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I peered into the nothing,
and in the nothing there, -was nothing...

I meditated softly, on darkness did I think.
Straining to see deeper and thereby caught a wink.

"No it's really there?" -To myself I said, "Tis' something?"
There is something there, no I see, there isn't nothing?

And suddenly I realized that everything I knew wasn't really something and never was it new? Never would I seek again to dwell on darkness -think, never would I ever wonder;

"What was in that noth-thing?"

Never would I hope to find that something was in nothing; for nothing is just nothing. Never would I seek again to find something in the nothing.

That darkness overwhelming, that Abyssimal Sea,
And sometimes something's in the nothing, there’s something there, you see?

And when staring in the darkness sometimes you cannot get free...

For sometimes seeking something in the
                                                                ­       Nothing

                      ...and nothing you will be.

— The End —