...that I saw
And how did it mine eyes perceive?
For I saw - albeit with hindsights perfect focus -
Beauty and passion and God,
But how did that shine?
How did that preciousness
That value and that potential
Light mine eyes
Through all those layers
And years of accumulated ****?
Yet once seen such a glow,
However glimmering or pale,
Cannot be denied nor yet become
Unseen nor unknown, and
Definitely not undesired,
And now the effort spent
Spitting on rags,
Buffing hard to remove
Decades of perceived unworthiness
Are bearing fruit,
For now I see a more
Even lustre as my
Project and my protégé
Steps out in confidence
And power,
Shining ever brighter
With a light inextinguishable,
Because although my effort
Undoubtedly played its part ,
It's GOD that's powered this change,
Not me...
The site deleted half this poem. I finally tricked it into saving the rewrite. It's quite personal this one but then, aren't they all?