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Ivan 17h
I reminisce and bring you life
you come alive
and bring me death!
Dom 18h
Even in the shy embrace of clouds,
I witness these noctilucent diamonds sparkle.
They connect the dots to ancient images,
Legends etched across the vast expanse of time.
Within the eternal gaze of all that has been and will ever be,
I still dream of empyrean wreaths and wish upon falling stars.
applause of pigeons lifting   a cluttered company
they high circle hurt  between winter stark          
apartments brittle      and settle in braver             
perch and concrete sill
 frosted  but in the sun
17/03/25 (aprox date of original observation and notes)
Dom 3d
I am dirtied by the rain,
Awash with the remnants
Remains of the cleansed.
Scour each pore to take it in
Red, blistering, fever-pitched
I can still hear the harmonies
Tethered together, unified
All in a circle -
conflagrate and dance in a sea of flame.

Poetry is both lighthouse and harbor.
It does not force the journey, nor does it
fill the void of what is unresolved
It stands in its own gravity, unmoving;

      Offering only a silent invitation:
      Will you Unfold?

There is a craving that walks the shorelines of poetry,
a widow’s walk of those who have not yet learned
how to participate in what they long for.

They circle the docks,
watching the ships come and go,
watching the light shift across the waves,
watching for something that will draw them
back home.

Some mistake the lighthouse for the flame
and rush toward it as if to be consumed,
as if breaking open is the same as being made whole.
But the call is not to burn.

The call is to move toward what moves toward you,

   to become ready for  the return
   rather than wither within the waiting.

A moth drawn only to light
will die before it ever understands
what it was meant to become.
But a moth that finds its way to the cocoon
will emerge with wings strong enough
to meet the wind.

This is the choice—
to remain circling, craving, watching
or to disappear into the transformation
that will allow you to stand whole
when the vessel returns.

For he is both the lighthouse and the emerging vessel,
both the safe harbor and the dock,
where the journey finally ends.
And she, in waiting, is not idle..

She does not chase passing figures,
nor fill the silence with lesser pursuits.
She does not betray the longing
with distraction.

She deepens.

She prepares to meet the one
who braved the waves to return.

And when at last the ship appears,
bathed in the light of its own voyage,
she will not meet him as she was—

   .. but as she has Become.

I'm but a lonely woman
Waiting at the moor
To bring home my fisherman
To Gloucester Harbor Shore

A kiss goodbye
Upon the moor
A wave goodbye to see
I'm praying every moment
That you'll come home to me

The halibut, the cod to he
The numbers are too few
Too far the men go ferrying..
Far not enough, do live

Come home
Come home
Come home
Come home

I'm but a lonely woman
Waiting at the moor
To bring home my fisherman
To Gloucester Harbor Shore

The days, they pass
A storm blows in
And not a ship in sight
The icy hand of death, I fear,
is on my home tonight

The sea, tonight, a feral force
A wild cyclone eye
Is circling,
And swallowing,
Our vessels in the night

I've worked the piers
I've raised a daughter
And a little son

How will we manage
Without you?
Without a father's love?

Come home
Come home
Come home
Come home

I'm but a lonely woman
Waiting at the moor
To bring home my fisherman
To Gloucester Harbor Shore

May the strong hand of Love
bring each and every one  of us

back Home

Dom 6d
Temper, temper
Don’t lose your cool
The freon isn’t cheap
The lines crossed aren’t invisible
Dare you to ignore the snake rattle,
It’ll strike and you’ll see
That toxin inside killing you
Has twice bitten you.
Dom 6d
For ages as your aegis
Ageless as years fly by,
Boundless beauty,
It never left you
Even as the golden sun
Fills the cracks of your wrinkles,
Steadfast into the morrow
I will love you, Endlessly.
Wrote this observing an elderly couple in a painting, made me think of that story-book forever love, and this is what came out. let me know what you think.
Dom Mar 14
Can’t let them see,
If they knew, they’d want a slice
But happy creeps upon flushed cheeks
As a smile creeps and a chuckle sneaks
Out of the ordinary, oh well
No questions to ask, just time to bask
In the warm jets of the sun
Riding like a wave through the zephyrs
Collecting as one in singularity
The me of now and then and when come together
Tethered in song as we sing,
Oh so it goes, onto whatever tomorrow brings.
Dom Mar 14
Still, unburdened by the silence
Mindful of my equanimity
Beneath the umbrageous canopies -
Where Sylvan shapes form from splitting rays -
Swayed in nature’s praxinoscope.
neth jones Mar 12
untitled   we'd be better served
like the bulk of resting nature appears
with no obvious contortional vouch
or *******  of a species legend
[ version 3 10/03/25
untitled  we'd be better served
like resting nature appears
with no obvious self reference ]
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