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Diana Jul 2022
I hope you know
You are worth it

You are worth the time and energy needed
To gently break down the walls you’ve built
Protectively around yourself

You are worth the quiet moments
You are worth the noise

You are worth the rage
You are worth the laughter

You are worth the painful tears
You are worth the face splitting smiles
Inspired by a dark loophole my mind went down a few days ago where the most prominent thought running in my head was, “you are so pathetic, who would love you”? I then had a conversation with that thought and it ended up being this poem.
  Jul 2022 Diana
i never intended
to take apart
all the pieces
you glued back
Diana Jul 2022
I wish someone had told me
when I was much younger
To befriend
Constructive criticism
And tension or discomfort

Most things are a balance of fears
So what do I fear more
Or missed opportunities

I hope to lean towards
The rejection
The criticism
The discomfort
The tension
In hopes of encountering more opportunities
Diana Jul 2022
I think I am exhausted  
Exhausted in the very depths of my soul
And no amount of sleep can help alleviate it
Only distance and a lack of contact
Physical and emotional
But it’s not an option for me right now
So instead I sleep
I’m so exhausted...I feel it in every fiber of my the depths of my core. My soul is tired and feels like it has no place to rest. My body is physiologically spent and my emotional energy is depleted. This won’t last forever but it feels terrible. Keep the hope Kemp has for you alive within that space you have fostered and built within yourself, Diana. Keep fighting for all versions of yourself <3
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