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To a child,
The very definition
Of God
Is a loving mother.

I guess that explains
Why I've never been
A woman of faith.
Remember when we went to the barrage and had a picnic?
yeah that was nice. all those crazy photos and swatting away ants from our picnic mat. Do you remember that time you were grounded for months? and i was the only one who could come over and we'd play in your garden with the garden hose all afternoon and then have dinner in our drenched clothes. Do you remember that time we got drunk on breezers and my mum had to come pick us up? she was mad for so long after that and didnt want us to see each other but we did. many times. to have apple pie from macdonalds or just to talk about boys. Do you remember that time your mom found out you were smoking and i took the wrap for you and let her believe it was under my influence that you did so. she called me up and demanded answers from me and threatened to call my mom. Do you remember when we went for that camp together and cried like babies thinking about how small we've become since growing up in this world with people who don't understand us like we do each other? we made a pact to forgive all those people but we needed each others help. Do you remember us both crying about our first heartbreaks? It was so unfair because it was never our faults that it didnt work out. it was just never the right time or place. Thats how the universe pushed us together, we'd find each other in all the wrong times and it was the most beautiful thing. Do you remember when i found out you lied. Again, and then that other time. You told me it was a phase and its over. but the phases keep coming on. Do you remember the look on my face? did you notice it at all. cause thats the face when i knew everything that was coming out of your mouth was a lie. Why? i never understood. was i not accepting enough? Do you not remember everything we've been through or was it just never enough. Do you remember all that we used to be? Do you remember kicking up the leaves? Do you remember our plans to travel the world. Do you remember ME..?
today i lost my best friend to a pride that cannot be swayed.

— The End —