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forestfaith Jun 2018
The name we were given, even before we were born, before we were weaved into existence.
Cities on a hill, we were made to be found.
Don't hide.
There are the Children of Darkness too,
they hide, waiting to ambush, to destroy, only to destroy themselves without knowing for they are blind. Blind to what they are doing.
that all they do is tell half-truths and lies.
Children of Light, its time we unite, to shine in a burning light within, burning bright.
Its about time the Children of Darkness go, it's about time they fade away, down to their bones, its time we change them, to be one of us.
Children of Light, it's about time we take flight.
And do our task!
Have a blessed year ahead! Children of Light let's unite! God's people lets fight!

— The End —