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I couldn't think of anything to write about so I was wondering if you guys could give me some suggestions on what to write about in the comments below.
This is not a poem.
I will be writing a 40 follower special soon hopefully like I did for my 10 follower special.
Testing, testing, Check 1-2.
Testing, testing, Check 1-2.
Is this thing on?
In the end, It will all fit together.
Some people see the cup half full...
Some people see the cup half empty...
Neither will figure out at that time the lesson in it all.
As some never will.
"Sometimes to see the smaller details, you have to look at the bigger picture."
This poem was a idea given to me by a person with the username of Krista DelleFemine and I thought it would be a good idea for a poem so I said I would do it, and I just want to say thanks for the idea, I want more people to give me suggestions for poems, and as always, don't forget to tell me what you think!
Pain, anger, love, lost, empty.
Sorry it's been a while since my last post, I thought I would quickly post something while I had the time. This is the first one of these types that I've ever done, And as always, Don't forget to tell me what you think in the comments below and what to write about!
All but those alone,
think to be lonely,
you have to be alone.

In the end, It all fits together.
Think is a sequel to my poem "Alone", and as always. Don't forget to tell me what you think.
A never ending noise of war and conflict in my head, All for what?
I haven't been abused or anything of that sort. Over the years I have been changing and "adapting" my self to different people and situations. Because of it, I now have all of "Them" constantly yelling and argueing in my head, each one trying to take control. It's left me a former shell of my self. I don't feel many emotions because of it now most of the time, but the ones I do feel...
In the end, It's a prison of my own making.
The rain d
                 as the man walks do
     the str e e t,           It is dark, yet light.
                  Night, yet day.

         Thought, and emotion....
Knowledge,                                        ­                                          and fear.

        "Fear." The thing that can destroy any man.
Or bring them from the ashes.
In the End, It will all fit together.
Life, Is like a maze.
I just keep running
into dead
Sorry for the late post.
I most likely won't be posting anymore this week because of tests at school.
Keep an eye out for any poems I do post if I do.
I'm sorry I haven't been posting as much I would like to but things have been busy with Thanks Giving ending and now having tests all week at school. I'll try to keep you guys updated.

In the End, It will all fit together.
Sorry, I'm back. I took a short break to deal with school.
I can't post today and possible the next few days because of hurricane Florance.
No poem today, I'm busy with school work, sorry.
In the End, It will all fit together.
Sorry, I can't post tonight.
I'm taking a short break and won't be on again till this weekend.
Sorry, I can't post today, just got some blood work done and I'm not feeling well.
Sorry I didn't post today. I've been sick since about mid-yesterday. I might not post tomarrow.
Sorry I can't post today, Had to deal with some medical issues from my past.
I had to do a E.E.G again today, getting test results back sooner or later. I might be having seizures again.

In the end, It will all fit together.
I might not be posting as much as usual because my Internet is going bad. I will still post when I can.
In the End, It will all fit together.
I might not be posting tomorrow because my internet has been down and I won't be post Wednesday-Sunday because one of my friends is coming over for Thanks giving.
I've been having to use the internet at my school, I'll try to keep you all updated as things happen.

In the End, It will all fit together.
My postings should be on schedule again starting tomorrow. I will try to keep you updated.
In the End, It will all fit together.
I might not be able to post as much next week because of weather conditions. I might lose electricity which means no Wi-Fi. I'll try to keep you updated.
In the End, It will all fit together.
Sorry, No poem today.
In the End, It will all fit together.
Sorry I haven't been posting. I've had tests this week and poem posting should be back to normal Monday.
In the End, It will all fit together.
It's funny really.
How much you can learn about a person from their art,
and then realize....

You never really knew them at all.
In the End, It will all fir together.
I've been fighting a battle, I can't win.
He's been fighting a battle he can't loose.
I've been fighting for years with heavy loses.
He's been fighting with no loses.
I've been getting weaker.
While He's been getting stronger.

Some one help

This poem, like most of my poems. As I'm sure some of you have found is about me and "Him", The one I blame, the one who's been "control(ing) the leader", the one who causes me so much pain. Yet, I can't stop him nor live without him. Will it all fit together, in the end?
Is it possible to betray your self?
"You raise the blade, You make the change, You rearrange me till I'm sane." Brain Damage - Pink Floyd
Cool, smooth, sharp-cut.
"You raise the blade, You make the change, You rearrange me till I'm sane." Brain Damage - Pink Floyd
Blame, the thing we have all done, the thing we do to shame the
one who did it all.
Blame, the thing we do so much, for if we didn't do it, our thoughts
would just combust.
Blame, the thing we consider immature, is the thing we all do, to
shame the one who did it all.
There's always at least two characters in every story; the protagonist, and the antagonist.

Which am I?
There's always two sides to every story as there is two most things. What am I?
It's funny, How things always come full circle.
In the end, It will all fit together.
The funny things about complex minds is that others will never understand them because
they don't even
                 ­                                         t
                      ­                                       h
                                                               ­ s
                                                              ­   e
     ­                                                                 ­         v
Make of it, what you will. In the End, It will all fit together.
Some believe, in order to be dark, you must be depressed or have had something in your life that caused you to be dark.

But some of us are just born with darkness.
In the End, It will all fit together.
Dark places often comfort dark people.
In the Enf, It will all fit together.
Death, the escape from this place we "live" in.
To wipe all our "sins" clean and move on beyond this realm.
The thing that allows us to finally be truly free, want or not.
To rid us of our nightmares, and pain, and hate.
In return for us losing our loved ones, joy, our memories.

Death, the beginning and end.
I decided to post a second poem today because I'm most likely not going to post one tomorrow.
Remember to tell me what you think!
Oh, how those who seem terribly alive on the outside,
can feel dead.
In the End, It will all fit together.
Most think,
that death
Is the end...

When really,
It's only


In the end, It all fits together...
As always, Don't forget to tell me what you think!
LI f E: A Prison.
Pain: Something I always feel.
Fame: A waste.
Blame: Something we all do.
War: Death, Pain, conquest.
Flame: Something we all have in us.
Death: Freedom.
Love:  No Definition Found.
Emotion: Pain, anger, hatred.
Definitions: A point.
This is another one of my older poems that I wrote awhile back, and as always, Don't forget to tell me what you think!

Update:1/24/20 2:43 PM.
Definition Found;
[Love: Her.]
Everyone has their demons,
but what if you are
your demon?
"Anger, and agony are better than misery." - Pain, By Three Days Grace.
It's odd how destruction can seem so beautiful.
In the End, It will all fit together.
People think I'm  a downer. How can I not be, when I don't know joy?
Even the brightest of night's have their eclipses.
In the End, It will all fit together.
The thing we all feel, whether we decide to show it or not.
Some of us h a t e it, and other just live with it.
Then there are the ones who decide to just be finally, truly...

This is another deep poem that I thought I would post on here, I've been one a writers block lately, but I will be posting as soon as possible, and as always, Don't forget to tell me what you think!
Fame, the thing most of us want dear, yet some of us aren't able to
reach it, and they are left down here.
Fame, the thing most of us want dear, yet those who don't, somehow make
it there from down here.
Fame, the thing most of us want dear, yet those who get it, are usually
always in a fuss.
Fame, the thing most of want dear, but not me, because I'm fine
just down here.
I am trying out a new style of writing my poems, but this is one of my favorite poems that I wrote so far.
Don't forget to tell me what you think!
Most fear the unknown.
I fear the known.
Sorry for the late post.
There's three ways of fighting.

Agressive-Using attacks and offensive maneuvers.

Defensive-Blocking and deflecting attacks.

Controling-Using your enemy's attacks and defenses against themselves while not aggressively attacking them nor defending against their attacks.
The flame we all have in us, love, hate, pain, and joy.
It allows us to become stronger than we ever thought before.
To overcome the challenges that face us, to defeat them.
To finally be free of our restraints, to be free, to be....

This is a poem about reaching 10 followers on HelloPoetry.
Thank you all for getting me here, I thought I wouldn't still have a single follower by now, and you guys proved me wrong, It means alot to me. Once again thank you.
     I will also be releasing a poem sooner or later called; "The Flame". It's going to be my first story-poem ever. And as always, don't forget to tell me what you think about my poems, what I could do better and improve and things to write about!
Pain, anger, guilt, fear, hatred, sorrow, torture,


In the end, It will all fit together.
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