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Jul 2019 · 271
An Afternoon
Delaney Jul 2019
A warm summer day
Me, in a blue denim dress
Counting your eyelashes
Soft touches
Lips grazing
A whispered declaration
One single moment,
expanded into our personal eternity
and Me.
sorry i basically disappeared off the face of the earth
Oct 2016 · 815
a state of affairs
Delaney Oct 2016
I kissed your lips and I tasted his smile
Caught between morality and a lack of basic human functionality
But when it's just you and me
alone in a sea of blankets and whispers that graze my lips
warm promises that wrap themselves around me
until there is no room for thought
Lost in your arms, I feel my self-restraint leaving my body
I can't even begin to retrieve it.
this is an old one i never put up but stumbled upon today and still like it so i thought why not
Sep 2015 · 4.1k
I still love you
Delaney Sep 2015
I still like you.
Rather, I still have feelings for you.
In a romantic way.
And I don't know why I'm saying this because it doesn't matter and it doesn't change anything.
And I know you don't feel that way about me anymore.
But it's the truth.
So i just thought you should know.

I talk about you way too much,
I often find myself with a big dumb grin on my face when I look at you.
I want to hold your hand and kiss your cheek.
When I see your smile the world stands still, and when you're in my arms I feel complete.
I find myself thinking about us living together, what our kids would be like.

Most of all, I want to spend every minute, every second with you.
I know I'll never find anyone else quite like you. You're so special to me.
I'm sorry. For everything.
I know this all doesn't matter,
I know that there's no chance to fix things.
But I still love you.
im sad
Feb 2015 · 1.6k
a day in the life
Delaney Feb 2015
Nothing changes
You have accomplished nothing
You are nothing

Thoughts settling deep inside me
In the pit of my stomach
I can throw them up again tomorrow
But the words come back

Try to shift focus
Ignore the painful pull
Forget the words devouring your sanity
A sharp sting at your wrists
Quick relief
Until the illness drowns you

No escape.
Can't breathe.
my writing is rusty but im trying
Oct 2014 · 1.9k
Delaney Oct 2014
I fall asleep with
scars on my skin and worries
under my pillow
Oct 2014 · 785
Delaney Oct 2014
I cut myself up
many ragged pieces hit the floor
torn and frayed beyond repair.
You hurry to stitch me back together
before I become unrecognizable
before the remaining scraps are too worn for recovery.
Reassembly is valiantly attempted
but the pieces don't fit
rips and tears that no longer form a whole.
You can't find me again.
Oct 2014 · 483
Necessary Space
Delaney Oct 2014
I miss you.
The urge to reach
across the void possesses me
I desperately want to
close the space I have created between us
pull you flush against my chest and
shake you until it sinks in
and you come to realize that

But a hypocrite I am not
So i retreat
back to my own side
and hope that my thoughts
will penetrate your doubt.
Thinking of you.
Jun 2014 · 627
My Style
Delaney Jun 2014
I don't use beautiful, eloquent language
that softly tumbles from the mouth.
I don't write unique metaphors
that make the world seem profound and meaningful.
Life is short and simple
and that is how I write.
*disclaimer: not to say i never do these things, but generally speaking
Jun 2014 · 557
times i thought i saw you
Delaney Jun 2014
Your car was in a parking lot. I was immediately paralyzed by fear. A sigh of relief escaped me when a young woman opened the door.
2. I saw you in Elliot Rodgers. How he believed that women exist to fulfill his needs. When he took out those who didn't.
3. Your face appeared in a dream. Patronizing me, chastising me. Blood blossomed from my wrists. I woke up disappointed.
Jun 2014 · 722
Delaney Jun 2014
I'm very tired
but my head is full of you
so sleep eludes me
May 2014 · 654
Delaney May 2014
Life is dreadful but
who knows if death is any
more desirable.
Apr 2014 · 2.6k
you should know
Delaney Apr 2014
I can’t be the girl
that’s got it all together
managing all that life throws at her
and still keeping a smile on her face
I’m the girl with a panic attack around every corner
who manages to turn a small task
into a mental breakdown

I can’t be the girl
who’s happy just to be on this earth
smiling at your sweet words
even on the worst of days
I’m the girl that wakes up most days
wishing she never existed
because that would be better
than living as a complete failure

I can’t be the girl
who believes you when you say
“i love you”
accepting your compliments
and knowing she is beautiful
I’m the girl that sees every part of herself as a flaw
and can’t understand how you could love
someone completely worthless

I can’t be that girl.
I'm just me.
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
my current state of mind
Delaney Apr 2014
what i'd really like to do
is cut into my veins
to search for answers
about how to make my heart stop beating
how to stop feeling
how to find the courage
to end it all

for now
i settle for reality tv
and gorging myself on junk food
but the thoughts still linger
eating away at any sanity i have left
Apr 2014 · 432
being good at life
Delaney Apr 2014
special skills? well, i
write depressing poetry
late at night, sometimes.
because i'm bad at things
Apr 2014 · 6.6k
self-esteem is a bitch
Delaney Apr 2014
thin lips
fat cheeks
dull eyes
blotchy skin


and picking at the imperfections
only makes them more prominent
until they are all i can see
yeah there's no deeper meaning behind this really, it's just how i'm feeling
Apr 2014 · 623
Being Alive
Delaney Apr 2014
I feel empty.
Sometimes it feels like an improvement
better than the pain
it's deceiving in that way.
Because what is the point of it all
if I feel nothing?

Pain is better.
Pain is something.
Pain means I'm still living.
I want to feel.

So I dig
deeper and deeper
but I find no secrets hidden within my flesh.

But for a second
before the pain fades away
I can pretend.
Jan 2014 · 2.7k
I am worth it.
Delaney Jan 2014
Sometimes when I look at myself
all I can see is
I learned this from you.

You taught me that nothing I ever did was good enough
not for you
or anyone else
I would never be enough

Most importantly, you taught me what love is
That to love someone
I have to give away everything I am
my confidence
my body
my self-worth
until I am only an empty shell of a person
so they can hold power over me

when I can’t find these pieces of me
I can see your face
contorted with rage
insistent, pleading until I obey
smirking, condescending
I can hear your voice
you can’t wear that, you look like a ****
I’m the only one who really loves you
I did it for you, you owe me
I don’t owe you anything.

I taught myself how to love who I am
Reassembling all the pieces that you stole from me
took everything I had but
I am beautiful.
I am loveable.
I am worth something.
No one can ever change that.
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
I Hate Writing
Delaney Sep 2013
The physical act of putting pen to paper
is something that I try to avoid.
It makes my wrist hurt and
I collect a fine coating of graphite on my hand and
I'm bound to mess up at least once
And the eraser leaves those smudges
That make the perfectionist in me shriek with displeasure.

It's not until I force myself,
journal in hand,
To sit down and move the thoughts out of my head
That I remember why I love writing.
It takes this jumbled mess of
And turns them into something.
It turns me into something.
And it's worth all the
messy hands
sore wrists
and mistakes in the world.
Sep 2013 · 669
C'est La Vie
Delaney Sep 2013
I remember when we were children
And they told us
You can do anything!
Dream big!
And the kids would speak of
and for me,

I remember when they told me to follow my dreams
And the world seemed limitless
They say that coming down to "reality"
is a part of growing up
Did we grow up and out of our dreams,
or did they force their "reality" onto us?
Aug 2013 · 546
Delaney Aug 2013
Sometimes it feels like
I'm on vacation and soon
I'll wake up at home.
Apr 2013 · 2.4k
Stereotypical Daddy Issues
Delaney Apr 2013
Yes, I still crave dad's
approval. Maybe I'll strip
my way through college.
Feb 2013 · 905
What a day.
Delaney Feb 2013
How dare you.
You are full of lies.
Pretending that you love her because it's
"that day"
And people have
of you.
It's insulting that you could possibly think you are fooling anybody.
Anyone could see through the cheap candy and drugstore card.
You're only pretending.
Feb 2013 · 587
When Life Was Simple
Delaney Feb 2013
Sometimes, when it feels like I am drowning in my problems,
I wish I was five again.
So I could just hug my teddy bear and all of my problems would disappear.
Like magic.
Jan 2013 · 1.0k
Delaney Jan 2013
He frightens me.
It’s been a very long time since I’ve felt true fear but
He really scares me.
Not him as an individual of course,
In a one-on-one battle of wits or physicality
I would come out on top.
I have the resources.
But I see how he rallies the others,
and that poses a threat to my control.

I like control.
Even more than that though
I crave it, need it.
I must have control over this hospital.
Most people have control over their own lives,
It keeps them sane.
Not me.
It was taken from me long ago.

His name was Paul.
My mom brought him home one night,
calling him my “new daddy”.
I was only eight years old,
Not old enough to know this was more of her crap.
I just trusted.

I figured it out
Soon after he started hitting me.
He wasn’t any sort of father,
But he had just as much control over me.

After that I just remember
an overwhelming feeling of helplessness.
Years passed,
more men came and went,
None of it mattered.
My life was no longer my own.
I would never control it again.

When I turned eighteen,
The best part of my life began.
I joined the army.
It changed everything.
I did not regain control of my life.
But I learned a way to cope.
To ease the helplessness.
I learned to take control
Of others.
It was enough
to at least keep me sane
for the remainder of my life.

And then I ended up here.
At this hospital.
An easy way of life,
Controlling the weak.
Society has already worn them down
I just need to keep them that way.
It keeps me as happy as I can ever be.
I won’t let him ruin it.
He will not take away
My last little bit of sanity.
I will have
Dec 2012 · 808
The Best Cliches
Delaney Dec 2012
Normally I'd hate to use cliches
But for you, I have to make an exception
Because you take my breath away.
There, I've said it.
I'll admit it's corny.
Nevertheless, it's all too true.
It's that heart skips a beat,
I can't think straight when you're around,
I want to spend every moment with you kind of love.
You make me experience a whole bundle of cliches,
And it gives them real meaning.
Dec 2012 · 724
Familial Love
Delaney Dec 2012
He calls me a *****.
Gotta love being at home.
It's where the heart is.
Delaney Nov 2012
You managed to **** me the *******.
That's very hard to do.
Someone should give you a medal.
Oct 2012 · 2.8k
Delaney Oct 2012
It's been so long since I was broken
I had nearly forgotten what being a useless ******* feels like.
Thanks for the reminder.
Oct 2012 · 687
Received on Both Ends
Delaney Oct 2012
I'm in sync with you,
and you don't even recognize it.
Your foot taps out a rhythm on the floor,
little do you know there's a matching song in my head.
The smile etched on your face
is echoed on my lips.
Meeting you breath for breath,
inhale and exhale in time to yours.
Unconsciously, you form a connection with me
Your only tool being natural instinct.
I already feel you so close to me,
But when you say those words it makes it that much more real.
I know that you feel me too.
Sep 2012 · 656
Constant Presence
Delaney Sep 2012
The shadow hangs behind me
Stalks me, skulks around me in the brilliant sunlight.
Not even attempting to hide from me.
It's always hanging around, pressed to the sidewalk.
I become accustomed to its constant presence,
Forgetting that it still lingers at my feet.
But when it makes itself known to me again,
I freeze.
The knowledge that he is always there,
Fills me with dread.
Delaney Sep 2012
I've learned to think you're not real.
It makes the situation easier,
It takes the edge off the pain.
Everything is clear cut
When the person who hurt you is a character.
When you created them only for a good story
That replays in your imagination.

But when they speak your name,
It occurs to me that you exist.
A person who walks these halls,
Just as I do.
A person capable of hurt and love.

And when the story is real,
My thoughts are that much more scattered.
Sep 2012 · 545
The End of The Beginning
Delaney Sep 2012
One year, two, three
All of it blurs together.
My whole childhood,
gone in the blink of an eye.
Washed away with the waves of Huron.
In this moment,
the last of an era,
I want to stay.
I want to gather it,
pieces and fragments of seventeen years,
Into a blanket, surrounding me.
Close to me, within reach,
So it can't escape me.
Like if I wade in this deep blue,
Further and further,
I won't grow up.
Aug 2012 · 758
A Blurry Past
Delaney Aug 2012
The time has come,
To face my past.
The people I shared my life with,
are no more than faces.
Places that used to be my home,
are now unknown to me.
This life is a thing I don't recognize,
Have they changed, or have I?
Delaney Aug 2012
What does it feel like
to be abandoned by hope?
A hole in your heart.
Aug 2012 · 687
Cruel Nights
Delaney Aug 2012
All the nights of my life
Blend together to form one time.
The same routine,
Constantly repeating.

Until you came along.
Then everything was different.
Each night was special, unique.
The stars smiled at me from my window,
The night sky blessed me with thoughts of you.
Even the moon put on its best dress
For us.

Until you left.
It all evaporated.
The nights mashed back together
Into one sloppy portrait
With so many missing pieces.
Aug 2012 · 563
The World Keeps Spinning
Delaney Aug 2012
I went to that place today.
You know the one.
The one we went to together in the midst of a freezing winter
For some hot food and seclusion from the rest of our world.
The one with the school across the street
That we snuck into in the fleeting night
To climb the castle and have our first kiss at the very top.
I went to that place today.
The one filled with you.
Aug 2012 · 805
Light Up My Life (Again)
Delaney Aug 2012
Could you just jump back into my life?
The easy conversation, laughter, smiles
Dry up when you're gone.
My world is dim when you're not there.
Jul 2012 · 1.1k
Well I Guess That's That.
Delaney Jul 2012
It all amounts to
an awkward brunch and a wave.
Glad it was worth it.
Jul 2012 · 362
Remember the Love
Delaney Jul 2012
I know
I'm not her.
I'm not your special girl
I'm just some girl
who used to be your world.
But please
Try not to forget me.
Jul 2012 · 665
Gaining Strength
Delaney Jul 2012
I don't regret you
All I want is peace of mind
And to move on, alone.
Jul 2012 · 928
The Five of Us
Delaney Jul 2012
Love, happiness
Trust, togetherness, acceptance
Stable, faithful, unforgiving, painful
Screech, jab, pound
Destroy, abandon
Jun 2012 · 718
Delaney Jun 2012
The hardest part of
being alone is learning
to love who you are.
Jun 2012 · 619
Losing it
Delaney Jun 2012
Tears roll down his face
They splatter on the ground
Just like his hopes,
for an "us"
Jun 2012 · 1.2k
"Best Friend"
Delaney Jun 2012
An arbitrary
term, that's what a "best friend" is
The words mean nothing.
Jun 2012 · 761
Weak Replacement
Delaney Jun 2012
You cannot be him
He is the one I think of
Every day and night.
Jun 2012 · 753
Delaney Jun 2012
Devoid of feeling
I'm lost inside of myself
A wandering soul.
May 2012 · 882
A Hidden Grief
Delaney May 2012
There is a morgue in my bedroom.
Past all the happy memories,
Hidden in my closet,
The dead lie, waiting.

It contains deceased memories, relationships
Expired love.
In the form of stuffed animals, cards, notes, pictures
I hide my grief.

Some may call it a cemetery, but it is not.
It is not a resting place for the dead,
but a place for restless memories to skulk.
A haunting ground.
May 2012 · 478
Delaney May 2012
I want you gone.
Removed from my heart,
Erased from my brain,
Eradicated from my skin.
As if you were never there,
Your fingertips never traced my lips,
And your words never wound their way into my memory.

If only I had known our love wasn't made to last,
I need never be ruled by the ghosts of my past.
May 2012 · 578
Our Love
Delaney May 2012
Some would say
Was the word people used
to describe us
And sometimes I couldn't help but to agree.

We were
Up and Down
Back and Forth
Round and Round
But I did not see it as
To me it was
It was
May 2012 · 492
The Real Me
Delaney May 2012
So much to think about,
My mind is spinning round and round.
Who am I, who will I be
If I release the real me.
Hidden away I am safe from the world,
But there will be a time when all of me is revealed.
I am scared to let myself be free,
No one would ever love the real me.
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