America is the land of broken promises,
And unaccomplished dreams.
America is the land of life,
But not liberty,
And the pursuit of happiness
Has been stomped on
By governments big and small.
America was founded on the blood and toil of our forefathers,
But America will be killed
By pretenders,
By so called interpreters
Of the constitution,
By geriatrics with no sense of reason.
America is ruled by the same people
That walled Ruby Bridges from attending school.
America is ruled by the same people
That called us rapists, murderers,
Not good people.
America is the sleeping giant,
But our slumber has overstayed its welcome.
Wake up America!
Wake up oh great Roman Empire!
We are falling from within!
First they came for the blacks,
But I was not black,
So I did nothing.
Then they came for the Asians,
But I was not asian,
So I did nothing.
Then they came for the Muslims,
But I was not Muslim,
So I did nothing.
Then they came for the Mexicans,
But I was not Mexican,
So I did nothing.
Then they came for women's rights,
But I was not a woman,
So I did nothing.
And then they came for ME,
And there was no one left
To stand by me.
June twenty-fourth,
twenty-twenty two,
A day that will live in infamy.