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Reuben Dec 2017
By: Reuben Paredes

I falling in love eating,
Tomatoes use in garnishing,
And drinking,
Lemon that is refreshing,
Yet, the dishes are rewarding.
Reuben Dec 2017
How great is his thy love?
From depth of the seas and oceans
To the width of a vastness terrain,
And the height of the highest sky, where he is seated.
I can only say is immeasurable and boundless from beginning to end.

Exclaiming and exalting his magnificent and glorious name above all
Will ever find and see him for those time, I need him the most?
But the only thing I know that he gave his only begotten son to die for our sins
For his scripture and words will never perish.

If God will give me a chance to stay or be with him,
I will choose the latter and I only to do is love him
Because without him, I will never be here,
No, not one in this world you can find a love that is so great.

A love that cares and lift us from the trials and circumstances facing day by day
It teaches us to be good at all the times
Making us the better person that we can be
And giving the best that we can do.
Unconditional Love and Worship
Reuben Sep 2017
Does it always sweet?
When burns it becomes bitter
Any trace vanish.
define sugar
Reuben Sep 2017
Splendor! May see
But only look you can make
That a beauty can’t take
Reuben Aug 2017
No light thrives within
Spread from rear to end on night
Before the sun wakes
To distinguish the dark
Reuben Aug 2017
A spectrum of colors
Radiant of the sun ‘til dawn
Magnify in glory
To remain in the light
Reuben Aug 2017
Thick scarlet of hue
From veins to skin flows freely
If stops turns crimson
To know more about the blood
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