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Jenn Linh Jul 2017
I'm in awe
Sitting here motionless
Absolutely clueless as to
Every turn has its fate
Feelings of f ea r  s
within me.
And I feel so
Just want to close my eyes and put my life in mute
.. Only can imagine you

Im needing you more than you know
Just with a prayer
May you just walk through the door
Show your face
With those eyes that make everything irrelevant vanish
Let me embrace your attention
Feel the warmth I've been craving
And without realising how much this means my heart is filled and I feel no longer fear.
Your presence alone ignites
You've made every piece of me within come back to life
I've never felt something so strong
Just pick me up
   Carry me away
I trust in you and will easily walk away from all I know
Just for you
Let me also be your escape
Inject the words of endearment and lure me through this fairy tale.
With faith in you I see only gold
As you enrapt me with the never knowing you assure me I'll never be cold
So captivated and mesmerised by the rarity you are.
Truly the pleasures mine
As I assure you with my passion so bold
.. forever capture my vulnerabilities
In sync your heart with mine

Tangle our thoughts

   Twine our memory's

Hold my hand and never let me go
Further more my forever treasured
For the day that calls I too will never let you go
And Our love may never be measured

© Jenn Linh
We can wish can't we...
  Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
Alexia Côté
I crave you in the most innocent way a human being can crave another,
I crave for you to think of me as the one that you want to bother,
I crave to give you a kiss on the forehead,
For you to ask me to give you one the lips instead,

I crave to wish you good night,
That way in the morning you’ll be the first thing in my sight,
I crave to tell you that I adore you when you feel bad,
I crave to make you feel glad,

I crave to hold you in my arms,
I crave to protect you from all forms of harm,
I crave to see you look at me,
To feel like that moment lasted for an infinity,

I crave for you to smile at me,
So that I know that you’re happy,
I crave to watch the stars with you,
Until the sky turns into a light blue,

I crave you,
I don’t want to crave anyone new,
Please promise me that you feel this way too,
Because right now I can’t imagine my life without you
Jenn Linh Jun 2017
Once whom I considered my very best friend
To now my worst enemy
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words won't hurt me...

No that does not apply
Your words have spread to those who I used to adore .
As easy as it was for that knife to slit into my back is how easy it broke me down.
In ways in which I have no words to describe..
But what's worse is the image on your face after all you've done and your apology is so cunning ...
Some how there is still something within me which only wants to forgive.
Now I'm torn
I'm confused ..
Shall I move on so I mustn't be hurt like this or shall I keep you close for enemies your supposed to keep the closest

© Jenn Linh
Jenn Linh Jun 2017
I lay awake watching you sleep
Imagining your dreams and what they may be.
Sleep is foreign
For that I'm deprived
And alone I lay
As my eyes meet the darkness that surrounds me and this room.
My mind wonders too often
And often negative energy sets in
As my thoughts stammer
My head begins to ache
There lies why I'm here
Why I'm awake
My heart is pained and bodies cold
Detached from normality
That of solomn
That of somber
as you slumber tucked neatly in the warmth of your covers.

I'm here alone.. abandoned with my absurdity
As my eyes swell from tears
That are formed from my many fears
As they stream as the flow.. my eyes have no choice but just to shut
Silently exhausting what's left from a dreary day only to surrender myself off to what's hoped to be a deep sleep as I cradle myself
Alone I really am..

© Jenn Linh
Jenn Linh Jun 2017
They say
"Everything has a purpose "
"Everything happens for a reason "

How do we
let go
Let in and erase insecurity of not knowing what's to come..

© Jenn Linh
  Jun 2017 Jenn Linh
Mike Hauser
I believe...

For every heart that's filled with pain
For every drop of acid rain
Everyone can love the same
If every thought is built on change

I believe...

That giving all you have's a must
That relationships are built on trust
If you don't exercise your heart it rusts
That love is the total of the sum

I believe...

That every juncture in this life
Is an opportunity to do what's right
Never is it wasted time
If you hold tight to the ties that bind

I believe...

Not only is the stomach fed
But also the heart, the soul, the head
Until there is no hunger left
And all the needs of man are met

I believe...

The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Blesses those who love them most
Up and down humanities coast
For the Bible tells me so

I believe...

In giving everyone a chance
The answer to this life is yes
That every taken breath should be a quest
And that life should only end in death
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