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401 · Jun 2017
Colour Of Eden
The steppe beguiled,
Unfriended by innocence,
Renders powerless the Seraphims,
Within the inner citadel.

The primordial whims,
Engulfs the spirit,
Impulses with unshaken strength,
Charges in, in coaxion.

Plain hues of tinted shades,
Delights the spirit,
Yielding unto the colourful disharmony,
Assailing its walls.

Berefted dignity,
Misses its way,
To converge with shame,
The eden pigmentation.

374 · Feb 2021
Hounds on the loose
this is,
of nightmares in daydreams...

we flee from the sudden chase of heavy harms
bursting out from frightening dreams.
the hot pursuits that flashes past
like lightning over cloudy skies.

we saw sore shelter in the blood
whistling out a call to find aids
even as hunger was betrayed
and tongue wails as scary birds flew.

fleets of ebola fevered our voices,
rising from the shores like angry waters
to drown our rats in the poison of their own fever.

our defenses ran naked every single time
till it becomes a passage that leads
from frightening dreams to pleasant images.

beneath this angry shower
comes yet another nightmare.
a corona,
that comes in to lit the lungs from dark shades.
a chase by moonlight that stretches into daylight.

we flee on
from this sudden chase of heavy hounds
holding on to the hope
that our defences would run them out
and save our neck once again.

358 · Jun 2017
My Wrong
I wronged you,
          I knew I did,
I ignored you,
          I broke our creed,
I grew weak,
          And took a break,
I sought peak,
          And troubled the lake,
You reached out,
          But I ignored,
You did shout,
          While yet I snored,
You did pray,
          While I was drunk,
I was prey,
          Unto books and funks,
You did stay,
          For so very long,
I can't allay,
          This burden of wrong,
Now I see,
          That which you saw,
I was he,
          So blind to his flaw,
I so hope,
          That it's not too late,
How do I cope,
          If this is fate,
I have learnt,
          A very big lesson,
I'm like a cent,
          Totally gone missing,
Do forgive me,
          And have me back,
Do relieve me,
          From this haunty dark,
I wronged you,
          I knew I did,
I ignored you,
          I broke our creed.

348 · Jun 2017
The Trip
(Let's sojourn into nightmares...)

She awakes,
To the rays of the ghostly lamp,
Conjured by thirsty thoughts,
Burning to quench...

She became prey to panic,
Fear, screams,
She was fractured,
Into shards of paints...

He; the ghost,
Was an open portal,
Ensorcelled by calls of scoundrels,
Flaming in his mind...

He growls,
Breath of fire kindles his thirst,
Tongue panting,
Ready to devour...

Wicked strokes amidst waterfall,
Melting bullets in bumpy strides,
Bursting fire on energy strings,
And ghost elopes.

Nightmares become daydreams,
In fugacious moments,
And this voyage of madness,
Ends at the shore of regrets.

Reccurring memories,  nightmares!
343 · Jun 2017

Where nought kisses nought,
On the frontiers of jealousy,
Burned into one another -
A love of quaver...

One... Two... Thrills,
Four... Five... Seeks,
Seven... Hates...

"The test" begins,
A "curse",
Completely locked within.

327 · Jun 2017
I am the firstborn of conflict,
Cataclysmic in nature,
Panic and fear is what I inflict,
On my dreary adventure,
          A hard hit,
          A sad stint,
I strategically ensure.

I am a trader of damage,
Dogged to my targets,
I am a walking carnage,
Humans are my puppets,
          My machines,
          I vaccined,
Against the disease called peace.

I am a disastrous pastry,
Difficult to resist,
And with a commanding mastery,
Humans from me couldn't desist,
          My tricks,
          A risk,
They gladly embrace.

I am the trusted servant of death,
And when I purr,
Devastations encompasses the earth,
I am war.

306 · Aug 2017
The fire burning in my eyes,
The passion erupting within me,
The love you felt and thought suffice,
For I still perceive the diademic mount,
That placed me at this height,
With her Angelic touch,
I still bear the feel.

With her star quenched,
And her love misplaced,
I turned to you,
To fill the emptiness in my heart.

294 · Jun 2017
Dark Age
Of what good,
Has democracy been?
Authors of empty promises,
With actions far misplaced,
Statesmen sweet-tongue,
Proposes lofty ambitions,
So to get people's thumb.

Not all politicians are devils... But the above, they share in common.
279 · Aug 2017
She coasted over him,
Shallow and deep,
Hot and cold,
Surface and beneath,

She floated atop him,
Wild and dangerous,
Tamed and secure,
Vulnerable and weak,

She ebbed and flowed,
Towards his curved edge,
The verge of his reverse,
Her very own toppling.

He was the cliff...
And she, the waterfall.

241 · Jul 2017
Fox Fight
By nature,
Within every man are two foxes...

Let us pray...

Pour forth we beseech you oh fox,
Your howl echoes in our hearts,
That by it we strongly adhere,
Made known in our actions and thoughts.

We say,
To prayers served cold,
On a platter of flatter,
When we starve on willingful obedience to strange foxes,
Singular fights plural,
Holding their own in this tumultuous ambush,
For survival and supremacy.

When the right eye and the left eye sees differently,
The right; the good,
The left; the bad,
And the brain sits in-between,
Torn in instincts,
Which runs counter to its obligation.

(Creeds of the heart...)
In here,
There is food,
Enough food for survival that stirs the dullest of instincts,
A saviour for the brain whose guides are safe to follow,
A satisfier, eradicating the abyss of confusion,
By some pure magic.

(Let thy will be done...)
Here is the matter to pause over,
For the brain calls the play,
And feeds a fox of its choice,
The heart can but only suggest which in its perfection,
And the anger of the heart,
Dissolves into tragic pleasure,
A combination of lessons learnt,
When the wrong fox is fed.

Let us pray...

Pour forth we beseech you oh fox,
Your howl echoes in our hearts,
That by it we strongly adhere,
Made known in our actions and thoughts.

By nature,
Within every man are two foxes...

Always fighting...
And always hungry...

For the fox that wins,
Is the one we feed the most.

a boy is a battle.
he is full of fight with many foes...

within his eyes
are the fierce frights that has built a heaviness upon his lips.
of how Madam Monica modeled him into the giant pillar
that holds up many spouses,
and flood them with springs of satisfaction.

one stroke...
two strokes...
three strokes...
and a boy begins to choke
till he becomes a monster
made to feed on the groaning of a moaning girl.

another boy,
was a regular audience of a boxing match,
between his father and his mother.
and his soul has found failings
in forsaking the way he was trained to grow.
still he strives to melt his heart,
and remould it beneath his boulder.

and even I,
was a boy,
who was barely saved from a severe shatter.
for she drew my sword and it stood *****,
ready to ****.
and but for the timely thunder that rose to my aid,
I may just have been another lightning
that flashes by without a voice to bare me open.

but whom do we tell this tale to?

all because a boy must be a warrior,
he must stand strong till trauma look him in the face and flee.
for he must cover himself with steel,
and learn to camp his fear and withhold his horror.

a boy is a battle.
he is full of fights with many foes.
but the biggest of them all,
are the silent stabs swept underneath,
which no one is ever raring to hear,
nor bitter to believe.

For the boy child.
I have walked the lengths and breadths of a woman's body,
And known the beyond that lies beneath her glow.

I have travelled the valleys and the mountains of a woman's *****,
And understood the degrees of her fire and ice.

For a woman's body is a secret place
Where honey chose to hide at the depth of a sweet wine.

I have walked and I have travelled her corners,
Yet I know her not.
For time and again I find a new wonder,
And my lips sing and purr at the delight of her embrace.

I go back and forth
That I can give my crown
And become a slave in her safe
And a Knight in her nights.

For my will is killed when I sing her pore to streams
And reach her core for screams.

I have walked the lengths and breadths of a woman's body,
And known the beyond that lies beneath her glow.

Yet I am her prey,
Like a bare forest on a chilled night,
Longing for dawn.

I look in your eyes,
And I forgot how to cry.

My tears hide from me and gaze from afar,
As your lens pierces my soul with secrets that swallows my depth.
And I am left with stagnant silence,
That breaks my jaw and swallow my thoughts.

I don't know how to cry.

You wept time and again
As the door of your temple was shattered into fragments of broken vows.
How is it that pain always find joy to prey upon?
There are grades to sorrow,
A girl in travail will burn your ears with tales of pure fire from the depths of pain.

I will speak once of this sweet evil,
After which I will speak no more.
For in **** is an ape that scorns the heavens
And teaches the earth to lose honour or find pain.
He is a beast!
One that should be sacrificed to the gods of the earth,
And sentenced at the gate of heaven to an eternity with pain.

I now know the valley
Where killing joy is a joy in itself,
And I wonder if I can ever understand this depths I am in the shadow of.

I look in your eyes,
And I still don't know how to cry.

Your visit at the depths of pain
And how you overcame
Has taught me how to satisfy my sorrow
Without shedding a tear.

Taken forcefully by her father.
185 · Sep 2020
For You
I feel like a star,
Painted in the colour of the moon.
Teach me how to love,
That I may rip my heart for you.

Arise Countrymen and stand up to hail,
The bond that keeps us;
For plunges and plots could not countervail,
The strength of this force.
Pure love lives on in the kinship we share,
The blood in our veins;
The anthem we sing and pledge we declare,
Do swallow our pains.

When Mother gave tongues she did with honour,
And also with pride;
For she gave them all and even one more,
To bridge the divide.
She gave unity to conduct this song,
Like an orchestra;
And taught us to live together as one,
Joyful Nigeria!

(In celebration of Nigeria's 60th Independence).
Happy Independence Nigeria!
164 · Oct 2020
She knocked on my door,
And time skipped a tick.
I was met by a beauty,
Whose charm is far beyond nature.
Her eyes clear and bright,
Like freshly tapped palm wine,
I cannot help but to get drunk on them.

Her twin towers,
Constantly my North pole steers,
Till it shatters the limits of magic.
My problem was in giving myself away,
But this visitor my ailment cures,
As elixir sang me birthday songs.

I was engulfed,
My lip was the stake,
Her desires has just begin to burn,
As it caressed me into rubble of ashes,
Where the sun sing of dusk,
And the moon sing of dawn.

I am your heart,
And this beauty of whom I sing,
Is one you'd later learn to call LOVE.

163 · Mar 2021
Death and Darkness
There are spaces of fire in the realm of men,
That burns the soul and scares the mind.

I have made my heart a shield,
As I walk into this night
To court with death and dine with darkness.

In this night,
There are springs of tears to drink from,
And murmurs of silence to hearken to.
There are fears that groans like trembling graves,
And pain that bursts a feeble brain.
They are before me, where I cease to exist and know no grief,
For I am the black spot who had ceased to breathe and gone beneath.

There are five gods who have made men sick and shown them fear.




They are a flaming fire each,
Coloured in the colours of [D]arkness.
I was thought this by the first of the gods.

I treaded on in this dark night,
For my burden was light and my woes were fed.
But I was back again where my walk began,
And I knew that I was at the very [E]nd of a new beginning.

I began and ended over and over again,
Till my feet knew the length of every inch of the ground it trod,
And my soul learned to love loneliness.
Alas! I was [A]lone... the god without a worshipper.

Deep in the depths of this night,
There is a dawn.
I thought myself mad,
Until [T]ruth showed me how dreams are formed from darkness,
And how life was drawn from death.

My soul was heavy,
For darkness had treated me to a fine meal.
And I saw fear,
He was a twain that should never have met.
For he had [H]eaven and [H]ell in his belly,
And unleashes them at his free will to deserving souls.

There are spaces of fire in the realm of men,
That burns the soul and scares the mind.
These spaces are far more significant than we take them to be.
For there is heaven in death,
And light in darkness.

156 · Sep 2020
Rhythms of Silence
How sweet are the songs of the night?
Where there are no sounds,
For the ear listens to its own voice,
Releasing soft musical tones.

There are balances in rhythms,
But silence is perfect for the ears.
It takes hold of the drums
And beats them to sleep.

One may wonder,
Does the ear ever rest?
Yet silence when it breaks forth,
Becomes a sweet lullaby.

How soothing are the rhythms of silence?
That it gives warmth to a cold soul,
And hunts the stress that strains upon him.

A deaf man knows too well every pattern of this rhythm
That he can see noise from afar off
And smell disturbances from miles away.

Why then do we rage with noise,
And war with disturbances?

Shouldn't we bask in the rhythms of silence,
And learn how to be deaf.

118 · Sep 2020
All secrets are gods,
Waiting to become,
An exposed oracle.

112 · Sep 2020
Right here on my bed I lay,
Alone with thoughts all new,
Moulding in my head like clay,
Good... Bad... Fastened together like glue.
Which do I take?
Of it, what do I make?
As I lay here bemused.
Which do I axe?
How do I crack?
This riddle that got me confused.

107 · Sep 2020
The keys to her heart,
Is in his belly.
He swallowed it.

107 · Sep 2020
Brother's Keeper
We are our brother's keeper!

There are moments that cools the heat of hell,
And there are moments that touches the heart of heaven.
How then would it feel if a moment captures both?

We are our brother's keeper!

There are a million joy dancing in the ***** of gifts,
But how would they be fulfilled when hidden away in tight fists?
Speak not to me of having just enough,
For enough is the first name of a brother's keeper.
Forsake not the roar of suffering bones,
That calls to your heart,
Nor the cry of dying flesh,
That screams horror to your looking eyes,
For the goal of an open palm is to touch a soul.

We are our brother's keeper,
Shan't we make a save,
And keep the goal with open palms.

107 · Sep 2020
My Epitaph
I died a thousand times,
And lived a thousand lives,
In this hour of stones I gave,
Myself to beautify this grave.

95 · Sep 2020
Rare Gems
Good advisors,
Are very rare.
Is it because history never takes account,
Of those whose advises made legends.

90 · Sep 2020
Rapture On My Lap
I knew a dame,
Whose heart was dear,
Her love was fame,
Her light was clear.

She gave her heart,
To that young man,
Who made a start,
That fits her plan.

But soon it seems,
For then he changed,
He packed his things,
And left Estranged.

She cried and wept,
And felt so weak,
On me she cleft,
And soon fell sick.

Her light was gone,
Her love was dead,
The deed was done,
Her soul was red.

She told her tale,
To me all day,
And then bewailed,
Till she grew pale.

Then came the nap,
That stopped her shame,
Right on my lap,
Her rapture came.

87 · Sep 2020
Embrace of Love
Immersed deep in the river of melody,
Swept off by joy untold,
Cradling in the soft arms of love,
Lost in the steppe of satisfaction.

I in my lover's arms,
Locked in like seeds within an apple,
I Merry in her,
Absorbing joie de vivre.

Dancing dances of passion,
Shining bright like fragments of Sun rays,
Singing songs of sonnets,
In the embrace of her love.

87 · Sep 2020
Voice of Reason
In the light of myths and legends,
Stories of some heroes of old,
Who possessed powerful endowments,
Or so we have been told.

He who was said to spit fire,
Was once a vulnerable man,
He who was said to be immortal,
Was also once human.

Why isn't this transformation,
Prolonged to our time,
Or is our generation,
But a foam on a wine.

The existence of most,
Sounds strange to tell,
For if they were gods,
How come they fell?

What do they look like?
Where do they come from?
Questions go begging,
For answers at every turn.

I was told of a god,
With a lion as pet,
Human-lion friendship,
I am yet to see since birth.

Looking around me each day,
I see no such powers,
Portrayed by our past heroes,
As told to us by our Fathers.

Are gods really gods?
Or our own creation,
Out of fear, or of poetry,
Or even painted imagination.

If you'd ask my opinion,
I'd say they were audacious men,
Whose deeds were exaggerated,
And narrated with godly terms.

81 · Sep 2020
Tick! Tock!
Tick! Tock!
My bowels are running...

I am a passing cloud
Amongst clouds,
Eating myself up in little chunks of tiny droplets.
A restless dungeon,
Constantly banging of clanging chains.

Tick! Tock!
Tick! Tock!
My bowels are running...

I am a brother to the wind,
Consumed by the fire of burning feets.
The accursed breath,
Racing fast towards a shallow grave.

Tick! Tock!
Tick! Tock!
My bowels are running...

I am a moving brink,
Whose heart beats till it crushes time out.
For I am the beginning and the end of time,
The very breath that fuels its motion.

Tick! Tock!
Tick! Tock!
My bowels are running...

I am a sick hour,
A dying minute,
And a gasping second.

Tick! Tock!
Tick! Tock!
I am a steady runner,
Racing to my very grave.


— The End —