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  Jan 29 thyreez-thy
Memories hiding in the back of my mind

Feeling at ease whenever you're by my side

In the shadows, our past seems to hide

Our realities are mixing, and our fates collide
  Jan 24 thyreez-thy
Arthur Vaso
The Necklace

little pieces of myself
a bag of memories
ripped holes

an empty bottle
very empty

a necklace chokes me
enticing me
to the waters edge

the cage opens
the pearl falls
to the rivers bottom
I am no more

a love that embraced death
  Jan 24 thyreez-thy
Arthur Vaso
How many can you count
before your ****** hands
become conscious
how many limbs
must be torn
            burned crisp
that your tears will flow
young soldiers died long ago
so this wouldn't happen again
and again and again
your silence sings
more, more ****** genocide
More children have been killed in Gaza, than in the last 10 years of all wars, 50% of the deaths are kids, never mind that 100's of reporters are also intentionally slaughtered. Hospitals and churches bombed, complete villages razed to the ground.
  Jan 23 thyreez-thy
Maria Etre
If vines
get pruned
should we
do the same
to regrow
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