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Ephemeral blooms
Wayward clouds mischievous trees
Vernal grass beckons
 May 2023 Zoe Mae
My Dear Poet
Why do I keep trying
to piece together a poem
when my own life is falling apart
Poetry of grace
 May 2023 Zoe Mae
As I see it, the would
       be poets
           prime mission.
To leave their
         take, on the
             human condition.
Like no two snowflakes,
          in light flurry, or
               blizzard, the same.
No two earth bound
           humans ever played,
                an identical game.
Giving to the future
            our feelings
                 from the past.
Seems a most
             noble, present
                   day task.
Getting old and wrinkled
is like getting into a hot bath
and getting wrinkled,

except you're old.
 May 2023 Zoe Mae
Mrs Timetable
I dreamt of you again
This time in color
Colors never seen before
The shades of you
Didn't speak
But the
Color from your lips kiss
Was Adore
Tell me more
Sequel poem to Adore
 May 2023 Zoe Mae
Ciel Noir
if I am objective
I have dodged a bullet

and somebody else
can be chained to a liar

if I am objective
this was a step forward

but it was a step
into torture and fire

if I were objective
then I could look further

and see possibilities
come into view

you objectified me
and if I'd been objective

I would have objected
and said no to you
 May 2023 Zoe Mae
fray narte
 May 2023 Zoe Mae
fray narte
She was an art,
but she wasn't the type
you'd find in museums
or the type that would
make you feel profound things
in your chest.

She was an art
tucked in hidden pockets
of a faded yellow dress.
She was an art,

slowly sketching herself
out of existence.
The angels' harps play a sacred tune,
while planets dance around the moon;
In subtle strains our spirits rise,
and leave us grateful and starry-eyed.

Recalling life as it once seemed,
this vision floated inside a dream;
In many days of endless chants,
the angels' harps cause us to dance.

When voices touch each other's hearts,
there's always a sign creating sparks;
And with that strong secure emotion,
then lives connect with pure devotion.

No longer chilled in fears of life,
all folks fly far away from strife;
The added wealth of kinship stands,
as children sing while holding hands.
 May 2023 Zoe Mae
Eshwara Prasad
Didn't you feel compelled to write poetry right now?
Put yourself at ease.
The sun has risen, and it is now day.
At night, the moon will also rise.
Try writing in the moonlight.
Poetry may arise at any time.
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