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My name is Thomas Bron Mukama
I come from the hills of the west of my country
Born in the cold during a busy day of labour
Joy sprouted when i touched the soils
In excitement was grabbed and held to the sky a sign i had descended from there
God had released me amongest men named mukama as my heavenly father
The birds taught me to sing though not to fly
They flew down to the ground where i should stay not the sky for i would have no company above
The mountains werent shaken and i delight in climbing them
Am a son of hardwork laid not in amanger rather in bananas
I grew to learn i only limit myself
As i stand in abilities unseen besides foretales
Show me your true colors,
You jumped off the scale of my brain
Am leaping in my dreams
Your smile hurts like a bite
It seems you have a shapeless heart
Am under wings of a hairless bird
If i die not now
Let the sun set by its rise
When a man
Teaches how to bite meat
Bite not the one he holds;
Set him for a hunt
And bite best your own catch
With no cry in her eyes
No consumption of fear
I barely have a voice
My screaming shuttered
All I do is look on.

My crippled legs eager to chase
The pain of gainless efforts
Once tuberous
The little Mega bottle bottle
A bridge so far in closeness
How I keep the eyes focused
in a move of progress
They show up with confidence
to lend a hand of help
but throw you in a ditch.
Nothing is as fair as seen
life is not an argument of
size that the fat are previlaged
and the small are to lie in vain.
it not about years that the
young are poor and the
elder stand wealthy.
A remix of a non stop suffering
a battle to fight uphill
and dance down *****.

In stands of a Mafia, with smiles
look through your hands to withdraw opportunity in the name of assistance.
Graves can't hold their lives
you're thought of as a last option
to cure you with cultivated pain
driving you from misery to terror.
The fair tales of my works
Early wakes out of pijamas
Quick sights to lament my day
My lover slept right
On the pillow i didnt buy
Come see my dream
I caught a fortune at hand
Of the previous to build
A thousand templates of mould
Judge your own wishes not of my acts
Am full of smells of success.
Look down to set admiration of my under feet
And smoke to the sky a wave of congs
Must you not be grateful better than you
Oh yer your linen cloth costs so much
Than the over coat i inherited
Bla bla i inherited luck not a job
Brains not money
Personally am fortune a son of fortunate mother by Blessed and sistered by Hope
Slash your competence in worries am a slave to non as my wisdom is buffed from above
Hello tomorrow, see those that dislike me
But its fine am off to fly far their plans
And now look at me My Majesty
Let them drown in hustle am sorted by extreme blessings flow.
The distance Is long but yet short in glory of hearts, i envelope and cherish God’s promises for our lives for a candle you have light in our lives. Why not merry and cheers to #blood of #Christ that saved us!
Staring at the darkness to this the blurred future
Thy hope falls fainted with a floss in a break of breathe
It can’t come no further the much it came
Thus no much to save over what exists not

Acapulco of worries in laments of fear
I can’t find thee that I seek nor get far from owning the lost

Show me the switch to brightness
The shadow lights stronger than the stars
The calm in me hangs for treason with bitter explosions of if nots
Stare into me with a tickle of fresh breathe a little sparkle to charge me over the darkness
inside I sat and sailed
Sat and swarm across
Yes I made it to the far end
Through the deep waves
My hands waved in and out
Front and back
But I needed the wood
To float I sailed to swim
Shallow to deep for shallow
I wasn't a star, it was a star
Water drew out with a bucket spat
Over the waves I sat
Moisture in wind over my eyes
No engine no floaters
My hands within my sight
I have a Calvary of thoughts
As I fable with words in my mouth
I least not know when to say them
Water me up so I may cool
The journey has one route
Her say is a map to follow

Make I know what I got
A spaceship of joy and torment of absentia
What wonders I live to tell
Of munchies and a taste of long reserved grapes of wine served by a tower of her lips
Such a mountain to climb up in faith such a ***** in ride back in victory

Make I temper you
Sweet sensations of algorithm
The algebra of feelings
The dance of dolphins in a cocktail beauty
A sip of yes to no of yesterday
Power me in slices
I cough sighs of gold and myrrh
Your my winning score, the coin and charm and lux over my chariot
Down the pendulum I slumber captive of my morrow
I dream without fear
And live without limits
I admire your greatness
for am born in its lineage
All happened that very day
When my eyes envied the heart;
They looked and appreciated
Then the brains consent
Before I knew it
The heart pounded positive,
Reflected a little pain
And in motion my legs approached
The mouth uttered openly
A flow of lovely ballads
All followed by flashing smiles
That was before my hands
Attempted to hold your
He that has a beard longer than the much he thinks
Tall so high that his dreams sound so short
To talk with a bass though act like a toddler
Terribly heavy in weight but more terrified than a burnt thief
Admires many and approaches non
He that lives in a dilema progress
his biggest thought stands worse than a lame joke
Bigger the size that the greatness shrinked to absolute incapability
A complete life is that of the non-living.
we leave to like, work and get, seen vs unseen.
The change to a scratch for a pinch.
Truely chests hide the heart that knows all, the worth to know there are more cries in the inside than those fore-told
Cry not heart of the brave
it's what human nature gives
a blow for a hug
a slap for a sorry

Don't call it heartless
Dwell to be happy and make
an appointment with
    ......  STRENGTH .........
In the jungle i grew
Braveness was a call. Mediocracy critized
And togetherness built!

Luck was hard to catch
Though i swarm to you,
The Deepest inn of the picture
All for one like a captured shadow.
Which waves can sail us apart
When the future already wrote our history in smiles
To the deep sea of humans my eye netted you,
My blood fused you,
My hearted stamped you in.
Neednt i have to lock?,
....You are diagonized to stay!

A fueling joy, a stripped happiness, naked money with an invitation to treat.
A fuse to swapping rejoice, a price worth paid for all the lost tears
Careful she was not to be burnt
for she had seen a fire amidst coldness
Nay, can I avoid it
she approached intense
how many more hugs for warm
no sign of a smile crossed her face.
she loved well, her tender heart
knelt in joy
seen by many and settled For one
how will it be over time
Taught to eat grass over the beauty intense
should I wear feathers for fashion
uniquely transverse afar
my little munching of trickles
she is way class of Lillie's
a mash up of fortune
she bears it all
the bright cling to the hope of muscle gentle immunity
Bren low to Bron
She broke but never melted
She refused to cry and shaved away wrinkles of tears
She put a **** smile on a crippled face

Yes oh yes Her crime was to love
No i mean to but not to see
To see not to focus
Eye of deceit and tongue of poison kept her a prisoner

She walked with her chest high
Like her heart was normal yet she had skips in heart beats
So the public applaused her glow
As her pain grew bigger than an ant hill

She said no to drugs no to kissing wounds
And role modelled the hurt
“It was a heart break”
Not broken hearted, rather broken hated

Like a sewing machine, she mended many but failed ro fix a single tissue to her own
She lives hive of honey, with her heart hanging on a bee sting
We were born on the same day
I was humble as he cried
I lay in a plantation, he was in a private Ward
Am a grown farmer, he is a stylist
my mom laboured on duty
Hers was a high heeled figure
I cried for porridge and given water
He cried for ribena and given juice
I leaked the soil as he was on sweets
I missed class for I lacked fees
He missed to have a break
My hustle gave me success, their money spoke
Streets give me deals
But gives them traffic
Monthly earnings are his daily
That my miles are my footsteps
My opportunities are his dislikes
I climb as he flies
Our blood is red, able parents,
Different levels of dreams
My caliber is well defined
As she loved to brush her face and it with color of pleasure so did I love to brush paper with ink of thought

She wrote beautiful colors on her face to make makeup art of hand and I rubbed pen on paper up side and down to make words smile at each other on sentenced line

And when she smiles at the mirrors it flips and tears joy of her creative her just like a twist fingers to marry words and make your eyes gaze on a read further pierce your heart to smile

So she is a bad *** painter on reality and her the masterpiece  and i am a boy  ink and hand ******* seeking the natural woes of earths livers
A bunch of dilemma
Over the worries i sought and not aware of which exact
At the fountain my rest is but my heart races backwards over moments
What could this joy have caused, tragedy
Burying the future for temporary pleasure
The voluntary dance in the den with the company of fake lions smile

It's the call I made to receive what i never desired
A fired riffle, a roasted soul, a crippled tomorrow
Dash out of wishes luck waved goodbye
Compelled to humility, butchered hopes
A fear factor revamped
If tears can't solve the puzzle, let the knees be a testimony
Fly thee not away
The wind may carry you far thee from my reach
See I am color I can’t see the yellow on your brown skin
Or blind me the scent is rather louder to my reach
I see my self becoming a soldier to guard the palace of the royal beauty
For you deserve to be Mines model to shine over the darkness in the mines for easy see of gold
I wouldnt take a miss if i had a chance
It would be the glorious move to encounter
Heavens dont judge me for awesomeness
I have already foregone the calvary of agony.
So i tip toe to harvest of thy lips
But thy eyes glow like fire ball shooting stars.
I am a savage hunter hunted for my exceptions
I need a companion of lillies and taste of the words of silence
I brush the blush as the heart runs to my back

She wont share,
My focus says i could only flip a finger to her lips and Angels sound Alleluia
I am battling my thoughts for they have sold me out
Karma brought me fear of shiver
Nonetheless i will explore the treasure
The ignorant share their ignorance
Spreading it out like wild fire
The knowledgable strive in silence
As they are believed to be at the right stand

Who will dress them, who can correct them?
Those that know stay put while uninformed stray the public
Their words are so hot that they attract souls with magnets of deceit

They speak with influence even when they understand not what they speak
Those that know feel entitled and handle share for they are the books of consultation
Mother didnt let us die in straying as she picked a cain to every wrong her child did with the friends
There was so isolation for everyone was a victim of circumstance failing to watch your brothers back.

Now that the clouds are darker who will guide the lame thoughts and pride of the generation that is all knowing or perhaps whats the degree that makes up what is known by many

Now that i can eat from the bowl in person whats the need of my neighbor!
And whats their need when paper money can stand as my brother and witness

Their thoughts are enslaved with anger which may have arisen from the light of facts or from a bullied speech
As they raise their hopes they dull that of others
Their survival is struck from ******* those that surround them. Did you say jungle law. I thought i had you right.

What if i cant cry to mother, will God depart from my fights.

So i live a life of them amdong the living
The souls walk with Grace clothed in terror
Dear the fallen, its not peaceful back here, it was better there i would join you. I remember i know the way but still find comfort in sin.
They do sin for pleasure and sin to get glory
They sin for the sake of the tomorrow which we have have been waiting since creation
Maybe the lame are luck not to walk into sin, maybe the blind since they may wisk away from seeing sin

What if you can remind me to remember i didnt only come for glory over the soul of my maker.
They have judged and this lasts at death but we have lived by the star of Grace. You are not alone.

Thomas Bron Mukama
#love #country
I wonder why she kept smiling
The many phone calls she made
The castles I built in the air
And her words stated me as Wow.

she compared me to nothing
Even when I realized couldn't
Get to her; her care touched me
she seemed so free
like birds in the air.

I started planning for my chances
though I only sharpened
my weapons in absence of war.

Later to find out that she was;
she truely long gone, long married
Not even that; she bore a child.
Go in peace lady as you
live a calamity in my life
poor attendency of class has
declared poor performance
The happiness of deficiency
Full capacity with lost opportunity.
See how unfaithful you have been
It’s almost tens in these past two years
If would denounce your friendship you would still have my days numbered

You chose the days longer than the nights as much as the weekends short as a mini-skirt
The year one when your mother was in labour, it must be the pain she had that makes hours rush through the rain.
Seconds keep running away from you only to meet minutes, as 60 minutes battle it’s already an hour most of which we loose and you never grant it back to us
You’re not ashamed that made many days in a month than the months in year 28-31 against just 12 months
January has always been for the streets carry the hustle for 11 months only to meet December every year
Could you make 365 days of light separate from 365 days of night

As we run to sleep the month ends by the time we wake it’s a new month
And so it shines like it never rains and rains like it will never shine
You’re a complete bully as you steal our beloved years, you mark them from birth and watch them  til death
You walk with them all their lives and never signal them about the end of their days

You must have divorced your partner, for so much pain you bring when you close up peoples dates without a single notification
Do you some times take bribes, to bless more days to the less fortunate and the society torturer’s than the those at heart and kind souls

Oh calendar, rewind my watch to the beautiful memories, erase bad touches of fear and stigma
I have seconds to read but minutes to write and the writ to last longer than my memories in the 10th generation
Rewind, my calendar 1991 has seconds unmemorized, unwritten
Let me paint my future on you calendar for my dreams to become legacies to the future
Note me with pleasure
It went through straight, it answered
Excited and grieved
Smiling over her speech
Blinded by the voice wrapped in echoes
Thought less and imagined more
I was happy she picked
Her latter decline left my face sad
Her voice promised more
Not present, absent with reason
I begged her to stay
She requested me to leave a message
Didn't see the reason why she stopped talking
Cocopine for grapes
My laughter was seen off with chao
My speech trimmed
I come to your camouflage
In your pretence I coexist
As you see through my chest
I see through your smile.
You want me thou you don't
Am yours off your knowledge
We meet in my dreams
You live in my thoughts
You dine in my feelings.

You come close but far aside
Tend to laugh to the ends of blushing
I could whistle your name in capitals
The much as dancing to your heart beat

I rest in your sight
See me through my veins
Call to my attention
My cold blood against your warm
I tip toe while I watch you
Walk chest high like a modeling cook
Slice those moves meet me up
Our favorite spot I call heavens
A place you and I met but you've never reached
My dwelling place of touch
You run there whole day
yes you can mention how cold it is
Though you can't expressly show the cold.
literally breaching my innocence
To capture your heart.

we don't count memories of love
much as they greatly shine in our lives
only the wonders of how its started
reflects its stages in flow.

Time developes it and so does it fade with it
worse than a burial
laying ....the dangers of s waterfall
tameable on probability
a nightmare of a swim on land.
The slightest light i see in the night when
the sun goes to rest.
The morning star that truimphs over
my daily worries
A mirror of positive reflection
that says to me all is well even when
am terribly troubled

Your the bridge to my hapiness even
where is no river to cross
Your the flight that flies all
the pain away though you have
got no wings
Like two ants can't fail to pull a grasshopper.
The wormth i feel in the middle of winter
The thinnest prison hole set for my rescue
and freedom
The last bullet to set captives free and
restore the dead to life
An Angel of lightful moments
A gallop of Oxygen to my injuries and an
eraser of the past
Last turn for a complete 360 in my life
A needle that brings my broken pieces
The path to the road of success
Chosen umbrella to shelter me
I live like a mouse in gold
Can not eat or sell it
Only to construct a home to raise hopes
Catch the flames of the star, my shoulder will pillow you.

Before you get time to compete, have time to better yourself
watch your steps
Around, before and after you
How you move up and down
The shrewdness expressed
Right from your lips
How you're tempted to laugh
With the dog intending to bite you
Expressing your goals to an enemy
And digging your own grave.

The swiftness you give off
Appreciated with your down fall
Your trust paid with betrayal
Loyalty flushed like trash.
Life is supported by blood
But a mixture of blood is vexatious
It spills or mulfunctions
Yet it holds the nature of your life
You can't be so secure to trust
Your own skin because the weather
can mislead it's nature
Its good to know but not to
Exceed the capacity
Of the knowledge of knowing.
Chemutai The Gold Peruth

You have conquered Tokyo and left Japan naked
With just two feet, you went and soon conquered 3000m steeplechase.
Many could have done it but you did it in just 9 nine mins with just 2 feet and a faithful heart beat.

Uganda got proud as your smile of sweat saw the Nations Anthem play in Japan. The battle so hard for 2 years you persisted, right from Tokyo 2020 you stood and Tokyo 2021 you have brought minerals to our country. For what others use blood you decided to sweat for a difference to be made.

If other robbing countrymen could bring in gold, silver and bronze than looting her borrowed resources.........I will come back to them.

It’s true the sun rises from the East, and so you rose with it. May our roads bare your name and those of others heroes Cheptegei and Kiplimo plus Kisa and may your names have the weight of victory beyond the sight of people and the speech of praise to the hearts of appreciation towards your efforts for the better glory of Oh Uganda.

Let the the chemutai generation begin.
Lovely colour that stretches beauty
Dark-brown like soaked chocolate
The well shaped head hairs
Cutting across sizes undefined
He stood with astonishing looks
Left many ladies with crippled thoughts
Each with a temptation to make a move
But his quiet simplicity blows them aside.

His body streamlined with hairs running like feathers
Built special for one though admired by thousands
His vulnerable to many eyes
Admirable in all, a token won by favour
Lucky is the buyer who wins a dream effortlessly
Out of the thousands of beings
My eyes rested on you.
You are only un compare able because
A waterfall is beautiful to one person
And a noisy destruction for the rest
I don’t need any other opinions
About my favourite choice.
For I can smell how much you love me
And I do hear the voice of your thoughts
To spend all eternity with me.
Lock up your heart and mind
So that none of the others gets to
Hack into our system.
No games played on the battle field.
Everyday got to Eat
Eating to Live
Live and Grow
Grow to study and get Experience
To get Money
Money to buy food to Eat
Eating to Live
Live to grow older
Older age with wisdom thus experience
More money in
Money to buy more things to Eat
Eat to live longer
To another tomorrow to repeat yesterday
Our lives are under a circle of changes
In our boldness we persevere many things, shame on those who dispute resolve in public their personal affairs, our call in life is to be famous but rather fame of positivity and great inspiration.
A great kiss restores fundamental memories for it digs through the roots of the heart.
But those who live to please are carried on like a flying paper over petty winds of smoching goodies whereas the die hards know the pinnacle in the hunt.
Be meek and spy eyed to sieve and not be sieved in deceit.
When you love to change positively, you live to grow positively, in our journeys the start point is the destination but many destroy their paths in light of never return instead of having cleaned green their paths that on return their traces pave way.
Good shall always pay you well though even bad has got a price. The ditches you live in life are those you will find dug by others for you.
Run a race of tactical peace amidst wars of the sheeped wolves.
Up to class all time
Most attimes the hair aint hers
Fancies good places java on to the rest
Prefers a cab and jaj
To cook not maybe to boil bath water and tea
Appreciates other ladies bae' than hers
She has most from her man but needs twice better
At home she is for tv catching up with Kardarshians who never catch up with her
Back in the night Telemundo tales
The late time in bed she whatsapps
Complains He gives no time
Half naked while making visits and gowns while home
Hunny i missed you the time to get some mobile money
Are you a spy in his life
Is that how you treat a bae
* You want favors how many have you done
you like good food why dont you cook it
wanting a bright future yet spending what you have earned.
#make the dream partner of your life build them to be as the best to suckling them from baby to never weening.
Yes my teeth on top
That was after i saw her
I felt itchings from every beat of time
I imagined i would take her number but rather borrowed her pen
I forget to smile when we met
When i turned my face to she was gone
She moved with a beam of eyes following her
Its like she hired all men to eye her front back and side
All men were covered in drunkness of her perfume like a smoking room
Her legs were fit too high higher than my approach
i would make a point through so i went again
Closed my eyes and touched her
**** i touched a wrong woman
In her toughes almost kicked with words
I walked away naked in shame
I was angry what i eyed wasnt the best
I moved and landed into a wall
For i had lost the way
My skin went dry when a lady held me by the shoulder
Her hands too soft that she fronze my blood
The other moments i left un said for my ****** had come
She has eaten my far self in kindness
Am now lost yet seen within my eyes
Her subsequent gestures cleansed my nerves off breathe
Didnt die for i kept magnifying through her presence
We were judged so early
They only met us at our worst and thought that was our best
We soared through trail and rose up proud
They sought their way back but our hearts had closed off
Now the tree they once wanted to cut gives them shade and fruits
For the learnt stand out brave
with astonishing speeches
To defend it.

We've all heard of them
and listened to the noise
they make especially when
darkness covers light.

They change colours
Each standing to define;
Bright ones for shining
Fog for colds morning
Dark for a heavy
But non changes for love

only a mixture of all
makes a difference
Come pick thy left pieces
For my brain still counts memories
Go behind my eyes
For thy shadow shines like flash light
Fetch my hanging appetite
The ulcers are feeding on your aroma
A glassful of your lip twists
For my thirst dines on flu
Take the slopping path
My heart waited longer than patience
Can i envy your smile
Its seen by many not me alone
I wish to color your dreams
With a range of roasted apples
If you tasted like wine
You could be the chained bottle to my wrist
This is how far it goes
Now that your smile causes me pain
How you walk past me makes me envious.
Hope my throat won’t suffer from goiter
Since saliva can’t flow like it used to
You surely know how to hurt me
Without even a single touch
Modeling in my face without even a simple wave
It’s the same place we live
But different lifestyles
Am high on memories, of that one day
When you said the words I keep recycling in my brain
our lives are like different colours when they met
They mixed and a new colour
was made, it lights within our hearts.
I lingered to who called my good name
Left right center i gazed
A voice i listened to, soft and appearing
To the face i never eyed
Am not a believer of ghosts nor the joy they offer
So i moved in a maze oft humans to locate my caller
Like a wise man i set my limits though to attention of what i  had no wisdom of.
How i smile to a stranger and hugged a devil
Helped a feller and kissed my shoes
To which smile can i respond
Definately i made a choice and drove a first class admiration
Now am in and my way out lost
Many more like me and you are fished any moment
Keep on the look out not all you catch was meant and desire swept isnt assurance to hold
It still alert to harm commonly the innocent abide
Though i abide more in me is fear
Fear to loose my grip on the Lord
That aside fear to be less than better myself
Facing the ultimate wrath of fire
How wrong am I knowing that Love is made in the night since God watches us while it lights
But less he is the same watching us at night

I have a fever that if i dont make it the heavens will be disappointed
Come easy on me i try so much
I bare no room for laziness nor excuses
But truth down said sometimes am weak

My faith and passion are bigger than the future combined
For i have travelled to dreamland millions of time and now appreciate each slice of reality
Come easy on me, where you see me isnot the end
If you know my past then be pretty amazed the rains of fortune shower my tomorrow
No one is responsible for the things you’ve failed to do
the “price of failure”
haunts deep but the zeal  to “succeed” is a daily doze hope prescribes us to
For the journeys i had travelled,
Souls accampanied me to stay much as to leave
Beautiful ones i found and never dreamt to leave
Though the world wasnt on our side
How much of a smile could i afford
Rather than to have you close to my heart.
Pennies can be traded not any part of you
Graduating from eggs to flying scotching memories.
What more can i ask for if alittle of your smile can heal old and bad times
Your step into my life was like rain onto a fainting seed
Sprouting and yielding in joy
Speak to me dearest for thy lips flow the best of music
Am sick of confessions of truth over you
Speeches of my winning race
Allow me change a thing about you
Your stay for eternity
I shed a river if you walked from me
Am settled with you as my biggest target hit
Cheers to the biggest fish in my net
The great hooked the batched you and I
No you didn't!
There wasn't any gesture.
Please don't wish to pardon me,
Am way better than that.
Pity your luck
Given your weakness of beauty.

You're only mad because
You only remember
from one side of the story.
You simply didn't know what you had
It wasn't love neither lust
For you don't know
Where I got the rose
I offered you
Dance to the tunes then
I wave not backwards
I am an animal
Tried to smile not to hiss
You're only sick
Because you're weak.
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