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Anthony Pierre Sep 2020
You say I'm a villain then so I'll stay
But sleepy sheep can't sleep on this wolf's bed
So please, just keep the flock out of my way

College left me poor for a rich BA
Where's the job for the books inside my head?
You say I'm a villain then so I'll stay

I lived right, light, didn't think I could stray
the dough needed, I never raised for bread
So please, just keep the flock out of my way

I can't act smooth like Sidney Poitier
My rough street skills are what I use instead
You say I'm a villain then so I'll stay

I feed the lost sheep and you know I prey
My soles clean, tweeds neat; I'm looking ahead
So please, just keep the flock out of my way

I've found my niche; today is my pay day
Short shifts but alms long like my daydream spread
You say I'm a villain then so I'll stay
So please, just keep the flock out of my way
My first attempt at villanelle. Really challenging. I'm satisfied. Are you satisfied? Are you a villain?
  Sep 2020 Anthony Pierre
Norman Crane
Give a man a book,
He'll burn it for a day.
Give a man a typewriter:
His mind will burn forever.
I want to write the poem
you always quote to impress
friends at Hampton parties
and read to your children
so they understand why this
whole mad spinning life is
worth the price of admission.
We might be born in a manger.
We might be Mary Magdalen.
We might be a million peasants.
Nobody will ever remember a
million peasants. We know Christ.
Anthony Pierre Sep 2020
LXI abrogari passuros aiebant articulum (Repeal article 61)
                 John was here, 1215
Oh Magna Carta, oh Magna Carta, what hast thou taketh unto thyself, unjustly?
Birds are flyin' south for winter.
Here's the Weird-Bird headin' north,
Wings a-flappin', beak a-chatterin',
Cold head bobbin' back 'n' forth.
He says, "It's not that I like ice
Or freezin' winds and snowy ground.
It's just sometimes it's kind of nice
To be the only bird in town."
Anthony Pierre Sep 2020
dream of birds in flight

dream of birds on trees

but rows on rows
of murderous crows singing

these dreams, have not please
The songs on death row are far from sweet
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