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nani Apr 2014
Fill my heart with a love song,
look at me with those eyes,
Remember me when the sun shines and burns your spine.

I will count every birthmark and mole on your skin,
olive eyes,
kiss me when noon begins.

Smile at me,
broad and brittle,
cigarette-stained teeth,
squinted iridescent eyes,
look at me,
take my heart,
don't set me free.

Wander around me,
replete with nostalgia,
while you sleep I stare,
unwillingly I smile,
green is absent.

The ocean,
the sun,
the sound of your voice singing my song.
The colour of your eyes,
forest and lime,
when they look at me I see hope,
in every shade of green, you're sublime.
To those iridescent eyes, thank you.

— The End —