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brandon nagley Jun 2016
(greek tongue)

Ένδυσης της αγνή
ένα παραθυρόφυλλο του προτροπή;
Espied θεραπείες , Girt μέση του,
δεν είναι σε τάφο, δια του παρόντος
υπερβατική πηγή έμπνευσης.


Αμετάβλητος θέλεις να είμαστε
συναντιούνται για νεότητα , η δική μου κόσμιος βασίλισσα;
Κανένας πιο ζωντανό μέσα ourn ονείρου,
μόνο εσύ και εγώ , ορυχείο μετριάζεται γλυκό.


θελεις ανθύλλιο του αψηφούν earthbound μυαλό των ανδρών του, που τόνος , που τόνος , θαυμάστε τους ? του είδους του Θεού.


O ' σε ourn χρόνο , O' εκείνη την ημέρα,
sup μας μαραίνονται , στη ζεστή αγκαλιά;
Ο Θεός να είναι ο ήλιος , το φως για ourn πρόσωπο ,
Αρχοντικού για να μας οδηγήσει στο σπίτι , πέρα από τις πύλες μαργαριταρένια .

(English version)

Apparel of the chaste
a casement of exhortation;
Espied cures, waist's girt,
not in a grave, herewith
transcendent inspiration.


Immutable shalt we be
meet for newness, mine comely queen;
None more living inside ourn dreams,
Just thou and me, mine tempered sweet.


Floweret's shalt defy men's earthly mind's,
They warble, their marvel's; of heaven's


O' in ourn time, O' in that day,
Sup we wilt, in warm embrace;
God to be the sun, light's on ourn face,
Mansion's to lead us home, past the pearly gates.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl jane Nagley ( àgapi mou dedication)
Apparel of the chaste
a casement of exhortation;

Apparel - clothing.
Chaste- pure, clean not currupt.
Casement - window.
Exhortation - Encouragement, or council. This is used as encouragement.
Espied-  . discovered , examined.
Girt- wrapped around.
Herewith - with this ( archaic form ) as all these words are.
Immutable - unchangeable( as God is unchanging)
Meet- Suitable; agreeable; fit; proper.
Comely - of a woman ( attractive)
Thou- you.
Tempered - combined.
Floweret- small flower.
Defy- openly resist or refuse to obey.
Warble-(of a bird) sing softly and with a succession of constantly changing notes. ( Many who have died gone to heaven and have come back to tell their near death experiences in heaven I hate word near death when these people actually die brain and heart dead and all have different stories yet all speak of Christ and God the father and his angels and their loved ones. And colors in heaven not on earth rainbow scale. And everything is alive and has life in it including grass trees and many have spoke of the singing flowers that sing praise songs to God constantly and are so beautiful a black man who died almost an hour from what I remember almost an hour spoke of he thought they were angels singing which angels do sing with people already up in heaven praising God constantly. An angel was showing this man the mansions christ spoke of in John 14:2 where he tells his followers
1Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. 4And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
He told us he goes to prepare a place for us as he did and its ready now though most of his followers aren't ready including me and I need to change more things in life asap what's happening now in world. Anyways moral of singing flowers many who have died and seen heaven will speak of the singing flowers who sing praise songs to God as the black man was mentioning was being led around heaven by an angel as the black man asked who's singing those glorious songs..... the angel told him the flowers are singing. As everything has life in it in heaven!!! Everything !!! It's all living!!!! And i can't wait to see it!  I wonder if anyone's ever tried to pick one of these singing flowers I told my mother I'd pick some if allowed let them sing with me!!! Hahahahahahshha I'd love it!!!
Sup- eat or dine.
Ourn - means our.

Will upload this to in about twenty -30mins have to record it first for anyone who goes on to listen can follow me at Brandon Nagley! And again thank you all for support and hoping all my fellow writers are doing wonderful today if not write me I'll make you smile lol! Your friend Brandon Nagley!!!

— The End —