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I see so much sadness
I know I'm not alone
So,So much pain
Rivers of it flow

I understand the reasons
Wish to help them all
How would that be possible
When I still trip and fall

Hope keeps showing itself
Only glimpses at a time
There's one who keeps me moving
She moves me all the time

Someday seems so distant
Like a mountain looming far
But someday keeps me going
Though sometimes it gets hard.
When they're at their peek of brightness

She ties ribbons around the stars

She's been told by some, they like this

Highlighting who it is they are

Outside she spends her evenings

At the edge of her front yard

Reaching into the constellations

Tying ribbons around the stars
You don't know me.
Or my unrequited dreams,
You haven't seen my failure,
Or witnessed me endure,
You don't hear my heartbeat,
Or the patter of my feet,
You can't feel my nerves on end,
Or see how my fingers bend,
You don't know my secrets,
Or memories I'd like to forget,
You haven't heard me sigh,
Or stifle a small cry,
You've seen me everyday,
Said you love me in every way.
But how can that even be,
If you still don't know me?
I can't feel the warmth inside my chest,
of a racing heart or rapid breaths
is that bad?

The walls around me are crumbling,
they're letting in all the pain
is that bad?

I can't remember what sunshine feels like,
all I know is blood and darkness
is that bad?

The demons of my past and present,
swarm me like moths to light
is that bad?

My facade of happiness and lies,
is almost see through
is that bad?

I'm one step from oblivion,
and I want to take it  
is that bad?

Please give me an answer
because I can't hold on

 Mar 2014 Turquoise Mist
You've been abused.
Had your heart torn out and toyed with.
Utterly ruined.
Thoroughly destroyed.
From the inside.

How dare I compared my pain to yours?
It's not even in the same realm.
We exist in different galaxies.

But not really at all.

It's like comparing lying and ******.
They're both sins.  
God despises the pair.
But only one
Seems worthy of ultimate despair.

So, how dare I compare?
I can't.
Not even close.
I just have to remember.
In each of us, something broke.
 Mar 2014 Turquoise Mist
When I like someone
I like to picture them
At the end of the aisle
In a tux and bow tie
Smiling at me
Like they will be
For the rest of my life

And so far,
You're the only one who was believable.
 Mar 2014 Turquoise Mist
There has to be a reason
That I can't let you
I won't allow you to escape
My mind

There has to be a reason
That no matter what I try
I am not able to love
Anyone else

There has to be a reason
That I still trust you
Even though you lied to me
Countless times

There has to be a reason
That I would give you another chance
I would open my heart
For you to break it all over again
I still don't understand. And until I get you back, I never will.
 Mar 2014 Turquoise Mist
 Mar 2014 Turquoise Mist
To me, hugging is so much more than
A simple embrace
It's a chance for me to connect with you
And share

If you're happy
I'll share in your joy
Let the happiness flit around my being
And soak it it

But not like a sponge,
I don't want to take it
More like a mirror
To let it be a part of me
And the reflect it back again at you
To increase
Always adding to

If you're sad, it's different
This will be a long touch
Me clinging to you, you clinging to me

Now is the time to be a sponge
I soak up all the bad
It's gone
You won't have it anymore
At least not in the same way

And that joy from the other times?
While the hurt flows from you into me
Through my left arm
My right is coursing with
Positivity and bliss
Straight into your soul

So next time we hug
Or even just touch
Know that it wasn't accidental
Or that it didn't mean anything
Because to both of us
It meant so very, very much
 Mar 2014 Turquoise Mist
For most people
Dying is their biggest fear
And that
Is something I'll never understand.

I don't know why I should be afraid of going to live with my King
When he decides to call me home
Only good, shining happiness awaits for me

Sure, dying now would mean I miss somethings
I would never know marriage
Or children or grandchildren
But you can't miss something you've never had

I could leave right now and be happy
But what would make me the most content
Would be sacrifice

Each person has so much to contribute to the world
And if mine was to save someone's life
So they could change

I would be ecstatic
And that would make my life complete enough
For me to leave this earth
 Mar 2014 Turquoise Mist
two fragile hearts made up of glass
everyone could see right through them both
only they themselves couldn't see the reality

both fell for each other
and whatever falls
will end up breaking

now those two once-glass hearts
shattered into a million emotional pieces

now those two once-glass hearts
will never find their missing parts

now those two once-glass hearts
have turned into nothing
but back into crushed sand
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