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Dec 2018 · 165
smriti Dec 2018
Images fade away
Moments blurr off
People change
memories stay

They do inspite
One erase them
Throw e'm in junk
Hide in shelves

They wait till
The last drop of
Dried up tears
Broken smiles

For the time
When a blow of wind
Brush off the dust
Let e'm Show up again

When a known face
Crosses the street
an unknown expression

When a forgotten name
Rings the strings
A beautiful song

It happens, yes it does
With all of us
It takes an effort

For a name to stay
In the heart
A song to play
The deepest corner

And to let the melody
Enter through oneself
It may hurt again
Or soothe again
Mar 2018 · 299
smriti Mar 2018
I wonder if I could ever
For a while in a lifetime
May confront myself
For sure, the real one...

The one who loves
But betrays and baffles too
The one who breaths, but
Under myriad layers of cover

Beneath the sorrow and grief,
desperation and desires
And of burning hatred
Dissembling thousands of tears

Tears of glee and agony
rushing through the bluish vein
Flowing as brine water
Counted as nothing but a drop

Drop of epiphany of the moment
Whether dripping from eyes
Or bleeding out of a heart
Perpetually telling a tale though

Telling what I never dared to
Confessing what I couldn't ever
That I am not the one standing
Across the mirror to my eyes

But rather someone, who is
Unknown not only to you but
To me as well...Or am I the one
who was never called out ever...
Feb 2018 · 557
"For my Valentine"
smriti Feb 2018
Caressing your breath
through mine
lingering through
the heart beats
your presence enlightens
my soul to eternity…

Though we were strangers
in the whole wide world
but as we came together
it created a new world
where love flutters through the air
and spirits are set free…

I wonder how come
i had been living alone
& lament for the moments
i lived on my own
as you reflect through my eyes
i smile to the word of the mighty…

Your embrace hugs my essence
at its core
your smile
let my heart dance
to the carols of swirling waves
brushing the sands on a cliff of the sea…

Cool salty breeze
agilely cuddling around
letting my flick
touch your cheek
to let us both twirl together
now, whatever the song it be…
Feb 2018 · 437
The Brightest star
smriti Feb 2018
At twilight, past a glistening day

he is going back home

slowly shattering behind

the steep crests of the mountain,

his scorching blaze

piercing through the woods

leached out moisture

till the very last drop,

breaking through the mists

and fogs and clouds

he made a new way

through no one’s allowed,

now past his swing

from the east to the west

he’s shuffling back stilly

to let the moon annex,

underneath the dark

Is he gaining strength?

to rise up with the Aurora

or is he all drained?

the time he was down

few posited, he resigned

from the arduous courage

he always had shone,

but, without a word

he is back to the blue

to let the horizons meet

to let it be a new dawn,

he is the covert ardor

of every dark night….

he is the ace of spheres

“the brightest star”

— The End —