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ShowYouLove Jan 2018
The rich and the poor, greatest and least
Are seated together to enjoy the feast
Here at the table of plenty the water never runs dry
You’ve been invited to the wedding of the Most High
His blood becomes the most precious wine
His body becomes food; most divine
Joyful music fills the air
And suddenly we become aware
Christ unites himself to us in the most intimate way:
He enters every part of us and dwells therein today.
To be so close to this purest form of love
Is a little bit of heaven come down from above
And, once exposed to such energy, it must be expressed
To create new life in the flesh and in the soul.
So often, we try to put other things in a God shaped hole
We are left empty and wanting more
Our vision is clouded, but God came to restore.
True love conquers fear, and death loses its power
It is a safe shelter and, forever, your strong tower.
We have this crazy love that transcends both time and space
And from this love; we receive mercy and grace.
The love of God is greater far
Than the sands in the sea and every star.
He looks at us with warm, bright eyes,
I pray that we would soon realize:
That love conquers all, not war or hate
And that we would act accordingly before it’s all too late.
Written 1-22-18 at St. John Neumann Catholic Church

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