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Conar McVicker Feb 2013
Twinkling ***** of gas
Reflects off the surface of
A glistening sphere
Conar McVicker Jan 2014
I awaken once more.
The loneliness of my mountain hovel a constant.
The walls embrace me in their warm silence.
The wind blows around me.
My container a bubble of stillness
Perched upon stone and earth.
With too many stories for one lifetime.

If you blink the bubble pops,
Shattering the illusion of safety and solitude.
In a second blink the perch is gone,
There is now an ocean.
Six blinks ago there was nothing.

For now i'm in between a blink and a dream,
Struggling to make sense of things
in a world where nobody closes their eyes.

Where creatures assign meaning to the meaningless.

I close my eyes.
The mind as real a world as any.
Where thoughts bring me warmth and

I listen...
Above the dull hum of electricity...
Above the whir of fans
Above the sounds of distant people whose purpose escapes me
Above the screaming of the cold wind...
Above the sirens of troubled folk...
An inner silence.

I lie motionless
I stare into infinity.
I open my eyes and stare into another.
My heart marks time to a third.

With this i'm reminded of my luck.
What a perspective I'm allowed!
From here alone I bare witness to three infinities.

Among these I die endlessly,
and am born again.
I smile at the thought of myself smiling,
Living lifetimes between breaths.

— The End —