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Death, Torture, Nightmares.
If there was a god,
I wouldn't  be here.
Goodbyes don't mean the end,
For every book, never
truly ends.
This poem is for a great poet who just posted their last poem, Tony Alberto Cortez.
Farewell good friend, for you will be missed. Just know, You're always welcome back here.
Even the biggest hearten can be hallow on the inside.

But I don't even have a heart.
In the End, It will all fit together.
The windows are covered.
The doors lead to dark rooms.
You have many choices, but no choice in the matter.
The place is unfamiliar, yet familiar at the same time.
You know what will and can happen, and what wont.
You've been down this road before. The monsters await your arrival,
But you are the monster. You can't remember what you've done, But know what you caused. You feel sick to your stomach, or are you sick in the head. Then you realize, that's where you are...
In your head.

You don't know where these halls will lead to, which death, torturer or nightmare. But you know this, You caused this. Your choices have lead to this, these moments. To the "Flashes" and Nightmares.

Or did I really have a choice in the matter at all?
I guess in the End, It will all fit together.
"In the End, It will all fit together..."
Most hate others, I
hate myself.
How am I supposed to help others, when I can't even help
I've tried keep him locked away,
Hidden, long enough that time
will erase him.
I hate him, but he feeds on my hate.
I need him, but don't want him.
I fight him, but he still wins.

He is me
In the end, It will all fit together.
I said I'm fine.
I lied.
Sorry I didn't post last night, before last night, I hadn't slept for about 36 hours.
You can get so much information from simple things people do;
How they walk,
How they talk,
How they write,
How they react,
And their art....

WhaT d O yo u sEe wHen yOu l o o k aT m E?
Some of us are become insane from situations or people...
But some of us
are just born
In the End, It will all fit together.
In the end, as all things, It will fit together.
In the end, It will all fit together, Because "It" caused everything.
Joy, some find it in hobbies.
Some find it in loved ones.
Some find it in others failure.
And some just find it in knowing
they did good.

In the end, It all fits together.
I wish I could express how much this means to me, I just want to thank you all. When I first joined Hello Poetry, If you told me I would have 40 followers this quickly, I would not have believed a single word.
Yet, here I am, writing a 40 followers special poem. I just want to thank you all for getting me here. And, all always, Don't forget to tell me what you think!
What you don't know
will **** you.
I've lied for so long,
My life has become
a lie.
"How'd I wind up here again? It's like I'm always getting blood on my hands.
All it takes is one and I'm gone, And a thousand till the end. How'd I wind up here again? You take me to the edge, You push me too far, You watch me slip away, Holding on too hard. Tell me why, does everything that I love get taken away from me? Why does everything that I love get taken away? You take me to the edge, You push me too far, You watch me slip away, Holding on too hard. Tell me why, Does everything that I love, Get taken away from me?"-Tell me why By Three Days Grace.
It's ironic really, how all truths can so easily become lies.
In the End, It will all fit together.
Life, the long played game, of pain and fame in the brain.
These are the things that drive our hope, of things to come,
a dwindling hope and a prize. These are the things that drive
the game of pain and fame in our brains.
This is a copy of the oldest poem I remember writing, so it may not be the best.
One of the scariest things out there.
Most afraid of death, aren't afraid of life. But death is apart of life,
So what are they afraid of?
The edge of fate.

In the end, It all fits together.
This is the sequel to me poem; "Life", and as always. Don't forget to tell me what you think!
Sometimes the brightest light is also the darkest...
And sometimes, the darkest light is also the brightest.
In the End, It will all fit together.
I know who "They" are, "They" are the voices. But I've lost who I am. I guess, in a way, I am "Them", and they are "Me", Right?
What am I?
Love: the thing most of us have, someone caring for us, and us for them.
Love: the thing most of us want, for someone to care about us.
Love: the thing some of us don't, for we are afraid.

Love: the thing we all have or will try at least once.
ThEy sa y to l o v e, FirsT, You have to love your S elf.
                       But what
                                            If I

   ­                                                          t

                                                              ­ e

m Y
I tried a new style of writing poetry foe this one, anyways, heres my song qoute now. "And someone take the high road, I'll go low. There's nothing left behind me, set fire to it all. The fury will fade and the images too, A world without you, That's what I need to do."-JOLT by Unlike Pluto.

In the end, It will all fit together.
Even the most loyal, can have their honor tarnished.
In the End, It will all fit together.
The air is becoming heavy.
You ca n't br e
                            ­      h

You wake up, You've seen this place before.
You're eyes are hazy, All you can make out is the darkness.
You hear something, a sort of rasping noise. You try to get up to look for a light source, but realize you can't move....

You began to understand what's happening. You start to panic for you know what will unfold next. You hear a scream and try calling out to the source. You know they are in pain for you can feel their pain, Their emotions...
You still can't move, you start to feel the blood running down from your shoulder to your arm.

You can feel every cut, every puncture, every drip of blood falling from your finger tips... It feels like Hell.

You are being tortured, for what reason you do not know. Nor shall you ever. You start to loose your grip on reality and fantasy.
You start to black out....

The air is becoming heavy.
You ca n't br e
                            ­      h

                                "This is the way the world ends,
                                 This is the way the world ends,
                                This is the way the world ends...
                               Not with a bang, But a whimper...."
"This is the way the world ends,
This is the way the world ends,
This is the way the world ends....
Not with a bang, But a whimper...."
-T.S. Eliot.

In the End, It will all fit together.
You wake up in a unfamiliar place, It's happening again.
The story is the same as always, The screams... The Pain... The Death... The Torturer... The limbs being torn away, each cut, each tendon being torn...

You wake up, You're sweating. The room is dark, you check yourself for cuts and blood to find nothing.
The room is cold, you left the window open again.

You try to go back to sleep, but you know there will be no more sleeping tonight.
In the End, It will all fit together.
Sometimes, I feel so little.
I wonder, am I human?
Or just a machine?
This poem is about feeling emotions that I know I should, but don't. I guess in the end, It will all fit together. As always, Don't forget to tell me what you think in the comments below.
Some consider me a poet,
a builder,
an artist.

But I'm just a crazy man no one will ever understand
In the End, It will all fit together.
Memories haunt the mind,
Of a time with blood and grime,
Games of torture and games of the mind.

These are the memories that haunt my mind.
In the End, It all fit together.
They say a person's past, determines who they are.
What if, I can't remember my past?
In the end, It will all fit together.
Over the years, I can't tell what are memory's, or just blanks my twisted mind filled in.
Voices, Nightmares, Flashes, Hell.
In the mind of a builder,
Everything has to fit together....

In the end, it will all fit together.
Most believe that people have souls,
In which I must ask, which one controls the person?

The mind? Or the soul?
In the End, It will all fit together.
My Life.
My Pain.
My Hate.
My Stress.
My Flashes.

My Nightmare.
As always, don't forget to tell me what you think in the comments below.
In the end, It will all fit together.
The darkest thing you'd ever see.
Even the most naive will learn.
In the End, It will all fit together.
One of the things that makes someone, somebody.

What if I'm no one?
I feel insane.

I can live with my sanity, "Nevermore."
A little poem for all of you Edgar Allan Poe fans like me.
Still sick, most likely will be posting Monday.
In the end, It will all fit together.
I try to wake up, Only
to find, I was never
The funny thing about nightmares is, I fall sleep, I have them, I wake up, I live them.
Pai n      voi ces b od ys c o r p s e s gu ilt hat re d ang er sad ness blo od gu ts  ste  nch  de a th    he ll peo ple      ene mys all ies fam ily lov ed o n e s  fri ends   se arin g pa i n b r ok en        b o nes      to rtu re N O mer cy        
men tal    sani ty L O S T                       m in d  br o k e n HIM I am HIM n o i c a nt b e ple as e  just  
ki ll  M E?
Had another nightmare I just woke up
fro m, Most likely won't be falling asleep again. In the end, It will all fit together.
The night was as dark as my soul.
The stars, my last hopes.

Thus was the night of the eclipse.
Sleep, lacking.
Nightmares, plentiful.
Nights with lights always have a price.
In the End, It will all fit together.
Some nights are dark.
Others, there is only the night.
In the End, It will all fit together.
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