The life span of a housefly
is approximately a month
Imagine if that was the lifespan
of everyone in this room,
from birth to death--
in just a month we grow;
learning to walk, talk, eat pancakes, perceive god,
light fires, play guitar, make coffee, cook lobster,
learning to hula-hoop, to snap, to use the toilet
and/or discovering your favorite shades of red,
the first time merging with the opposite ***...
all in the span of a month.
How intense must that life feel?
Not to mention the physical growth
of bone, skin, heart, feet all the way
from birth to death in a month.
I think people would live quite differently;
laws would cease, save for the natural ones,
like the lifespan of a month.
Such learning with great intensity
compact into such a short time...
In this way I envy the housefly;
the fly that lands on dog ****--
risking a shorter life swatting death
to drink some sweat or
warm up for a spell in your home.
What a life,
the life of a fly in time.