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 Jul 2018 Georgia parry
 Jul 2018 Georgia parry
I just want to tell you one thing
Your not alone
This is what I dream
This is really what I need
Just one person to snap me out of the scene
Doing drugs to get high
Just to get by
I thought that I could mend the pain
By turning it all black and plain
****** be sayin ull be fine
But I don't think they know
The misery and the lie
The cries and the hopes to get to the sky
Why can't no one be real
This is all I feel
Numb inside can't take the ride
Can't handle no more the lies
I feel like my soul dies
Welcome to the Hall of Gods
destination of all mankind
be your choice an ancient one
or the spirit freshly spun
both old and new have their shrines
one or may be pursued
of minted plastic credit cards
or dais stained with lamb’s blood

born on belief from high and low
some more noble than the next
with shine of light the former stands
contrasting with the stench of shame
the seeds of each wait to grow
in the other when soil is right
the day turns to night’s dire depths
none are holier than the rest

even when the void is worshiped
absence becomes the most profound
a focus on the lack of makers
creates a force greater than all the rest
the will is given in the end
sustaining outcome defined by need
creators invented to explain rebirth
destroyers evoked to end it all

power requires the eternal soul
borrowed for a time as collateral
against the quest to find substance
some meaning between the here and there
while kneeling at alters on bent knee
presenting alms to sway favor
by adoration or fear’s urge
welcoming balm of deity.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180704.
The poem “Hall of Gods” was inspired by my reading of “American Gods” by Neil Gaiman.
 Jun 2018 Georgia parry
Red Brush
Mourners of truth, now hashtag your pain.
Retweet and like, righteous fury appease.
Protests are trending, do not apathy feign.
Fight and resist, till the next Marvel release.
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