
Sometimes we wonder why
Someone has come into our lives
And then we realize
That we have found
The other side
Shamai Nov 2020
We fall  in love
And then
That love
Slips away
And we have no choice
But to deal with it
And it hurts
And we don’t know
How to get past that
Maybe we don’t want to
The love was SO
Shamai May 2019
Yes, just sometimes
It feels
Like life
Is passing
Me by
And I wonder
If there
Is more to do
Before I
Lay my head
To rest
Should I be doing more in my life
Or less
Is there a wrong way
To live
Or a right
Life is
Like a puzzle
With many twists and turns
Coming back
To the beginning
So, if I take
The right road
Or the left
It really doesn’t
All turns out
The same
Shamai Apr 2022
Life’s curves are the challenge
We need
To grow
Into that
We are meant
To be
Shamai Jan 2020
Just sometimes
My thoughts soar
Take over my Universe
And all that I have
The thoughts in my head
And it’s so hard
To think
Over all that chatter
Just sometimes
I yell at my mind
To stop yelling
Inside of me
And taking away
My right
To choose
Just sometimes
I want
To be
In the
Without thought
Without action
In the
Shamai Nov 2018
Life just feels like
Too much
Like people everywhere
Aren’t conscious
Of Truth
And they hurry, scurry around
Without making any sense
Of life
Don’t people want to know
What life is all about
Or is it better that they live
In total chaos
Moving moment by moment
Without thought
Without conscience
Without knowing
Shamai May 2022
Sky above and sand beneath
God’s gift to us he did bequeath
The beauty of bounty is quite unique
It makes us humble it makes us meek
We honour all that we can see
This lovely Earth on which to be
So look around take in the all
See all you can of blue green sprawl
And then look deeper to who you are
In life you must become a star
And be the best of who you can
And dance with joy in God’s true plan
For only in love can you really know
Life’s truth secrets from which to grow
Inside you lives a piece of God
A part that you should sure applaud
As human we are bound to life
As soul we move beyond wildlife
We become as our maker with purity
And we become a spirit free
Shamai Oct 2018
I awoke this morning with a thought of Spring
How, just like the crocuses push through the snow
And show their tiny heads before opening
So we are like that Spring
Opening when our time is ready
Taking our time rising
From the unconscious to the conscious
Knowing of who we are
And how we will project ourselves
Into the newness of our world

How kindly we are
To allow the process
Neither rushing nor holding back
On our evolution
Into newness

Spring, the harbinger of
Our truth
Our selves
Shamai Mar 2022
The sun is shining and the birds are returning
To a world
That was covered in snow
Spring is in the air
And soon plants will be
Peering out of the ground
Looking for the sun and warmth
That gives them life
Soon jackets will be removed
And boots become a thing of the past
As warmth envelops
And allows us to bask in the sun
After a long winter
People thrive in the sunshine
And embrace the world
As it awakens
Shamai Mar 2022
The sun is shining and the birds are returning
To a world
That was covered in snow
Spring is in the air
And soon plants will be
Peering out of the ground
Looking for the sun and warmth
That gives them life
Soon jackets will be removed
And boots become a thing of the past
As warmth envelops
And allows us to bask in the sun
After a long winter
People thrive in the sunshine
And embrace the world
As it awakens
Shamai Jan 2020
Where are you
Why have you forsaken  me
Snow lies on the ground
And ice glints in the boughs
Of the heavily laden trees
The sun has hidden
For so many days
And darkness and gloom
Seem to rule our world
I long for the flowers
And the growing buds
On the trees
Now hidden
Under the
Blanket of snow
Rise up dear Spring
Show off your beautiful colours
And remind me
That love
And happiness and joy
Still exist
In this
Shamai Jan 13
Today I wrote of good and bad
The shadow of the other
Both needed to make our lives work
For sister and for brother
Without dark we can’t have light
For one compliments the other
Although I find dark hard to swallow
I’d rather have no other
For light shines brighter with dark behind
To make it’s glow more pure
For when dark thoughts come to our mind
The light will be our cure
So hold on tight to your life’s journey
As you sway from left to right
For life is like a game of sorts
As we move from dark to light
Inside we have capacity
To hold on to them both
As we move on our journey
To consciousness of growth
And soon our wisdom place we’ll find
And understand it all
That we have come from far and wide
In humility we stand tall
Shamai Jun 2020
Living life
I wonder what it feels like
To be
Actually be
I try
Lord knows I try
And still
It’s a struggle
To be
Shamai Nov 2018
The world is an empty void
Of meaningless objects
And paraphernalia that
Have no substance
Those in power
Try to get us interested
In gobbledy ****
Meaningless jargon
And things
That are dangerous to our health
They make us believe
That they care
About our health
And about our families
And about the world
And all they care about
Is power
And *******
And the extinction
Shamai Mar 2019
Hanging ivy overhead
Flowers blooming in their bed
I wish Spring could be forever
And winter? No,  no,no, no never
I love the warmth upon my head
The shining sun and I feel fed
My over boots and heavy coat
Are put away with a little note
So winter won’t come back too soon
I can stand outside and watch the moon
And take a summer swim in my pool
The summer breeze is not too cool
I laze around reading a book
Not much to do, nothing to cook
BBQ outside in summer weather
And flowers blooming on the heather
Mother Nature do you think
That winter could be over in a blink
And summer could stay forever more
In summer clothes, warm to the core
Shamai Jan 2022
I walked past the park
And saw the children at play
And tried to remember
What my mother used to say
And I thought of the times
I held my babes in my arms
And I tried to remember
And it set off alarms
For our children are precious
A gift from above
And they need to be raised
With kind, compassionate love
How can our young beings
Take over this world
If all they’ve been taught
Is a hidden dreamworld
The truth we should teach them
What made us be strong
We need to teach them
The right from the wrong
To respect other people
And see them as same
For if wars do continue
It will be the end of this game
So teach your children courage
And strength and true love
And live the lessons well
And hate, please get rid of
Show them that hiding
Won’t bare well for their future
Shine bright in your real self
And don’t be a moocher
Leave the world in a better state
Then how you found it
Make your enemies your friends
Authentic self not hypocrite
For people see through
When you’re not being your self
People know when you’re lying
Shine through, personality wealth
And share all your gifts
With the children you know
And show them the way
Teach them how so they grow
Into the future of this world
Which is changing so fast
Let’s make the future different
Than our soiled, tumulted past

SC  1/7/22
Shamai Nov 2023
Tears just behind the eyes
Threaten to fall
And obliterate
The happiness
That once was
All I can see
Is desperation
And unease
And sadness
I want more
I remember the sunshine
And the hope
And the laughter
And yet, it feels like it
Has fallen
Just behind my eyes
The tears
Shamai Nov 2018
I never knew that I could write
A poem of any length
And yet it’s here that I have found
Some joy and inner strength

The words flow out I know I’m heard
I tweak things ‘till they rhyme
The words from pen speak from the heart
It doesn’t take much time

I know that I could do much more
Than penning on the paper
And yet this feels so good inside
Prance, frolic and a caper

So join, I did, this small group here
And poems I have been sighting
And reading words that others share
Enjoying others writing

So thank you for this fine group here
As friends we all are making
I’m laughing and I’m having fun
New experiences I am taking
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