Who paid me to read Dostoyevsky?
Who paid me to read Solzhen-itsyn?
-no one, and then me, I paid me,
for having some idea,
should ever cause such a time as this:
Synch, Long Now, novel actuality,
down in the epi-stem logic, init
breathe and fret not next breath,
rest assured,
professional care has been taken,
we all become ready to make peace,
previously unthinkable, rights, made
possible whole otherwise, other tongues,
essential utterances eventually all blend,
and we believe the algorythms rhyme truth,
I'll go rhythms tug your muse,
samesame gnosishit gnosisnot,
spirit breathes,
spit it out,
feel it being, said as good as done,
upon a certain time,
and in this certain place, we come
hear wholey all she wrote, she wrote
on the wall at Delphi junction,
your scale, measure, worth, weight, whole self.
your appetites are yours to hold true to good.
your owned certainties are your maddest bits.
A near future AI will be able to reanimate all our efforts to make sense,
direct feed historical reality at thought speed. First attempted leap...