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farhan Sep 2018
Reality is that I was trapped in a dream permanently.
A shower thought. I am always fascinated by dreams and life. When we see dreams everything appears real till we wake up. What if life and reality is we being permanently trapped in a dream. As Buddha says, "The mind is everything. What you think, you become". Or the very famous proposition by René Descartes, "I think, therefore I am".
Ivan Brooks Sr Jul 2018
Nobody tells a prophet to shut up,neither a rooster to stop crowing.
It's like stopping a happy person from

Nobody says to the sun" stop shinning!"
Neither the wind "stop blowing!"
It's like stopping a bird from flying.

Nobody says to time "stop moving!"
All you can do is stop yours on the wristwatch.
And you know what that means;
You will only stall and fall behind, left behind by time and the rest of human civilization.

Similarity, nobody can say to a poet "shut up and stop writing poetry and exuding spoken word!".

Who's going to write about truth and introspection?
Who's going to write stories that'll captivate our imaginations?

Who's going to spin odes in a way that the world will question a poet's source of inspiration?

Who's going to make love letters speak another language?
Who's going to write tragic stories and make it look unique?

Who's going to give wings to dead letters?
Who's going to write for speech-impaired lovers?

Who's going to give light to blind words and afix them with wings?
Who's going to guide them thru things?

Unhinged is another one of those strange pieces written from thin air...

— The End —