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  Apr 2014 Paige
liquid red ruby spilled on her white canvas
a shining silver next to a blue wrist
purple marks on her ,telling her grey tales
yellow pills scattered across her pink bed sheet
they say she once had a colorful personality
you could see it in her death too, tragically ..
  Mar 2014 Paige
Yhama ButterFly
Saw you in the distance I begin to sigh.

Fears of outbursts and screams held inside.

I'm still affected by you after all this time, why?

Vaguely I see, traces of your residue left on me.

Your touch on my face,

Your gentle embrace,

How your finger rubs against my ear,

Who knew that spot existed?

A simple touch sparks electricity within me,
how I miss it!

I’m thinking of you,

You don’t have a clue.

I guess...
You are to me,
what I am to you,

Mere 'Traces of Residue.'

~Butterfly εїз   2011©
Paige Mar 2014
Its hot in here, unusually hot. Hot, like someone who has a fever of over 100 degrees celcius. Warmer then a marsh mellow roasting over the torrid heat on a humid summer night. As sizzling as the steam coming off  the children who cant seem to call to mind anything on the test.
The hushed voices of  every student pleading for help.
The uncooperative teachers blind and deaf to the children's needs
the shatterd and crumbled kids
that would do anything to pass the class
the one soft-hearted smile of a sweet short tempered girl
that is loveliness on the outside but is demolished on the inside

That is what we call Highschool.
All are welcomed but few are accepted
swarming , rushing, pushing, shoving, climbing jumping,
anything you name it, but there will be few slumbering

The rules to pass are simple; or so they seem
you either make it or break it
but nothing in between

be kind, be strong, be agressive, but laid back
dont be smart, but dont be dumb, and always have fun
walk fast head down dont smile at anyone
wave your hand say hello and then you will be done.

**You May Come In
Paige Feb 2014
The Instructor said,
Go home and write
a page tonight.
and let that page come out of you---
Then, it will be true.

Let that page come out of me?
All that i inside of me is things i will never see
Things i will never know because I'm trapped inside this door
At school which is supposedly a place for education and growth

Fifteen and I've already spent half my life in school.
6 more years and maybe ill escape these doors.
Go back to the place where my family calls home
Or just run to a world that truly my own
But sometimes i feel i will be judged and told where to go

I'm a girl so I guess I can't do certain things
Like ride a motorcycle but I'll need to know how to clean
I'm fifteen and I have to decide my own career
all i want to do is party and forget about it next year

When I'm older I sometimes see myself behind the lends
Taking pictures of things that normal people experience
Not the preppy lifestyle or the expensive clothes
But the things that go on outside of your own world

The music I listen to no one knows
But thats fine because I'm one of a kind
I love all my friends
they are delightful i swear
but sometimes i feel like they cant relate

Poems are something I love to write
It's like expressing yourself on a different side
But people just hate and complain all the time
Of all the things they dont know how to rhyme,

Fifteen and I already hate so many things:
But, i guess
This is my page for English B
This is copying the format of Langston Hughes English B poem.

— The End —