Listen to the songs of the trees
Close your eyes and see them singing.
Effortlessly they hum and chime
they burst into song
when ever the need arises,
they fill the earth with beauty
and fill the forests with their
sweet songs.
So close your eyes my dearest friend
and watch as they serenade each other
with melodies.
Hear their rhythm
feel the warmth of their song,
capture the moment
and never forget its magic.
For when the songs of the trees
arise more powerful the roar of the seas,
something stirs
within the heart of the wylde.
And the world for a beautiful moment
becomes young once more.
The stars dance like children
their reflections laugh and play
on cool waters.
The sun and the moon
join together in wondrous song,
and the whole of the world freezes
for just a moment, dazed in the beauty
of the trees songs.
The trees shift and sway
they dance to the glory
of what their songs have wrought.
They bask in the magic of the moment
and twist and turn
moan and creak to the beat of the magic.
So be mindful my most trusted friend
to always stop and listen
to the song of the trees.
For you might just get a glimpse
of this magic I speak of.
The magic of the trees.