Hey baby,
Do you remember when you left me that note.
It was on a pillow like a movie. It began,
"I don't know when you'll read this,"
You used the correct punctuation and everything
The woes of relations had begun and ended I don't know if this was our first time, or our second. No it certainly was not the last.
The third sentence, that one hit home. I swooned over it.
"You mean everything to me, the whole world."
From there you went on, how I'd made you happy again. You misspelled a work and it was in ink so you mended it with parenthesizes.
You made so many promises to me, to us.
You have betrayed them before and forgive me,
I hold this note in my hand.
Im not sure how much time has passed to be honest.
Two, two and a half...three...
In this time hell has come gone and returned to go again.
Ive found Love outside of you, and lost time and time again.
Now Love again.
The hole is healed, but do I open these wounds again?